Mass Formation Psychosis: The “Othering” of Humanity
By Timothy Himes
We currently live in a two-tier society.
Segregation has now become a part of our daily lives, and completely accepted by a portion of the population. If these current divisions were a result of skin colour or religion, there would be an uproar. Instead, because the segregation is being perpetrated by those in positions of power who have the financial means to discreetly propagandize a population, nearly 5 million people in Canada choosing not to take an experimental drug can’t be employed in certain jobs, attend public events, travel across borders, or dine in a restaurant. Many have also lost their careers as a result.
The systemic division and marginalization brought about by our government and mainstream media is being done through a phenomenon known as “othering” — an “us vs them” way of thinking about our fellow humans. This process essentially involves looking at others and saying “they are not one of us.” Othering is a way of negating another person’s individual humanity and, consequently, those that have been “othered” are seen as less worthy of dignity and respect. On an individual level, othering plays a role in the formation of prejudices against people and groups. On a larger scale, it can also play a role in the dehumanization of entire groups of people which can then be exploited to drive changes in institutions, governments, and societies. It can lead to the persecution of marginalized groups, the denial of rights based on group identities, or even acts of violence against others. We’ve seen this conditioning projected on the evening news for nearly two years, with the repetitive use of terms like “anti-vaxxer,” “anti-masker,” and “conspiracy theorist.” Terms used to discredit and silence any dissenting voices.
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The peaceful protesters who occupied Ottawa for three weeks were dismissed by many as “the other”. In this case, the term the media repeatedly called the truckers and supporters was “anti-vaxxers,” when in fact the purpose of the protest was to have the covid mandates removed. Instead of the prime minister listening to their grievances, he went into hiding for a week, while the legacy media set about othering the truckers and protesters.
After othering the protesters as “anti-vaccine,” the protesters were then falsely labeled as “racists.” A man with a nazi flag was spotted outside the crowd for a brief period of time, but long enough for two long distance photos to be produced of the flag and the man’s sunglasses. Another man, completely covering his face with a ski mask waving a confederate flag, was also spotted. He was immediately called out by the crowd as being a paid plant and left within minutes of his arrival. It’s unlikely these men were part of the freedom movement since both flags are symbols of authoritarianism and segregation, issues the freedom movement actively argues against. Given that their faces were never seen, it is possible that these men were either plants or attended the protest for their own views to be heard, similar to how a few confederate flags and Pro-Trump flags were seen at BLM protests in 2020. Unlike those other protests, these two flags were not dismissed. Because of these two men, Trudeau labelled the tens of thousands of protestors in Ottawa as racists, hateful, and violent.
A portion of the public locked onto these labels and the photos presented by the media. They were unable to see the enormous joyful crowds, singing, streets being kept clean, homeless being fed, and children playing in bouncy castles. Local businesses who were smart enough to remain open were busier than they’d been in the last two years.
Mass Formation Psychosis
So how did we get to this point: where a singular narrative from the corporate news media is accepted as truth? Why were the voices of the protestors ignored? Why was censorship over independent news coverage so rampant? Why is collateral damage caused by the mandates rarely mentioned, let alone analyzed with any degree of accuracy?
This is likely the result of a hypnotic condition known as “mass formation psychosis,” a phrase that was brought to light last month by Dr. Robert Malone during an interview on the Joe Rogan podcast. An example of mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society blindly follows their leaders (like Trudeau, Dr. Fauci, or CBC) who narrow in on one issue (e.g. COVID). Followers can be hypnotized and be led to do anything (such as wear masks and social distance), regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative is attacked, “othered,” and disregarded. This is how the state is exercising such widespread control over the Canadian public.
Four elements are required to establish the mass formation: 1) Isolation and lack of social bonds 2) Loss of enjoyment, lack of meaning and purpose 3) Free floating anxiety 4) Frustration & aggression.
We can now see that the lockdowns created the perfect conditions for mass formation psychosis to take root. The victims of this conditioning are then finally offered a singular solution from an entity in authority, to relieve them of the constant anxiety (e.g. a vaccine.) As they embrace the solution, a new solidarity or social bond is created (e.g. “we are good people, unlike those bad people”), which gives them a sense of control in battling the object of the anxiety. They feel a sense of purpose, even a mental intoxication, as they follow the given narrative no matter how absurd it may be. The messaging tells them it’s okay to project any remaining frustrations onto “the others.” They may even enthusiastically help enforce this growing marginalization.
We, the othered, have to continue to speak out against the segregation we are experiencing. Call it out at every opportunity. A two-tier society is not okay! A single conversation may not break a person free of the conditioning, but it could at least cause the person to consider their words and actions, and temper their intolerance and irrational views. Then maybe in time they will be able to break clear of the spell for good. Free thinking Canadians must remain bold enough to speak up when we encounter this mass formation psychosis, to continually challenge it, until there is no “other.”
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