The Brave: Courage During COVID In Canada
By Lani Gelera
As a Courage Coach, I set out to teach people to be brave during the greatest fear-mongering global pandemic hoax in history. The best way I know how to teach others how to be brave is by showing them examples of people across the country who are courageously standing up for their health, freedom, and rights in the face of a corrupt tyrannical government, medical fraud, and attempted genocide.
Volume 1 is called The Brave: Courage during COVID in Canada. It is a collection of true stories from the perspective of everyday Canadians who have become Freedom Fighters, Truth Seekers and Justice Warriors taking courageous action putting their careers, relationships, and income on the line to fight for what they know is morally right! These stories are meant to inspire, encourage and empower a nation to defend the right to free travel, free speech and freedom of choice when it comes to mandated masks or vaccines.
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Volume 2 of the series is called The Brave: Speaking Truth to Power. This volume of 20 authors will be all about real news and media that has risen to counter the mind control fake mainstream media false narrative. Druthers very own founder, Shawn Jason will have a chapter in this book to share his story about speaking truth to power.
When you don’t know how to take courageous action and stand up for your beliefs and values in life… align yourself with the warriors that are doing something. When you hear their story, the conversation becomes very different. Be brave, be bold, do something.
Follow Lani on Instagram @ fenixfallgirl or visit her website, for more information.
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