News From Around The World


News From Around The World – June 2022

Published On: June 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

By Paul Bennett

Irish MEP criticizes role of NATO and EU Sanctions Against Russia

An Irish Member of the European Parliament (MEP) has strongly condemned the European Union (EU) over their stance on the war in Ukraine. Clare Daly is a member of the Independent 4 Change grouping in the Parliament.

During a parliament debate discussing EU sanctions on Russia, Daly unleashed some truth bombs in her speech by saying: “I would love colleague Dzhambazki to tell me any circumstance in which NATO has played a productive role or delivered peace anywhere. History has taught us that sanctions do not end military conflict, they do not bring peace. They make the people suffer, not the oligarchs, the people. The people of Russia, the people of Europe, and they’re not going to save lives, because the more arms you pump into Ukraine, the more the war will be prolonged, the more Ukrainians will die. And it might sound radical, colleagues but the answer to war is not more war, it’s peace and peace isn’t delivered by the barrel of a gun, it is delivered by diplomacy, and by dialogue.”

The MEP finished by adding: “You can wish away your continent’s history, but we share a continent with Russia. We will sit down with Russia, there will be a negotiated peace and this organization should be promoting it earlier, rather than delaying it and making sure that more Ukrainians die. Your feigning of sympathy rings hollow. It makes me sick, to be honest with you.”

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This is not the first time that Clare Daly has stood up against the status-quo. In 2013, Daly made a speech in the Irish Parliament heavily criticizing the insincerity and hypocrisy of then President Barack Obama during his visit to Ireland. In her speech Daly said: “Is this person going for the hypocrite of the century award?

“Because we have to call things by their right names, and the reality is that by any serious examination, this man is a war criminal. He has just announced his decision to supply arms to the Syrian opposition, including jihadists, which will fuel the destabilization of the region, continue to undermine secularism, and set back conditions for women.”

“This is a man who has facilitated a 200% increase in the use of drones, which have killed thousands of people including hundreds of children.”

In her speech full of home truths, Daly poked fun at the nauseating adoration that surrounded Obama’s visit to Ireland by adding: “There has been unprecedented slobbering over the Obama family to which the nation has been exposed in recent days. It is difficult to decide which is worse. The outpourings of President Obama and his wife or the sycophantic fawning over them by the political establishment and sections of the media.”

As expected from the chattering classes, when one speaks the truth and goes against the current narrative, the tough-minded Irishwoman received heavy criticism from some media outlets and political circles in Ireland regarding her stance on the conflict in Ukraine.

They say hard times create strong men. As evidenced by MEP Clare Daly, hard times create even stronger women!

German MEP Speaks Out Against the Sinister WHO ‘Pandemic’ Treaty

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Christine Anderson gave a stark warning that the proposed power grab of the WHO ‘Pandemic’ Treaty is …“A direct attack on the rule of the people by the people.”

In early December of 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a news release on their official website stating: “In a consensus decision aimed at protecting the world from future infectious diseases crises, the World Health Assembly today agreed to kickstart a global process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.”

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the WHO with a strong focus on setting policies within the organization.

“The intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) will hold its first meeting by March 1, 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by August 1, 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will also hold public hearings to inform of its deliberations; deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023; and submit its outcome for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024.”

On May 2 in Strasbourg, Christine Anderson passionately pleaded to lawmakers and EU citizens to denounce the proposals by the WHO by saying: “Mr President, dear colleagues, you might not be aware, but the abolition of democracy by the global elites continues.” On March 3, the EU commission was authorized by the Council to renegotiate the Treaty with the World Health Organization on behalf of the Member States. Under the guise of improving global pandemic responses, the plan is to allow the WHO to seize executive governance powers of the Member States in the case of a pandemic. Granting governance powers to a non-elected body is the exact opposite of democratic recourse and takes away any possibility for the people to hold officials accountable.

“This amounts to no less than disenfranchising the people. We, as elected representatives by the people for the people, must not allow this to happen. I am imploring you: do what you were elected to do. Look into this and protect the rights of the people; the people were elected to act in their best interest.”

“And to all the people of Europe, I would like to say, start acting now, write to your MEPs, let them know you will not tolerate to be stripped of your rights to democratic recourse, let them know that any MEP supporting this or voting for this will never get your vote again.”

The courageous German MEP who continues to be a thorn in the side against the globalist agenda also stated that the treaty “aims to give the WHO de facto governing power over its member states in the event of a pandemic, without involvement or consultation with national governments or national parliaments.”

