The Club of Sociopaths
By Shellie Troy
According to psychologist, Dr. Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door, sociopaths represent about 4% of the total population. They’re found in every stratum of society; their behaviours vary from mild to severe; they land on a sociopath-psychopath spectrum; they feel no shame, no remorse and have no conscience—and given these innate characteristics, many of them gravitate toward affluence and power. Having no conscience could be called their secret weapon—and why 96% of us shake our heads and can’t believe they can do the things they do.
“Elite” is another term for them, and if we take a quick survey of just a few, some of their methods, patterns, and relationships emerge, not to mention their insanely dystopian worldviews. The world’s richest man, Bill Gates, is certainly a club member, if not its president.
In December, 2019, one month *before* Covid was officially announced, he tweeted this: “What’s next for our Foundation? I’m particularly excited about what the next year could mean for one of the best buys in global health: vaccines.”
“Best buys”?? The good philanthropath (philanthropic psychopath) was alerting his sharks about immense profits to be made. And that’s exactly what happened.
- April 2021: Forbes reported nearly 500 people became billionaires in the pandemic year—one new billionaire every 17 hours.
- May 2022: CNN reported a new billionaire was minted nearly every day during the pandemic.
- June 2022: Oxfam reported the ten richest men doubled their fortunes during the pandemic while incomes of 99 percent of humanity fell.
Gates’ net worth increased by $32.5 billion US between 2019-2022. Some will say, “Well, of course, that’s how capitalism works, a lucky few get very rich.” If only that adage was just a harmless truism: it’s profoundly alarming that vaccines, which are supposed to be about human health, are so polluted with vulture capitalism.
Anthony Fauci is, perhaps, the club’s vice-president. According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in The Real Anthony Fauci, Fauci has worked closely with Gates for decades; people who know him well describe him as “a sociopath and a liar” 1 and compare him to sociopathic con men Bernie Madoff and Charles Ponzi. Kennedy’s 450-page tome is a damning indictment of a serial criminal: the Covid plandemic represents the pinnacle of Fauci’s 50-year career developing himself into a powerful overlord of rigged science and pharmaceutical dominance.
The World Health Organization (WHO) became the primary director during Covid. Tedros Ghebreyesus—accused of genocide, torture, and worse—in his home country of Ethiopia,2 is its director-general; he was appointed by Gates, who also happens to be the WHO’s second largest funder. Ghebreyesus is neither a doctor nor a scientist. In May 2020, he announced to the world that the vaccine provided 95% protection, by June it was 70%, July 50%. By August, the vaccination provided no protection but reduced the spread, by September it didn’t reduce the spread but it reduced the severity, and by October 2020, it didn’t reduce the severity but it reduced hospitalizations. His directives were a glaring display of malice and incompetence, but they sure kept the billions flowing in.
Power has to be the most indomitable of addictions. The WHO is currently reworking its Pandemic Treaty, which recently failed to be ratified; in six months, we’ll see another draft. If they succeed, their power grab would mean they’d be able to override democratically elected governments, inflict lockdowns and suffering and tragedy anytime, everywhere, and march great swaths of humanity into digital serfdom. And, of course, keep the billions of filthy lucre flowing in. The WHO has no internal mechanisms to hold it to account—not for the harms caused by shoddy mRNA concoctions or for the drugs their corrupt scientists are busy making now. When Ghebreyesus tells the cameras that the Pandemic Treaty is necessary so the WHO can “strengthen the legal framework for the global response to pandemics,” what he’s really saying is they need legal cover for committing crimes against humanity.
Next up in the sociopath parade is bio-tech piranha, Yuval Noah Harari, who predicts that rapid advances in computing technology will “make humans redundant.” He claims that “humans are now hackable animals.” Technology will create a “massive class of useless people” who will need to be kept happy with “drugs and computer games.” He tells TED talk audiences, “We just don’t need the vast majority of this population in today’s world.” And human rights are “just like heaven, and like God, just a fictional story. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit and nobody knows what’s happening inside them, and they have free will, that’s over…”
If all this sounds absurd and ridiculous, the ramblings of a madman, you’d be right. Nevertheless, Harari has become very influential and a top advisor to many, including Klaus Schwab, who is the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and now notorious for his edict, “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” Like all would-be despots, his ideas are grotesque and grandiose: “In this new world we must accept transparency. Everything is going to be transparent and you have to get used to it, you have to behave accordingly. It becomes, how should I put it, integrated into your personality but if you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t be afraid.”
During his tenure, Schwab has also been the patriarch/figurehead of Davos, the annual gathering of the world’s most affluent and their coterie of hangers-on in the Swiss mountain town after which the conference is named. Last year, 2,800 attended. So did author Peter S. Goodman, author of Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World. “I saw billionaires engage in simulations of the Syrian refugee experience—led around in the dark while blindfolded as angry officials demanded their papers—before savouring truffles at dinners thrown by global banks. Outside conference rooms featuring discussions on human trafficking,” Goodman wrote, “I watched venture capitalists fist-bumping over having scored invites to the bacchanal thrown by a Russian oligarch who flew in prostitutes from Moscow.”
Aren’t they a charming bunch?
Hopeful activists from the 96% are allowed to attend Davos but only so that any threats they pose can be managed and neutralized. Social justice movements—environment, climate, diversity, inclusion, equity, human rights, etc.—are very useful in providing cover. With help from slavish media lapdogs, the public’s attention is diverted from their New World Order’s assault on freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Social justice attendees are little more than controlled opposition—but, hey, plastic straws have been banned in Canada so the partnership between globalism and environmentalism is working well, right?
Goodman: “In truth, Davos Man has pillaged the global economy, exploiting workers, plundering housing and health care, and dismantling government programs while transferring the bounty to his personal bank accounts tucked in jurisdictions beyond the reach of any pain-in-the-ass tax collector.”
Those who belong to the club of sociopaths, those who are invited in, buy their way in, or aspire to join, must all follow the same script—no rocking the boat, no whistle-blowing, no making anyone visible or accountable. Just get behind the dark ethos, take the fat envelopes, and enjoy the parties and perks. But only the blindly ambitious can ignore or justify the absence of humanity, the bankruptcy of vision. A case in point would be Jacinda Ardern. A ferocious pusher of vaccinations while in political office, the former PM of New Zealand saw her popularity plummet, lost her seat, and is now a gawping cheerleader for the end of free speech. In this era of globalist shills assisting the push to global tyranny, failing upwards is a career path and one we can expect to see of PM Justin Trudeau, Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, and others, once Canadians are done with allowing them to harm us.
The elite are not made of better clay than the rest of us, but they are certainly better at being diabolical parasites who lust for power and control. To say they lack shame, empathy, or a conscience doesn’t go far enough—many are dangerous predators who must be stopped. Where their influence manifests, which is rapidly becoming everywhere, we see degradation, corruption, and social upheaval. They are very unwell and they want to become the overlords of a New World Order.
1. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (page 123)
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