Position Paper: Vaccine Immunity Passports
By Ted Kuntz,
Any action that would require Canadians to produce a ‘Vaccine Immunity Passport’ or similar documentation to pursue life, liberty and happiness is unconstitutional and a deeply disturbing violation of our Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms.
No Medical Justification
Just as the various governments in Canada have failed to provide verifiable medical and scientific evidence to warrant the unprecedented lockdowns and other measures instated in response to the purported COVID pandemic, any requirement to produce documentation of COVID vaccine compliance is unjustified and without medical or scientific merit. The justification to impose a system of control based on partaking in a medical treatment is that those who have received the product are assumed to be rendered immune from infection and therefore will not contribute to the spread of disease. At this time the scientific evidence does not support such belief. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) writes: “None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.” The BMJ article quoted Tal Zaks, chief medical officer at Moderna, stating “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission.”
It should be noted that a system of COVID vaccination documentation to access travel is not supported by the World Health Organization. The WHO’s position, as stated on March 8, 2021, is that national authorities should not impose proof of COVID-19 vaccination as a condition for international travel. This is because the efficacy of vaccines in preventing transmission is not yet known. Nor is the length of effectiveness of the numerous COVID vaccines currently available under emergency use authorization.
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The WHO also acknowledges that “there are real, practical and ethical considerations” with vaccine certification including “inequity and unfairness.” Dr Mike Ryan with the WHO states – “This is a very important societal discussion and I think we need to be very careful.”
COVID Shots Do Not Function as a Vaccine
It is misrepresentation to call these medical products ‘vaccines’. COVID shots do not function in the manner of traditional vaccine products. These shots are more accurately described as ‘medical devices’ in that they function through the injection of synthetic genetic technology. The long-term safety and efficacy consequences of injecting this never-before-used genetic technology is unknown. Canadians receiving COVID vaccinations are participating in human experimentation and truly informed consent is not possible.
The claimed benefit of the COVID shot is a reduction in the severity of symptoms in the individual if infection occurs. There is no verified evidence that these shots contribute to the protection of the community or population immunity. The failure to contribute to community benefit renders invalid any argument that the COVID shot ought to be mandated for ‘the greater good’.
Of greater concern is that these rushed-to-market coronavirus vaccine products have not completed formal safety testing protocols. The results of Phase III safety trials will not be reported until 2022/23 (Moderna 2022, Pfizer 2023). To compel the utilization of a product that is classified as ‘experimental’ is not only immoral, it may well be criminal. The fact that COVID -19 shot manufacturers have demanded and been granted legal indemnity for any harm or injuries caused by their products is a strong indicator of their potential to cause harm.
Violation of Rights and Freedoms
The most significant consequence of a system of coercion to promote vaccine compliance is the violation of our Charter rights and freedoms. The intention of such a passport would be to arbitrarily restrict access to travel and services of those individuals not partaking in this human experiment. Such arbitrary restrictions have no place in a free and democratic society. These coercive measures also violate Section 7 i.e. security of the person, which includes the right to control one’s own bodily integrity.
Those advocating for vaccine compliance passports are complicit in supporting coercive measures to compel vaccination upon unwilling and vaccine risk aware citizens. This is a violation of the most basic foundations of ethical medicine. It is untenable that anyone would seek to replace the right of informed consent by eliminating individual choice and replacing it with an obligation to vaccinate under duress of exclusion from participating fully in society.
The right to informed consent is legally guaranteed under provincial legislation and is acknowledged in international covenants such as the Universal Declarations of Bioethics and Human Rights, and the Nuremberg Code drafted in response to the medical abuses of the Nazi regime.
The Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights describes consent as follows: “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.”
The Nuremberg Code describes informed voluntary consent as “the person involved… should be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.”
COVID vaccine compliance passports are a coercive and unconscionable violation of the rights and freedoms of Canadians. Vaccine passports clearly function as a mechanism of coercion rather than as a measure of health. There is absolutely no justification that could possibly legitimize this violation of our rights and freedoms.
Vaccine Choice Canada will leverage all of its resources to prevent this violation of individual rights, medical choice and bodily sovereignty, as well as the creation of system that can be justifiably labelled a medical apartheid.
Ted Kuntz is the President at VaccineChoiceCanada.com
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