POLL: Support For Vaccine Passports Has Collapsed
By Spencer Fernando | SpencerFernando.com
A mere 25% support continued vaccine passports, down from 70% last year.
Canadians have shifted their views dramatically when it comes to vaccine passports.
According to a new Angus Reid survey, just 25% of Canadians want vaccine passports to continue.
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To get a sense of the shift, 70% supported them in September of 2021.
Support for mask mandates has also dropped dramatically.
From a height of 86% support in November 2020, to 72% in February 2022, just over half (51%), support mask mandates now.
Social pressure
There was clearly an element of social pressure involved in previous surveys.
We all knew that many people were claiming to support restrictions and mandates because they thought it’s what everyone else was doing, even as many didn’t personally follow the policies they claimed to support.
Now, there is an increasing convergence between what people actually feel, and how they are answering surveys, due to the fear-based environment having lessened somewhat — despite Liberal government attempts to keep it going.
Of note, while 51% respondents say they would support mask mandates, 54% say they rarely or never wear a mask indoors around others. 17% say sometimes, leaving just 29% who wear a mask indoors “all the time” or “most of the time.”
Support for travel restrictions is even lower, as Canadians move on
With the Liberals still mulling over continued travel restrictions, just 14% of Canadians want travel restrictions brought back.
Clearly, Canadians are moving on from the pandemic mindset.
People recognize that there is still risk, but that risk must be managed on the individual level, with each of us choosing the level of risk we are comfortable with. The government shouldn’t be making those decisions.
Unfortunately, the authoritarian Trudeau Liberals remain addicted to the power that pandemic fear enabled them to grab, and are unwilling to give it up.
They continue to do everything they can to perpetuate the fear-based mindset, and continually muse about reimposing draconian restrictions in the supposed ‘next wave.’
Further, the Liberals have reimposed random testing at airports, and previous vaccine mandates have contributed to a large-scale loss of staff that has caused extensive travel chaos.
As if that’s not enough, the Liberals continue to push the ArriveCan app, and are making it permanent, the clearest example yet of how corrupt authoritarians will use a temporary crisis to push for a long-term assault on our rights and freedoms.
With Canadians moving on while the Liberals refuse to do so, the only thing that will get Canada fully back to normal is for the Liberals to be defeated and removed from power entirely.
Originally published at: www.SpencerFernando.com