She added: “The plan, for anyone who can use [their] thinking skills, is easy to see through. A democratically non-legitimized body, into which the richest of the superrich buy their way through donations, is to decide in the future whether a pandemic exists, in order to then directly take over governmental power.”

Many people will not have heard of the planned WHO ‘Pandemic’ Treaty highlighted by Christine Anderson. There are many reasons why the non-elected bureaucrats in the WHO and other international agencies involved want to rubber stamp this treaty quickly and under the radar for future generations before the public wakes up to their disingenuous motives.

Indian Supreme Court Rules Against Mandatory Vaccinations

In early May, a landmark Supreme Court judgment ruled that no individual should be forced to get vaccinated in India and also strongly advised that adverse reactions from the jabs be documented into the public sphere.

The Supreme Court ruling was delivered in response to a petition filed by Dr Jacob Puliyel. Dr Puliyel fought against mandatory vaccinations, demanded public disclosure about the vaccine clinical trials and filed a plea for adverse reactions experienced postvaccination to be documented on an accessible monitoring system.

According to Indian News Channel NDTV: “A petition by Jacob Puliyel, a former member of the National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), had argued that states mandating vaccination for accessing benefits or services is a violation of citizens’ rights, and therefore, unconstitutional. The petition called for clinical trial data of covid vaccines to be made public and alleged that vaccines being administered had not been adequately tested for safety or efficacy and were licensed under emergency use authorisation without trial data being disclosed to the public.”

The Supreme Court ruled that, “Considering bodily autonomy, bodily integrity is protected under Article 21. No one can be forced to get vaccinated.” Article 21 of the Indian Constitution gives protection of life and personal liberty to citizens.

The Court also ruled against vaccine mandates in public places by stating, “As long as covid numbers are low, no restriction should be placed on individuals from accessing public areas and the same should be recalled if such restrictions are in place.

Supreme Court Justices LN Rao and BR Gavai strongly requested that data from the covid vaccine trials and for adverse reactions from the jabs to be made public. The court said, “Regarding segregation of vaccine trial data, subject to the privacy of individuals, all trials already conducted and to be subsequently conducted, all data must be made available to the public without further delay.”

Justice Rao added: “Information related to adverse events is crucial to create awareness about vaccines and their efficiency, apart from contributing to scientific studies about the pandemic…There is a pertinent need for collection of data on adverse events and wider participation.”

For a country that gets slammed for its human rights violations by many Western leaders, it is refreshing to see the highest court in India adhere to its constitutional rights by upholding the importance of bodily integrity and personal autonomy.

Special lakeside gathering in the Irish Midlands for Thomas Sheridan

In late April, a large fun-loving crowd from all over Ireland descended on the shores of the majestic Lough Lene in Co. Westmeath Ireland for a special talk given by Thomas Sheridan.

Thomas Sheridan is an Author, Artist, Film Maker, and Satirist who has spent a life from Wall Street to the Jungles of South Asia attempting to discover the emerging— often elusive—mythology of modern humans within the present technology-saturated era. Heavily inspired by the work of Carl Jung, Bruno Bettelheim and Joseph Campbell, Thomas Sheridan has developed ‘Monomythic’ tool kits—which are drawn upon all the mythologies of the world.

According to Sheridan: “These legends and stories contain within them a subconscious lexicon of wisdom and symbols that can help all of us overcome the personal and greater challenges we encounter in everyday life. By not giving birth and nurturing these timeless archetypes within us all, modern humans are at a loss when it comes to achieving personal and social Individuation. Or a rounding out of one’s purpose in life. Their dharma. Their Monomyth. Inside all of us reside a wizard, a warrior, a bard, and a knight and by tapping into the power of these archetypes one can have a more fulfilling and creative life. Every challenge is a quest. Every situation, a saga. Every moment, an adventure.”

In 2011, Sheridan came to international recognition with his book Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath.

In the early covid months of 2020, few people bravely spoke up against the covid narrative in such an honest and vivid way. People like Dr Vernon Coleman came to be a voice of reason with his now legendary ‘Old Man in the Chair’ videos.

Similarly in Ireland during those uncertain dark days and months of 2020, Sheridan kept many people sane and positive with his sharp-eyed unique take on the ongoing developments of the time. His esoteric and meditative dialogues in his car from his now famous Epic Voyage (The Rona Chronicles) videos became a safe refuge for many like-minded people across the world.

Thomas Sheridan can be found on his website