Photo credit: EJ Nickerson / Shutterstock.com
The Freedom Movement in Canada is Growing
By Richard Enos
When the Covid-19 ‘Pandemic’ first emerged in Canada, only a small number of people recognized it as a tool of control and enslavement by the ruling class. However, as a result of our government’s unprecedented heavy-handedness, obvious hypocrisy and lack of legal, medical, or moral justification for the ensuing mandates and restrictions, we now have a growing population in Canada awakening to the unwarranted assault on our individual freedoms.
This has manifested into a great number of initiatives and actions in support of freedom by brave individuals and groups across the country. The website freedomrising.info hosts a directory of well over 200 active Canadian freedom groups and influencers, and this likely represents only a small portion of the efforts being made from coast to coast to stand up for our freedom and hold the government accountable.
And yet, the government continues to be able to ignore the demands for respect, for dignity, and for freedom, and appears to be planning to increase mandates and restrictions again in the fall. On the rare occasion they do refer to this movement, those in power still feel secure to characterize it as a fringe minority. This is partly because, as numerous as our voices have become, we are not yet all speaking with one voice. We are not yet united.
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The Truckers’ Freedom Convoy
The Truckers’ Freedom Convoy gave us the best glimpse of what unity actually looks and feels like. It is not just a collective agreement around what is right; more fundamentally, it is an experience of the shared feeling of love, care and respect that human beings have for one another. And those who were in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy got that magical feeling everywhere they turned.
One of many stories that embodied this feeling of unity involved a cook from Quebec, who had stocked his truck up with breakfast supplies and drove to Ottawa with a mission to feed breakfast to all the truckers for free. He began his work in front of Parliament Hill early in the morning and saw that many others had brought food for the truckers as well. It was not long before the truckers had all been fed, and so he began giving food away to passers-by, so festive and generous was the mood.
Soon, someone insisted on giving a donation out of gratitude, and put some money into a cup on his table. The cup filled up quickly, and the cook used it to replenish his food supplies once he ran out. This continued throughout the day, and eventually there was still plenty of food, plenty of money, but no more hungry passersby. That’s when the cook recruited a few people to bring food to the homeless in the city wherever they could find them.
This story illustrates the unity we are all seeking: it is a heart-centered connection between human beings, as well as respect for each other’s uniqueness. What people experienced in Ottawa is that the people can — in fact we need to — create this unity ourselves. We don’t need any ‘authority’ to do it for us. And that is why the Freedom Convoy was so threatening to the ruling class. Because if we realize that we can do this ourselves, then the ruling class is no longer needed.
The government used many tried and true tactics to shut down this seminal effort, including violence, ridicule, and deception. They labeled brave individuals like organizers Tamara Lich and Pat King as ‘leaders of the occupation’ and tried to convince us that these ‘leaders’ were responsible for crimes by putting them in jail. This is right out of their social engineering playbook, to make us feel shame by association and forget that the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy was a triumph of the human spirit over tyranny and oppression.
The greatness of the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy was not inspired by any ‘leader’ but rather by the authenticity of the courage and sacrifice of many truckers simply trying to live and work in freedom. It motivated many people in Canada to come together, onto frigid bridges to wave on the convoy as it passed through, and into Ottawa and other locations, to be part of a genuine experience of comm-unity.
Many Still Look to Leaders
The version of ‘unity’ brought forward by the ruling class is always based on control and fear, like a dog corralling sheep. This has maintained some form of ‘order’ in society over the centuries, but it has always come at the expense of personal freedom. For humans to be united on the basis of freedom, each individual needs to know at a deep level that they are inherently sovereign. The challenge is that many in the Freedom Movement have not yet had this deep realization, and as a result, they are still waiting for ‘freedom leaders’ to unite us.
This is exactly what the ruling class wants. They don’t mind that new political parties are formed, because political parties will naturally support the current top-down power structure, no matter how much the candidates are running on a ‘freedom’ platform. I don’t doubt that some of the political freedom candidates are sincere in wanting to bring more freedom to Canadians. But one has to wonder if, even in the unlikely case that such a politician gets into power, whether they will be able to unite us. The very fact that they have not all been able to unite into one party under the fundamental principle of freedom gives a telling clue.
Yes, one can argue that political systems do bring people together, but the people only end up united around one polarity or another, usually based on a subset of their core values and the appeal of the leader. When people identify with and unite under one polarity (i.e. ‘liberal’), it ultimately activates more unity around the other polarity (‘conservative’), resulting in division and ideological conflict that will keep going on until the end of time. All issues in society are perceived through this dialectical prism, and so reconciliation is impossible. Since people always have the other side to blame, they are never encouraged to look at themselves and take some responsibility for the problems of society. The individual is thus constantly disempowered. The fact that we can choose one polarity or the other provides the illusion of free choice. But this system doesn’t make us free, it keeps us trapped and dependent.
Creating a free society which respects the innate sovereignty and uniqueness of each individual is ultimately not a political matter. It is a spiritual one. Our broader mission as ‘freedom fighters’ is not any particular act of defiance; It is the promotion of a shift in consciousness within each individual. We will never get there by putting a different leader or a different political party in power; we will only get there if we find the courage to begin to walk away from this obsolete top-down power structure entirely.
The People’s Union
I created the People’s Union of Canada as an umbrella group that, rather than endorsing any particular strategy or action, offers local support to each group and each individual who are standing up for freedom, through support teams within each electoral district across Canada. Our mission is ‘to unify the freedom movement in Canada and build the decentralized human network that will support it.’
The union is rooted in a freedom declaration so simple, so fundamental that everyone can agree on it: “I am free.”
We don’t declare “I wish to be free,” “I ask to be free” or even “I demand to be free.” I am free. This declaration has profound consequences, as it causes each individual to deepen the embodiment of their own sovereignty. And once a collective of sovereign individuals comes into alignment under this principle, they will have the power to simply walk away from the old system, and build a society that values freedom, self-responsibility and mutual respect.
I invite you to add your voice and sign the declaration at peoplesunionofcanada.ca (or iamfree.link).