Reader Response: Some Different Observations of Nicaragua
We are writing this in response to the article “Observations From a Canadian Visiting Nicaragua” in your November, 2022 issue. Our family has spent a significant amount of time in Latin America. We aren’t resort go-ers. I can only assume that Chris (who wrote the article) is living in a posh ex-pat community in Nicaragua.
The lack of crime, police presence and lack of audible sirens is likely due to the fact that everyone is afraid of the police and the Ortega Regime.
Nicaragua had their own freedom protests in 2018 like we had in February. People protesting the erosion of their civil rights. Theirs ended up with over 2000 wounded and roughly 330 dead at the hands of the police and armed government groups. The police subsequently hunted down any political opponents and jailed them. The government has no real opposition.
No one is living in tents… in my touristy neighborhood.
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If the government owns all the land, and can simply give it to whoever needs it, what happens when that government decides not to?
The more we discuss it, it sounds more and more like a failed socialist society. People expect their needs to be met, the government has absolute power, and if you disagree you will end up in the gulag for months being tortured.
Search “Nicaragua human rights” in your preferred search engine and make your own conclusions.
The wildlife is beautiful, we can’t discredit that.
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