Simple Ways to Detoxify from Harmful Food, Drugs and Environmental Poisons
By Tish Conlin
I first started questioning the ethics of our food system many years ago. I read about Monsanto’s toxic GMO plants that are made to withstand sickening amounts of Glyphosate aka Round-Up sprayed on them regularly and their bullying tactics with lawyers in “The World According to Monsanto” by Marie-Monique Robin.
Naive farmers were taught the lie that only GMO plants treated with copious amounts of chemicals would produce higher yields. I, like many, developed “gluten intolerance”. I learned that gluten intolerance is often just “glyphosate intolerance” in North America. People who value food and culture in Europe demanded better regulations around use of harmful chemicals in food which is why I never have the same gut issues when travelling to France and can enjoy the delicious bread the way we were intended to — without wrenching gut pain.
The regulators are paid off by Health Canada, or whatever government department, to push through the increasingly toxic chemicals that are poisoning our bodies and our planet. As you look more closely, you will see the magnitude of the toxic stew we are living in today. Chemtrails under the guise of controlling climate change are raining down aluminum and other heavy metals that poison our minds and bodies along with plants and animals, lakes and oceans. Geo-engineering as it is called, is creating environmental disasters —many say DELIBERATELY — which threatens our food supply and food quality.
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We are currently witnessing not only the Dutch, but farmer protests worldwide against the government imposed limits on fertilizers which they claim is the only solution to the environmental and climate crisis. The global elite, with their Great Reset are attempting to carry out a colonial land grab to drive small farmers and ranchers off the land. They make ludicrous promises to us that pesticides, GMO’s, lab-grown food, insect protein — chitin, a compound found in insect exoskeletons is toxic to humans — and of course AI top down control will make us healthy, happy and prosperous.
The globalization of food means nutrients are diminished in fresh fruits and vegetables that travel long distances. Poor soil quality because of sterilization from chemicals means fewer vitamins and minerals in our food and microbes in our soil to prevent erosion and to absorb CO2 to convert to nutrients.
Toxic Big Pharma is contributing to more deaths than it saves. Both the health and life span of humanity is under siege and a growing issue with infertility is occurring around the world because of toxic food and “vaccines” given at an ever increasing rate to our kids for their “health”. Books like Covid-19 and the Global Predators – We are the Prey by Peter Breggin MD with Peter McCullough MD take a deep dive into Big Pharma corruption. We are now facing a situation where instead of overpopulation, we have a looming crisis of underpopulation in Western countries. Obesity, depression, suicide and drug addiction — both prescription and recreational or illegal — have reached a crisis point and all were exacerbated by the unscientific and unconstitutional lock-downs that started off as “2 weeks to flatten the curve” in 2020.
Those of us who are awake are witnessing the harsh reality of those who believed the lies from Mainstream Media/Government/Big Pharma/WHO etc.. Unprecedented injuries and deaths have and continue to occur — All cause deaths were up in 2021 —since the rollout of the “safe and effective” experimental injections. Package inserts were left blank as no ingredients were disclosed although they had to be stored at extremely cold temperatures for mysterious reasons. We watched in horror as friends, family members and loved ones succumbed to the deliberate manipulation and took dangerous and unnecessary injections which caused many to experience adverse reactions or worse. We wonder how many of the shots were placebos and pray our loved ones didn’t get one from a lethal batch.
The horror continues as we see evidence of great evil in the contents of the injections under microscope and in the bodies of those autopsied who perished after the injections. Many doctors have come forward with protocols to detox from the shots using C-60, glutathione, magnesium, colloidal silver, NAC, quercetin, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and even the Rife frequency healing machine. All ethical doctors following their Hippocratic Oath are seeing the harm and telling patients not to take any more injections as the effects are cumulative. We are learning that the shots contain graphene oxide which helps to conduct the radiation from wifi and 5G and this toxic substance is also being found in many foods. To eliminate this from our body doctors are recommending using NAC, glutathione, melatonin and milk thistle among other things. Many jab detox protocols have been suggested by credible naturopaths and allopathic doctors now.
