Letter From The Editor: Celebrating 1 Year & Nearly 3 Million Newspapers
Well here we are. I can hardly believe you are now reading the 12th monthly issue of Druthers! What a strange and wonderful journey it has been since making the decision to create a paper back in late October, 2020.
Including this November issue, we have now printed and freely distributed nearly 3 million newspapers all across Canada!! (350,000 copies this month alone) That is quite substantial and completely astounding to me. We did all this (with your support) in the first year with just under $300k in donations.
As the creator of this project I would like to point out how donations are used for maximum benefit & impact.
Don’t lose touch with uncensored news! Join our mailing list today.
For every $10 donated we print 100 Druthers newspapers (12 pages each) and distribute them freely all across Canada through a large, growing, passionate network of 1000’s of volunteers. 10 cents per paper is an insanely low cost for printing and distribution and it is that way because 100% of donation money received goes entirely to printing papers and moving skids of papers around the country. No overhead, salaries or anything else is taken out of donated funds.
Overhead and other operating expenses are relatively low due to a strong volunteer base and working from home (no overhead for office space) and those expenses are being covered through merchandise sales & postal subscriptions available on our website.
Druthers is not part of the corporate media mafia. This project is just a guy and some friends trying to provide alternative information and perspectives for people to consider. Mainstream media has proven themselves to be, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, a full blown propaganda machine that is working 100% for the interests of big-pharma and their vast network of influential allies, and as such, many important people, information and counter-perspectives are being suppressed from public view.
Druthers is here to bring forward information we feel is important for Canadians to have access to. We strongly believe all this blatant, extreme censorship by big tech is absolutely wrong, a gross overreach and a highly dangerous path for humanity to be blindly wandering down. Sharing of information and perspectives is imperative for the healthy growth and well-being of humanity.
Druthers is having a substantial impact. Our inboxes are jammed with so much love and support. You are the reason Druthers is the amazingness that it is already. This paper is by the people, for the people. You write it, fund it, promote it and distribute it. Truly, the people’s paper.
Your continued love and support is vital to the continued growth and success of this project and is hugely appreciated. That is the only way this paper continues to happen. Here are a few ways to pitch in.
NEW: 12 pack Druthers reprint for collectors. We are reprinting all past issues of Druthers and offering them to you in a shrink wrapped pack of 12 papers, 1 from each of our first 12 months. Preorder now.
SUBSCRIBE: Have your Druthers delivered right to your door each month via Canada Post. Choose 3 copies or up to 400 copies to give out in your neighbourhood and never miss a month.
SHOP: New Druthers hoodies are in and they are extremely comfortable. We also have the Druthers magazine available and it’s gorgeous! Your purchases help support the growth of Druthers.
DONATE: At a cost of just 10 cents per 12 page paper, printed & delivered, how many dimes would you be willing to pitch in each month to help wake up your fellow Canadians?
- www.druthers.net/donate
- or etransfer to: admin@druthers.net
- or mail checks / money orders / cash to:
Shawn Jason
P.O. Box 40531
Six Points Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8
Please world, be kind to one another. We really are just one big earth family! Big thanks and lots of love to you all.
Shawn Jason
– Creator of Druthers