Study Links Covid Vaccinations to Excess Deaths
The most comprehensive study done on the mortality rate of the COVID-19 vaccine was just released. The German study published in Cureus Springer Nature titled “Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022 (Kuhbandner et al.) finds a strong correlation between the increase in mortality rates within the country and the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines. The results, based on a state-of-the-art method of actuarial science, speak for themselves:
“The results show that the observed number of deaths in 2020 was close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation… By contrast, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was two empirical standard deviations above the expected number and even more than four times the empirical standard deviation in 2022.”
Furthermore, the study found that excess mortality shot up highest in younger people. The authors noted that the highest excess mortality started to accumulate only from April 2021 onward. Additionally, the authors noted that typically, “excess mortality is higher in older people and is completely absent in the age groups below 30 years. This pattern is substantially changing from April 2021 onward at the time when more and more people were vaccinated.”
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A similar trend can be seen in Canada
The authors also noted concerns about a lack of oversight by the country’s safety regulators: “Given the temporal relationship between the increase in vaccinations and excess mortality, it seems surprising that a respective safety signal has not been detected in the pharmacovigilance by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), which is responsible for the safety monitoring of drugs in Germany. A closer inspection of the methods used by the PEI to monitor possibly deadly side effects of the COVID-19 vaccinations reveals that a flawed safety analysis is used that will not indicate a safety signal even if a vaccine causes extremely large numbers of unexpected deaths.”
“As is visible in Figure 8, the obvious hypothesis of a decrease in excess mortality with an increasing number of vaccinated persons is not correct. During periods when many persons were vaccinated, excess mortality seems to have increased more strongly compared to the same periods in the previous pandemic year… …it seems also very unlikely that the abrupt increase in mortality in spring 2021 is due to delayed or avoided clinical services, which should lead to much smoother changes or due to side effects of COVID-19 measures. This is more unlikely in the year 2022 when excess mortality increases even further despite a decrease in reported COVID-19 deaths and although clinical care should slowly return to normal.”
The authors also noted: “.. during the months with a high number of the first, second, and third vaccinations, also a high number of excess deaths was observed. The temporal relationship between the courses of vaccinations and excess deaths is especially pronounced for the third vaccination.”
A similar mortality pattern was observed for stillbirths, with an increase of 19.4% in the fourth quarter of the year 2021 compared to previous years.
The study concludes: “Taken together, one would expect that vaccinating large parts of the population should have reduced excess mortality. The contrary is observed: both excess mortality and the number of stillbirths increased with increased vaccinations.”
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