Straight Answers


Private Or Public, Do You Know Who You Are?

Published On: December 1, 2021Tags:

By Shelly Hauser

Did you know, throughout your life you have lived in the private, but you have acted in the PUBLIC and it’s unlikely you’ve noticed the difference – but there are differences – big differences.

To break free of this bondage, this slave system we have been forged into, we must learn the difference between what private and public represents. To shift the narrative, we need to unleash ourselves from ignorance and move forward in truth.

Simply, PRIVATE refers to the flesh and blood human, the living man, woman and offspring, the one we all think we are. PUBLIC is the artificial human, referred to as a person, a citizen or resident, created by the Government/ Crown, and registered as a corporation. Now this may seem innocent enough, but by morphing us into a PUBLIC ‘person’, aka a corporation, they have made us slaves with privileges and benefits as opposed to free people with rights and responsibilities.

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To further explain the difference, you in the Private, under a lawful system, are endowed by your creator, with the natural rights of life, liberty, birthright, inheritance and sovereignty – called UNalienable rights – which cannot be taken, sold, transferred or surrendered, under any circumstances.

These rights of Our Creator, our God given rights (not in a religious context necessarily), which we view as “do unto others and you would have others do unto you” – are referred to as Common Law, Natural Law or Law of the Land and we falsely believe we live this creed.

You in the Public, as a legal person, being created by the government under the legalese system, are granted benefits and privileges. Your consent, even if implied, is required to operate in the Public which you give by using government issued ID, verbally or via signature by responding to your all capitals name. This consent allows your private UNalienable rights to be usurped into INalienable rights – that which entitles the government to act as your overlord and gives them the ability to alienate or ignore your rights. Case in point – Bill C15, the “BailIn Regime”, which enables the banks to seize your deposits and exchange them for shares, shares in a failed bank.

Your artificial person, under the legalese system, operates using statutes, acts, rules, regulations, policy, bylaws, mandates, the Canadian Charter of Rights, and/ or the Canadian Constitution” and is known as Contract Law, Maritime Law, Color of Law or Law of the Sea.

To clarify, the Government/Crown believes all your property belongs to them as it is registered in your legal name, the all caps name, which they own. This includes all your legal pensions, legal RRSPs, legal stocks, legal bonds, legal term deposits, legal safety deposit boxes, legal vehicles, legal land and property, etc, etc – basically anything and everything registered under the legal name.

Have a look at your car registration, drivers license, bank account or Social Insurance Number… are they written in capital letters?

Now, how did private people become public persons without our knowledge? It begins with your statement of live birth which is recorded in the hospital when you are born. In our ignorance, our identities are stolen by the Government/Crown as they take an extract from that information to create a legal PERSON, appertained as a Certificate of Birth, aka a Birth Certificate. To differentiate, the name is written in all capital letters, ie. JIM PAUL DOE and this legal name, which is owned by the Government/Crown, not you, becomes your PUBLIC person or moniker. The Strawman.

Why would they do this?

To fully grasp this, you must first understand and accept that the Government/Crown is more akin to a mafia than working for you and at this point in history, I think we can agree, this has become crystal clear.

Your birth certificate, which creates your ‘person’, is registered in the Vital Statistics office and is given a revenue receipt number to be used by the Treasury as a bond. This is so you can be used as collateral for the Government/Crown to acquire debt. Your labor, time and energy backs up the National Debt as you are traded on the open bond market. You are in essence, chattel. Remember this is done without your consent or knowledge.

At this point you may be wondering, “has my own government sold my title and right to my name, for profit on the open market to unknown parties? Yes, yes, yes they have. Were you fully informed of this bond selling transaction? Of course not, hence the fraud or misrepresentation.

Look at your birth certificate, why does it have a registration number and a Revenue receipt? Whose signature is on the Birth Certificate? Is it your signature of consent?

(In British Columbia, up until the 1980’s the Birth Certificate was stamped on the back with a Revenue Receipt number for Treasury use only.)

No government has ever disclosed all the facts of any contract with you.

If the people knew they are Private – not Public, with private rights superseding Public government, the people could rebel and expose the magnitude of Public wrong doings.