Physicians Call For The Immediate Halt Of Mass Vaccination In Schools
Dear Editor,
We are writing on behalf of Concerned Parents Saskatchewan (CPSK) about a Saskatchewan story which has serious ramifications for the children and families of our nation. In this era of COVID, all Canadians share the concerns about censorship that disallows the facts to be known, coercion (albeit subtle and hidden) which has become the norm as opposed to the freedom to choose, and how it all affects our children to their detriment.
I am writing to let you know of our grave concerns about the collusion of the school system and the Saskatchewan government to inoculate children aged 13-18 with an unnecessary and unsafe product without proper and fully informed parental consent. As far as we know, our province is the only jurisdiction in Canada that is doing this with the full cooperation of the school boards. One exception is the Catholic School Board in Saskatoon which has decided NOT to allow the SHA to use their schools as vaccine clinics for the Pfizer-BioNTech experimental gene-altering therapy. For that, we can all be thankful.
To date, over 50,000 children have been convinced to take the inoculation. We have only a few more weeks before the new school term begins to stop the government from using our schools to continue mass vaccinating the rest of the 90,000 children in Saskatchewan.
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We need to get the word out to everyone everywhere about the need to stop this from happening. We hope that you can help us to accomplish this goal.
In the video featured on Faytene Grassechi’s FB page, “Speaking to the Issues Shaping Our Nation”, a few members of our group were interviewed. Emily Gillies, a mother of two teenagers affected by this vaccination program, spoke eloquently about the situation in our province which belies the SHA’s statement that this is a “voluntary vaccine”, and that children ought to consult their parents before getting the shot. This is far from the truth, as incentives of all kinds are being offered to motivate the children to get the jab. Especially poignant is the story of Evan Bykowy, an 18 year old high school student who was arrested twice for exercising his freedom of speech by alerting his schoolmates that they indeed do have the choice to decline the vaccine, if that is what they have decided to do.
Many of us have written to the Premier, the Minister of Health, and other government officials, all to no avail. As you know, Dr. Francis Christian, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, and Dr. Chong Wong have all spoken out at the press conferences hosted by Eylon Mogilner, the coordinator of our group.
One more thing: as a health professional married to a practising physician, I can understand in part the reluctance of so many medical doctors and professionals to speak out. Case in point is what happened to Dr. Christian when he was suspended for speaking truth to power. After much thought and consideration, I decided to write a comment to Preston’s Page (the blog page of the Dean of Medicine – Dr. Preston Smith) in which he totally disregarded Dr. Christian’s valid points presented in a statement to his colleagues. In case you are interested, I have attached a copy of my rather lengthy comment to encourage the Dean to re-evaluate his condemnation of Dr. Christian, calling for him to be reinstated, and suggesting that the Dean host a roundtable discussion with people from both sides of the argument.
On behalf of all the thousands of members of Concerned Parents Saskatchewan, I am appealing to you to help us issue an urgent call to action. Only a few short weeks remain before children will be targeted again with the next round of inoculations.
Our group is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram. We also have a website: which will lead you to our bitchute channel with videos on the press conferences we have held with a number of physicians calling for the immediate halt of mass vaccination in schools.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Maylane Wong, B.Sc.Pharm.
Dr. Chong Y. Wong, MD, CCFP
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