Druthers Aug 2021 Usa Pages 6 7 Page 1 Image 0005

Druthers Aug 2021 USA pages 6-7_Page_1_Image_0005

Massive Protests Erupt All Around The World

Published On: August 1, 2021Tags:

By Shawn Jason

Millions of people all around the world took to the streets to stand together and say NO to continued lockdown measures and to the covid vaxxpass which is rapidly being rolled out as in multiple countries right now. (Yes, medical segregation is now a thing and it’s spreading.) The protest was organized by a unifying global movement called the Worldwide Rally For Freedom (WorldwideDemonstration.com) and this was the 3rd massive protest this year. Yet mainstream media in the western world is strangely silent about these protests. Why?

For example, on Saturday, July 24th this year, did you know that an estimated 1 million or more people came together on one day, globally united, to have their voices heard? Since the media doesn’t give airtime to those who dare question the effectiveness of lockdowns or the safety of vaccines, taking to the streets seems one of the only ways we have left to be heard. (Other than Druthers newspapers) Yet still, legacy media largely ignores this, and in the rare times they do mention lockdown protests, they like to paint them with a brush full of deceit and call the protestors, ‘far right extremists’ or ‘white supremacists’ or other untrue nasties.

Really? Those are ridiculous claims meant to simply turn people’s interest away from the freedom movement.

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10’s of thousands of doctors and other health experts are urgently shouting from the rooftops, trying to warn the people about the dangers of what is happening, yet these experts are not given airtime by any of the big players in the media.

Not only are these experts being denied airtime, but big tech is even (admittedly so) banning & deleting those voices. What kind of world are we living in when experts in their fields are not allowed to have their opinions heard nor their scientific discoveries explored?

The answer to that question is likely the same reason you didn’t know about these massive lockdown / vaxxpass protests all over the planet. They don’t want you knowing about these things, for knowing these things may cause you to question the decisions being made by our so-called ‘leaders’ rather than blindly trusting them to do what’s right for us.

In a normal world, questioning science and having open discussion and debates is a healthy part of the scientific process. 2020 made it painfully clear though… we are not living in a ‘normal world’. If the science and data supporting lockdowns and vaccines was strong, debate would be openly welcomed. Instead we are seeing all discussion and debate being forcefully shut down, with many doctors having their ability to practice medicine taken away from them for simply sharing their thoughts. This is a big, bold warning sign that the science and data they are relying on is not anywhere near being strong. Especially not strong enough to justify these humanity destroying measures that have been put in place all over the world.

This is highly concerning to me and that concern is spreading fast. That concern is what inspires these massive worldwide protests and that concern is what the globalists are trying to stop you from feeling. They muzzle these doctors and neglect to inform us about the protests erupting everywhere.

I am going to share with you some screenshots from twitter of the protests that happened this past weekend and I encourage you, no, I implore you… please start asking the hard questions of the leaders in your region. Talk to your local lockdown/vaxxpass protest groups and consider joining in and standing up for all of humanity! I assure you these groups are about so much more than simply being anti-mask or anti-vaxx as the media likes to portray. Most of these groups are about claiming back our rights and freedoms from the tiny percentage of people on this planet who already own and control far too much of the world… and yet they want more.

“Anybody knows that the people have the power. All we have to do is awaken the power in the people.”

– John Lennon

Power to the people. Stand up. You are wise. You are kind. You are strong. And please know, you are definitely not alone. I love you.

Shawn Jason is the Creator of Druthers.ca & DruthersUSA.com