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Parents, It’s Time to Take a Stand

Published On: September 1, 2023Tags: ,

Exposed Agenda: Destroy the Children, Destroy the Future!

By Geraldine Power & Michelle Zeh

When did it become the norm to exclude parents from their children’s upbringing? Are we really okay with this ‘new normal’ of The State raising our children and taking away parental rights? This is unnatural. Nobody has a child’s best interest at heart more than their parents. Why is the education system now keeping parents out of the classroom? Is it because parents are getting in the way of this outrageous agenda? Let’s hope so, because that is a parent’s job: To stand in the way of anything and everything that could cause harm to their precious children.

Compassion, love, and parental guidance are what every child needs to see them through their awkward developmental stages, not having their heads filled with bizarre affirmations from outside sources that they may have been ‘born wrong’ and need drugs and/or surgery to FIX them. As if the dark reality of online predators, rampant child abduction, trafficking and abuse weren’t enough, we are now witnessing the execution of a worldwide agenda to destroy humanity through the psychological manipulation of our children. As you are reading this, governments around the world, spurred on by unelected, international organizations and lobby groups — United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), World Economic Forum (WEF) — are pushing this no longer hidden, but strategically planned and orchestrated agenda: destroy the children, destroy the future.

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An intentional attack on our children

These powerful organizations have been openly promoting the sexualization of our children and trying to normalize and legalize pedophilia, going as far as relabeling pedophiles as “Minor Attracted Persons.” They have even infiltrated the Pride movement, most blatantly through the promotion of Drag Queens reading inappropriate stories and performing provocative dances in libraries, schools and churches. Even more troubling is the fact that the government is using our tax dollars to fund these activities, while the police stand guard in active defence of the performers, and in some cases, arresting those in opposition. This generation of children is being frequently & overtly exposed to unacceptable, explicit sexual content. Entertainment that used to be reserved for nightclubs, is now not only on full display for children, but often encourages their participation. How confusing for them!

Increasingly, over the last three years, innocent children have been psychologically manipulated and traumatized in so many different ways. First, they were isolated at home and kept from their friends and social activities for months. Then, they finally returned to school, only to be masked, intimidated and isolated on a whole new level, while being convinced that they were disease carriers that could kill their grandparents. The full extent of this psychological damage will likely not be known for years to come.

If that wasn’t enough, the government then mandated (a mandate is not a law) that children could not participate in team sports unless they received an experimental shot, which we now know has caused countless adverse reactions and deaths. We saw grieving parents recounting heartbreaking stories of regret after the sudden death of their previously healthy child. Don’t try and tell those parents it was for the greater good! Interestingly, ‘experts’ admitted that the vaccinated could contract and pass on the virus at the same rate as the unvaccinated, to the extent that they were still required to maintain social distancing and wear masks. It was all pushed under the guise of protecting children from a virus that was never isolated. (see: — click “Covid-19 FOI Responses”).

A bigger picture view

Was it part of the agenda all along to pile on the physical and mental trauma, making it even more unbearable for already struggling, prepubescent children? Create a crisis and then offer a (pre-planned?) solution that would appear to take all the pain away? Maybe you were just ‘born wrong’ and once that is rectified, everything will be fine. Why create confusion in a child’s brain where there was most likely none to start with? They should be taught that there is no one way to be a boy or a girl: there are masculine girls and effeminate boys. They do not need to change their gender based on their likes and dislikes. Instead of addressing gender dysphoria on a case by case basis, this ideology is being thrown at ALL kids, and at far too young an age for them to process in a meaningful way. So, how can they possibly be allowed to make the decision to change their sex when they have no idea what that really means for them in the long run? It has become so confusing for young children, that some are choosing neither he, she or they, but instead, something outside of their own SPECIES! Believe it or not, there are children in our school system who identify as animals. This has caused healthy, young people to go from not only being dehumanized, terrorized, isolated and shamed, to also being confused, fearful and uncertain of their very identity.

