Myocarditis in Kids Under 18, Cases Up by Over 100 Times in Canada
Large Canadian hospital: before COVID, they’d see 2 cases per year. Now they see 27 in just 6 weeks. That’s a 117 Times increase. But the CDC says it’s only “slightly elevated.”
COVID-19 could lead to heart damage in children
The IWK Health Centre is a major pediatric hospital and trauma center in Halifax, Nova Scotia that provides care to maritime youth, children and women from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and beyond.
They’ve seen 27 myocarditis cases in a 6 week period for kids under 18. Normally, they see 2 cases a year. So they are seeing an increase of 117 times the normal rate.
I heard this from a hospital insider. Don’t expect them to publicly say anything. That’s just not the way it works nowadays.
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Since the baseline rate of myocarditis in kids is 1 per 100,000, this suggests that we are seeing 1 per 1,000 vaccinated kids getting myocarditis and it’s probably even more than that especially since a Thailand study showed almost 30% of kids sustain cardiac injury of some sort from the vaccines. (
Since there are nearly 80 million kids under 18 in the US, if all of them got vaccinated, we’d expect to see 80,000 kids with myocarditis which is always very serious.
That’s a lot of kids. You would think this is a problem, but it isn’t.
When 2 car owners die, the car manufacturer tells people to stop using the car. I wrote about this recently… see my Stellantis article. (
The reason for this is simple: liability.
But with these vaccines, there is no liability, so there is no need to set a stopping condition.
The US government will happily injure hundreds of thousands or millions of kids and it simply just doesn’t matter because there is no liability. That’s just the way it goes.
Only a few members of Congress will pay any attention to this because they don’t want to be seen as “anti-science.”
Are you a fact checker?
Any “fact checker” who wants to fact check my source should contact me. Calling the hospital, getting a denial, and publicizing that as “the truth” is not fact checking.
TEE cases on the rise as well… I wonder why?
A reader wrote:
“This isn’t myocarditis-specific, but I want to bring another observation to your attention. I work in the outpatient procedures hospital area. I noticed an uptick in TEE procedures (trans esophageal echocardiograms) after the vaccine roll out. When a patient has a random TIA/stroke and a cause can’t be determined, this procedure can be done to rule out a congenital heart malformation (such as PFO) as the cause. Other nurses commented on the increased number of these cases after the vaccine rollout. Maybe twice as many per week for a few months? TEEs can be done by any trained cardiologist, but it is frequently done by electrophysiology cardiologist specialists. I recommend you look for nurses, mds or secretaries who work in the office of an EP cardiologist. They might be able to confirm if an increased number of TEEs were performed (presumably from an increase in TIAs or strokes).”
Have you seen an increase in the number of TEE cases post-vaccine?
No, it’s the same – 19%
Up by 2X to 3X vs. baseline – 11%
Up by 5 to 10X vs. baseline – 9%
Up by 10X vs. baseline – 15%
Up by 100X or more – 46%
IWK health center is not alone in seeing massive increases in myocarditis in young people. My own surveys clearly showed at least a 10-fold increase in myocarditis rates once the vaccines were introduced.
( That’s an increase from the rates under COVID only. My survey showed only a 10-fold increase because most people reported seeing zero cases before the vaccine so it skews the numbers.
Any doctor who tells you that the rates of myocarditis are lower with the vaccine should be reported to their state medical board for spreading misinformation.
The CDC claims that the risk of myocarditis is only “slightly elevated.” How do they explain this 100X increase? I don’t know. They block my emails now and ignore my phone calls. Fortunately, I can buy billboards to communicate with them to let them know about serious safety signals.
This article is more evidence that the COVID vaccines are a disaster and should be halted immediately.
Originally published at
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