

Siege: How to Break People (even if you own crypto)

Published On: April 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

Will blockchain lead to freedom or enslavement?

By Bantam Joe

In preparation for an offensive siege on a city, an attacking army will prepare thoroughly. It will plan in advance many steps required to bring the opposing force’s knees to the ground. All roads leading to the city are blocked. No one can enter or leave the city. The water supply is cut off. Food, goods, medical supplies and services cannot reach the citizens of the city. All power gets shut down. Major communication systems are disabled. Life for the citizens is intolerable and in time they eventually capitulate and surrender.

Now imagine a world controlled by a small group of people with the extreme power to control the flow of goods, services and other resources around the world. They have the ability to dictate to governments around the world to impose certain health mandates. They have the power to require passes for travel and to have people locked down in their homes. They have the power to tell retailers to not honour cash nor entry into their premises if patrons are not meeting “recommended” mandates. This small group of people control the networks of commerce.

Now imagine that banks through out the world have completely transitioned to central bank digital currencies (CBDC). They issue credit (tokens) to the citizens of their respective nations. This CBDC is a smart contract (or smart currency) based on distributed autonomous organizational (DAO) blockchains. If you are a good citizen with a good social credit score and follow rules, you are allowed to purchase goods and services with your newly minted digital CBDC currency.

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Now imagine you are a rebel, a freedom fighter, and have opted to not use the authoritarian currency CBDC. Instead, you have chosen to live life off the grid. You have purchased land and have invested in an array of assets such as gold, silver and cryptocurrency.

Realizing that gold and silver are not easy mediums to do everyday transactions with, you have mostly invested in crypto. You are absolutely sure that your crypto is free from government interference. You have made a fortune from it and are doing the things others cannot, buy goods and services peer-to-peer. Things look good until unforeseen disaster strikes!

Your authoritarian adversaries have been preparing for you as well. They are the age-old experts of finance, psychology and warfare. And you have not been overlooked.

They have decided to lay a precise and calculated siege on you, like they have done to cities for thousands of years. They take control of all lanes, seas and roads to goods and services and place them on the blockchain. Nothing can be bought or sold unless from the supply chain they control and own, which is now all blockchain based.

They have sent out notices to all venders to reprogram their automated vending machines to only accept CBDC currency. Effectively cutting you off from buying goods and other resources.

They have gained control of the crypto exchanges by granting them bank status, but with an understanding that they must honour state regulations and mandates. Failure to honour the mandates can be a steep fine or forfeiture of license. So, the crypto exchanges follow the mandates of de-listing certain coins and refusing to convert crypto currencies from one type to another or to CBDC. So if you have amassed a wealth of money with your crypto and try to convert it to CBDC, it will be rejected, as outlined by automated smart-contract DAO algorithms.

Mandates from non-governmental institutions will “ask” that business owners and home owners and rentowners require all business be performed with CBDC only. Power and utility companies will only honor CBDC. Cloud Servers will only transact with CBDC. Failure to do so will be rewarded with a punishment and low ESG credit score.

Immediately people panic and try to sell their cryptos, and there are no buyers. No liquidity. The public cryptocurrency market panics and a melt down begins. Before the month is over, the entire independent public crypto market has collapsed, leaving people with crypto “penniless”.

No mining servers needed to be hijacked. No 51% server attack necessary. No hacking of wallets required. No hacking of hashes on the blockchain required. No nefarious forks of the chain needed. No bribing of miners. No EMP-ing of servers. No destruction of any equipment.

All that was needed was to lay down a siege. Block all pathways to goods. Tell ALL private-public partnerships and institutions to act in lockstep, and march in alignment and follow through on mandates as outlined from a class of development goals from higher up.

Over time, all transportation, fuel, agriculture, finance, tech, water resources, medicine, production lines, etc. became owned and controlled by publicprivate institutions. This small group was then able to lay siege on any organization or movement it deemed threatening, including the rebel crypto community by controlling the roadways to life!

With AI, surveillance, facial recognition, sound recognition, gait recognition, automated vehicles (smart cars), automated drone home delivery systems, automated vending machines, biotech surveillance, etc., there was no way to hide and avoid transactions with CBDC.

With no faith in independent public crypto, people capitulated and surrendered to CBDC and began to eat again. It was not a hard transition because the crypto supporters had already helped support and create the infrastructure needed for the technocratic world. Albeit their rations now consisted of delicious artificially flavored GMO manufactured insect patties. Full of so much protein!

The moral of the story is “the road to carbon-credit insect patties is blockchain”, and he who owns the land rules. Period.

Originally published at BantamJoe.com