Propagating Druthers

Propagating Druthers

Image of Darlene Dwyer, Druthers hub in Newfoundland

Propagating Druthers

Published On: April 1, 2023Tags:

Think of yourself as a link in a chain of papers – not the end of the line where information stops. Now that we have our Druthers, here are some ideas about how to spread them around. You may have your own ideas too. Don’t forget to actually do them!

Consider distributing. If you pick up Druthers at a regular place, find the source and ask the source for more.

Stealth drop newspapers at homes. Do it early in the morning if you feel exposed.

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Drop them at libraries, coffee shops, inside apartment buildings, rural mailboxes.

Keep some in your winter coat — in season. Or in your purse, briefcase or car, ready to go.

Have them mailed to your neighbourhood. (I love that Druthers has gone to every mailing address in the Yukon. I can only guess the effect this has.)

Give ’em away on the street. Have a hat and collect donations for Druthers!

Connect your community and the newspaper by putting a sheet of local contact info into the Druthers that you distribute.

Write for Druthers to help make people in your town or city – yourself included – feel more connected to the movement for change.

Where are local “hubs” where local people gather? Put Druthers there, repeatedly.

Donate to Druthers to make more newspapers appear.

Mail to friends in towns or rural areas that don’t yet have Druthers, encouraging them to get and distribute copies.

Christians are often receptive to Druthers. Give them to Christian friends, put papers in the back of a local church. Speak to local pastors and priests.

Distribute papers to your personal friends. Not everyone will like them but those that do can become more trusted friends for times ahead.

Being an advocate for change is a process. Druthers is a seed you can pass around.

Think of it as a fun game to plant seeds of change. (It can change the way you feel.)

Make every copy count.

Andrew MacDonald lives in Perth, Ontario. Subscribe to his blog on finding a personal voice in a sea of mass formation at