Justice Centre gives Ontario final warning over vax passports
By jccf.ca
TORONTO: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has issued a legal warning letter to the Ontario Government on behalf of four clients demanding the vaccine passport mandate be revoked immediately. The law requires Ontarians as young as 12 to provide proof of two doses of the Covid mRNA vaccination as of September 22, 2021, or be denied access to a wide range of businesses and organizations, including field trips to city facilities. The Justice Centre has notified the Province that it will file a legal action should Ontario fail to halt its unconstitutional discrimination against those who have not yet chosen to receive the experimental vaccines.
Since the vaccine passport has been announced, the Justice Centre has received hundreds of emails from Ontarians concerned about loss of employment, loss of ability to worship, and denial of access to restaurants, bars, gyms, sporting events, meeting and event spaces, and more, unless they show proof of their confidential medical status of vaccination.
Ontario’s Ministry of Health has stated that the government will only recognize two medical exemptions for vaccine passports: one for those who are allergic to an ingredient in the vaccine, with verification provided by an allergist, and another for those who experienced myocarditis or pericarditis after the first dose of a vaccine. There has been no provision for exemptions based on religion and creed, both protected grounds under the Charter and Human Rights Act.
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Covid mRNA vaccination shots are new, with no long-term safety profile, and clinical trials will not be complete until 2023. As such, the Covid shots are experimental. Canadians have the right to informed consent, and the right to be fully informed about the side effects of the Covid vaccine, which has known side effects. The vaccine manufacturers have stated there is no data on the vaccine’s effects on fertility, or their safety for pregnant women or children. Emerging data unequivocally establishes that the Delta variant spreads freely in the fully vaccinated population, and there are emerging links to miscarriages in pregnant women and a demonstrated risk of heart inflammation in teenage males.
On their face, vaccine passports are an infringement of Canadians’ constitutionally protected rights to freedom of conscience, the right to liberty and security of the person, and the right to be equal before the law. Based on these guarantees, every Canadian has the right to bodily autonomy and to decide what medical procedure to accept or reject. The demand letter asserts that mandatory vaccination for Covid constitutes a significant, unwarranted and profound infringement on the rights of Canadians that cannot be justified in a free and democratic society.
“Section 7 of the Charter guarantees the right to liberty and security of the person. Ontarians should not be coerced or pressured by the government into submitting to a medical intervention to which they do not consent. Informed consent and the right to bodily autonomy are two principles that our laws have long protected. It will be a tragedy to see Ontarians, including children, being coerced to take the vaccine, or else be socially marginalized,” says Jorge Pineda, Staff Lawyer at the Justice Centre.
Individuals who have not been vaccinated for a variety of reasons, including religious belief, creed, and medical issues or concerns over serious side effects, will effectively be segregated and marginalized. Their participation in society will become limited to what is deemed “essential” by the government.
“The new mandate will have the effect of segregating individuals and especially young children from mainstream society. Mandating a system that denies Canadian’s access to certain services that are arbitrarily defined as nonessential by the government creates a slippery slope, and sets a dangerous descent into a medical dictatorship,” notes Justice Centre staff lawyer Henna Parmar.
“If we do not put an end to these measures, we will be putting unlimited power in the hands of the government to dictate what medical care we receive, what drugs we take, and what privileges they will allow us that should be fundamental rights,” adds Ms. Parmar.
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