Report From A Destroyed Tourist Area
By Don Key
I thought I would share some observations from my location in Latin America. We’re staying in an area near a popular tourist destination. It’s the middle of January as I write this — what would normally be the height of tourist season, with thousands of people from North America and Europe crowding the resorts, filling the restaurants, sunning themselves on the beach…
And now? It’s dead. Closed. Disturbingly empty.
The resorts are mostly vacant. On a Friday or Saturday night, in nice restaurants, we might see one other person, or a couple, or a family. Sometimes they’re locals. Some people from other parts of the country, nationals, showed up over New Year’s Eve and filled up the beaches on one Saturday and a Sunday. And now they’re empty. Maybe four or five people every hundred meters.
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A few days ago I had to go into town to sort something out with my phone. I wandered into two large tourist malls — places with dozens and dozens of small shops in them. The sorts of places that would sell souvenirs, day trips and water adventures, massages, jewelry, clothing, and again, empty. 95% of the shops were not only empty but had no furniture, no cash registers, no seats… just barren empty spaces with large “For Rent” signs on the window. Even the public washrooms were locked, (I know, because I needed to use one).
There are some very large restaurants and nightclubs with big signs built to serve a thriving tourism industry. These are empty and won’t survive. Bankruptcy is baked into the equation now.
There are taxi stands here and there with cabs sitting idle, their drivers sitting around playing cards. They have no customers. Sometimes I take a cab even when I don’t need to, to give them at least one client for the afternoon.
I think about the cleaners, the bellboys, the people who carry luggage, the wait staff in restaurants. And then there are all the secondary services: the electricians, the plumbers, the bus drivers, the gardeners, the car rental services and on and on.
They don’t see it yet, not fully. Some still think the good times will return, perhaps soon, or maybe next year, if they can just hold on. They cooperate with the few expats here, some of whom wear masks and insist the people serving them do so also. They think if they cater to these foreigners and respect their fear of the virus, they’ll get through this, not knowing they’re cooperating in their own destruction. Some restaurants and businesses have installed expensive sanitation devices that spray some kind of mist, for the customers who never showed up.
Most of these people, perhaps all, will eventually move back in with their families away from the coast, away from the tourism industry that the globalists are ensuring will never return. With complicated rules for testing Americans and others to re-enter their own countries, the era of discount travel and a week or two at a beach resort are gone. Maybe they’ll go back to farming, or factory work. Some might get an office job. They probably won’t work in a bar or restaurant, as those are slated for destruction also.
So that’s one serious consequence, not of any virus but of the response, the needless and worthless lockdown strategies that even the WHO says don’t work, but are part of the WEF plan to demolish the middle class, and midwife a two-tier society.
So all of you wearing those masks, and social distancing, and canceling your travel plans, and promoting the discredited theory that a dangerous pandemic is still existent, a year after it started, and only thriving in areas, suspiciously, where symptom-free people line up for PCR tests — this is on you.
Many of you won’t realize what you’ve done until some time in the future when you try to travel somewhere, somewhere down south, to that favourite destination or resort you once enjoyed, only to discover it’s gone, and the whole community of people that once served those places have left, and there’s no more tourism industry at all. By then it will be too late, and you won’t be able to unscramble the omelette. This is your doing. Because you went along with fascism and you had the luxury of working from home while you helped immiserate the rest of the world.