

The Invisible War

Published On: August 1, 2022Tags: ,

We’re two years into World War Three, yet most people are unaware

By Guy Crittenden

Opponents of the globalists’ current restructuring of the planetary economy in favour of plutocrats find themselves in a predicament. A dire one. The world is currently at war — a war much larger than any in recorded history. Yet, strangely, most are unaware of it.

I call this the “invisible war.”

It’s invisible to most because it’s not a nation-on-nation conflict. Young uniformed men aren’t being shipped to shed their blood on foreign soil; instead, this is a class war. The oligarchy, the one per cent, or whatever you want to call them, have infiltrated the governments of every nation on earth, and are predating on the general population.

Their long-term plan includes drastic population reduction and virtual enslavement of the survivors. True, it sounds like the plot of a bad sci-fi movie, yet it’s happening and World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab openly brags about it.

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Mussolini first noted that when big government and large corporations collude, we have fascism. After he ended up swinging from a noose, the old European aristocracy and corporate elites switched out their shiny jackboots and swastikas for business suits and bland corporate logos. Yet their goals never changed.

The Davos set, some of whose parents and grandparents bankrolled both sides of the world wars and many other conflicts, are explicitly installing the New World Order (recently renamed “global governance”).

Things are so apocalyptic now that even feminist firebrand Naomi Wolf has turned to the Bible to cope with such revelations as that the only safety study of the “vaccines” for pregnant women involved 44 pregnant rats in a French lab, two thirds of which miscarried.

Funny how we don’t hear about that on CNN.

The invisible war is playing out between national governments and ordinary citizens.

Ergo the predicament in which members of the resistance find themselves. Our friends and families are captured by thought memes along the lines of “no one could be that evil” and “too many people would have to be in on it.” Even when we manage to pry their eyes open a little, they reflexively hope “the government” will change course, not realizing governments are intentionally destroying life as we know it.

What’s being installed is not simply fascism or communism. It’s a mashup of both called technocracy in which AI will control a China-style social credit score system and central bank digital currency (CBDC). Combined with digital IDs and transhumanist modification of our bodies, it’ll be game, set, match for the globalists. Former investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts believes this setup is only six to 18 months away. If people don’t rise up, right now, life will look mightily like the UK’s Orwellian Black Mirror television series. Your acquiescence will determine whether you can step outside your 300-square-foot pod apartment or use a QR code on your not-so-smart device to open locked glass cabinets at the supermarket.

Heck, the Black Mirror episode with the weaponized robot dog is already a thing! Go watch the YouTube videos.

The globalists didn’t move for all the marbles until they’d completely taken over the mainstream media — something facilitated by President Bill Clinton’s promulgation of the 1988 Telecommunications Act. Thousands of media businesses consolidated into a monolithic half-dozen firms cross-owned by investors in the pharmaceutical and military equipment industries. Alternative voices are corralled today in BitChute, Telegram, and a few fringe apps that are slated for deletion, with an excuse provided by bots that post racist and homophobic comments below important podcasts.

Some investment programs on YouTube have cottoned on to the controlled demolition of the world economy and the deliberate disruption of food supplies. They may not openly talk about the millions of injuries and deaths from the “vaccines,” but many hint that a worldwide famine is being orchestrated. Some say the US Fed “doesn’t know what it’s doing,” money managers are “incompetent,” and that the government has miscalculated.

Um, sorry. No. The central bankers know precisely what they’re doing. It’s calculated. Planned. They’re working from a script, handed down from the Baphomet-worshipping apex predators about whom Stanley Kubrick warned in his film Eyes Wide Shut.

Folks are going to have to wrap their heads about some bizarre realities to grasp how all-encompassing the deception and power grab is. Our corporatized governments have the technology to control the weather. Ergo the deliberate, contrived, purposeful destruction via floods of Australia’s Gold Coast to make way for “Smart Cities.” Ergo the heat waves in Europe. The oligarchs can fabricate evidence for the vast climate change fraud first conceived by the Club of Rome (another Rockefeller organization.)

Chillingly, the vast majority of people in hospital ICUs and so-called “COVID” deaths are among vaccinated people. The monkeypox psyop provides cover for this, since its symptoms match those of people whose immune systems are collapsing from the lethal injections. The symptoms, which include shingles, are similar to late-stage AIDS patients (to cite another genocide artfully constructed by Anthony Fauci).

Only in the alternative media do we learn about the findings of Spanish researchers at La Quinta Columna (confirmed by labs on every continent) that the vials of Pfizer and Moderna and other “vaccines” contain graphene oxide that self-assembles into complex nanotech. And that the injections don’t stay at the injection site, but travel throughout the body. And that the Trojan horse lipid coating allows the drug to penetrate the cell nucleus and permanently alter the DNA of the person and their offspring, poisoning the genetic code of our species forever. And there’s evidence all this interacts somehow with 5G EMF radiation for some nefarious purpose.

Insurance executives have noted that since the vaccine rollout (not COVID), all-cause mortality has risen by 40 per cent among working age people. Cancers are exploding, along with strokes, heart attacks and myocarditis. Morticians are unable to pump corpses with embalming fluid because arteries of the cadavers are filled with strange long filaments of some alien material they say resembles calamari. Funeral homes are now ordering child-size caskets in bulk.

I’m at a loss about what more to say. I could offer enough examples of the “invisible war” on the human family to fill a phone book. There’s the paying of farmers to destroy crops, the burning to the ground of food processing plants, and even the prohibition of collecting rainwater in some places. There’s the deceptive “alien invasion” the elites are cultivating as perhaps their final playing card.

We need to fight back, people. Fight for our freedom like we fought for toilet paper.

The other side is organized. Highly organized. They’ve planned this for decades, and perhaps generations. Please wake up. Please join us.

We never voted for any of this, and time is running out.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at