Why has sexual content become such a dominant focus in our education system? Is this agenda creating gender dysphoria and mental health issues under the guise of acceptance and inclusion? Children are told that simply by saying so, they can change their gender or even species. Does this sound rational to you? Children are making irreversible, life-altering decisions without the very necessary parental guidance. School boards all over the country have been implementing an agenda of sexual content (SOGI – Sexual Orientation Gender Identity) that is arguably far beyond the scope of the education system. Then, when provinces push back, (as in the case of the New Brunswick Premier, who disagreed with the mainstream) they are attacked by the media as well as the federal government. There are school boards, like Ottawa-Carleton, who have informed their teachers that LGBTQ+ identities should be embedded in the “overall learning environment” and are not “open to debate or selective participation.” There should always be room for debate!

During the previous school year, parents were hearing from their young children, that books depicting inappropriate sexual content like anal sex, masturbation and pedophilia were made available to them. At a school in Nova Scotia, it was reported that children were being exposed to sex toys at a school-sanctioned extra-curricular club. Why is it acceptable for sex toys to be passed around to a group of children at school when th same behaviour would be considered criminal outside of the school setting? Once parents became aware, they went to the police only to be told it was “not in their jurisdiction.” This year, some Canadian school boards will begin the practice of referring to children as they/them until the child decides their preference. Can you believe that parents will not be informed of this decision? Why are parents being kept out of the conversation? If what is occurring at school is in the best interest of the child, there should be no problem sharing it with parents.

Big push for child gender reassignment

Why is there such a big push for gender reassignment in children? Especially when considering that drugs and surgery cause irreversible damage — infertility, sexual dysfunction, scars, physical and mental issues — not to mention commitment to lifelong medications (with unknown long-term side effects) is no small matter. This is often not well explained to the child or their parents before treatment begins. And nobody wants to talk about the rising cases of suicide! Adding in the likelihood of a shortened life span, it all seems so senseless when studies have shown that in the vast percentage of cases, puberty itself resolves gender dysphoria. Puberty is the cure and they are blocking it! Why? Could it be that the Trans Agenda is big business?

Who is benefiting from the sale of these drugs and the surgeries? This is creating lifelong customers for Big Pharma! More and more young people who went through the transition process are now de-transitioning, never to be the same again and some are rightfully suing their doctors for negligence! They are stepping forward to tell their stories at school boards and government meetings everywhere, wondering why they were allowed to mutilate their bodies when they weren’t even old enough to drive a car or get a tattoo. Some are managing to salvage their lives, but many continue to suffer physical pain and mental turmoil. They are sounding the warning bells and trying to stop this from happening to other children, only to be dismissed or censored at every turn. Why?

Parents are rising up

They have had enough. They do not want their child to be the next one telling their regretful story and enduring lifelong pain that comes with a decision that could have been avoided if they, as parents, had been involved. They are wise to this agenda. They will no longer be kept out of conversations that have such huge impacts in their child’s life. People from all walks of life: Muslims, Christians, Teachers, LGBTQ+ members, Veterans (to name a few) are finally standing up against this attack on our children. We will not accept this agenda being pushed by public servants. Remember; they work for us. Society is uniting to protect the children and put a stop to this insanity!

What will YOU do?

Being a bystander is no longer an option. By doing nothing you are giving your consent. Look to the adults and children already speaking out and standing up to the government right now. One individual, Gordon James Berry Jr. (see: Facebook) is traveling across Canada to raise awareness. The group “1 Million March 4 Children” is organizing a Canada Wide March planned for September 20. This is an opportunity to get involved.

Individually, educate yourself on this agenda and talk to other parents and other like-minded people. Form groups, go to school board meetings and council meetings, ask questions, voice your concerns (see links below) and most of all, don’t back down! You have a right to be included in your child’s education. You are not alone. We are many. Get involved.

Children are the future, it is our duty to protect them. Does anything matter more?

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