We are all also inundated with parasites that we can deal with 2 times annually with ivermectin or a good parasite cleanse product containing wormwood and black walnut. Alternatively, eat foods like cloves, garlic, pumpkin seeds, aloe and ginger regularly.
However grim it may look, my intention in this article is to give you hope and to equip you with the knowledge to detoxify from the constant onslaught of toxins — processed GMO food, Covid shots and other “vaccines”, chemtrails, drugs, fluoride in water and toothpaste, Wi-fi and 5G radiation. Despite the assault on our ecosystem and bodies, we are unbelievably strong and with the right protocols, equipped to remove all the garbage from our bodies. When we take out the “trash” regularly, we keep our systems healthy and that is what detoxing does for us. To start, we need an every day detox protocol.
NOTE: I am not a doctor so please take this information and do your own research or consult a medical expert for your unique situation.
As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach, I use the following either daily/weekly/monthly or occasionally and recommend having some or all of these products in your medicine cabinet:
- Iodine (daily)
- Magnesium glycinate (daily)
- Boron/zinc/vitamin D/vitamin K/Vitamin C (daily)
- Quercetin (daily or weekly)
- Melatonin (daily)
- N-acetylcysteine aka NAC (daily)
- Glutathione (daily or weekly)
- High quality daily multivitamin with selenium, iodine, vitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins, trace elements, etc.
- Probiotic/prebiotic (daily)
- Fish oil/flax/chia (daily)
- Lemons (weekly)
- Chlorophyll rich foods or supplements (daily)
- Green foods and cruciferous vegetables (daily)
- Milk thistle/dandelion tea/astaxanthin (weekly/ monthly)
- C-60 (occasionally)
- Chloride dioxide/MMS (occasionally)
- Colloidal silver (occasionally)
- DMSO ointment (occasionally)
- Hydrogen peroxide nebulized
- Essential oils in diffuser: pine needle, frankincense, myrrh, clove, rosemary etc.
- Pine needle tea/artemisia tea (monthly) *do not drink if pregnant
- Intermittent fasting (weekly/monthly)
- Infrared sauna
- Regular cardiovascular exercise and sweating (preferably in nature)
A detox bath that can be taken weekly or at least once monthly will pull out the toxins that are inside of us. Soak in water as hot as you can tolerate for as long as possible. The recipe was first introduced by Dr. Carrie Madej and is as follows:
- 1 cup of baking soda
- 1 cup Epsom salts
- 1 cup borax (old fashioned laundry detergent which we all need to stock up on for our clothes and for detox)
- 1/2 cup bentonite clay
In addition to a great daily and weekly supplement protocol, a regular parasite cleanse and detox bath and sauna/sweating/exercise, eating a more alkaline diet will change your life. All disease thrives in an acid environment. Eating clean and organic where possible helps avoid the toxins. Eating more alkaline foods stops disease and removes the toxins from our system easily. I had the great pleasure to speak with Dr. Robert O Young, Author of the PH Miracle books and an incredible scientist and natural doctor on my podcast, TishTalk – SEdcLrszuNlI
When it comes to detoxifying, we need to focus on our physical health and our mental and emotional health. Start questioning the negative and fearful thoughts flooding your mind, listen to your heart instead of your head and take time to cry, laugh, play, be kind, be compassionate, forgive and be human. Let go of needing to be right, the best, living in fear, being selfish and believing the world is a place of scarcity where we need to compete for scarce resources. Like so many of the big lies told to us, this is untrue and the fear porn is impacting our ability to feel joy, trust and be happy.
Tish Conlin is an Author and International Speaker. She is a Holistic Health and Resilience Coach, Nutritionist, Black Belt Martial Artist, Reiki and Rife Practitioner and Emotional Intelligence Trainer. She runs a detox clinic and is actively involved in the freedom movement and in her community. Her website is and her videos can be found on YouTube and Bitchute for TishTalk or Rumble for ThrivewithTish. Her podcast TishTalk is available on Spotify or Apple podcasts where she talks about ways to thrive in life.
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