

Immunity Matters

Published On: April 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

By Daryl James

Dr. Bonnie Henry continues to disregard prior infections and fire thousands of healthcare professionals, many who have better immunity than those who are fully vaccinated.

It starts with her public health orders which contain the following erroneous clause:

Section C: (c) a full course of vaccine provides more effective and durable protection against infection and severe illness than natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection alone, or natural immunity in combination with a single-dose of vaccine;”

This statement has been challenged by at least 140 scientific studies to date with the overwhelming consensus supporting that natural infection elicits both longer lasting and more durable protection than vaccination[1].

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The World Health Organization has recognized since May 2021 that Natural Immunity is equivalent to Vaccination[2]:

“To conclude, available tests and current knowledge do not tell us about the duration of immunity and protection against reinfection, but recent evidence suggests that natural infection may provide similar protection against symptomatic disease as vaccination, at least for the available follow up period.”

On February 9, 2022, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced an order that requires all regulated health professionals to be vaccinated against Covid-19 by March 24, 2022, to work in their occupation in British Columbia[3]. This affects at least 30 professions including chiropractors, dentists, pharmacists, and massage therapists. After that date, anyone who remains unvaccinated will have their professional accreditation revoked and not be allowed to work again in this province. Recall that she also mandated vaccination for all doctors, nurses and support staff in primary care facilities on October 26, 2021[4]. Those who refused and appealed her decision based on evidence of natural immunity were fired with cause, with no severance pay and no eligibility to collect unemployment insurance.

On January 26, Dr. Bonnie Henry advised during a conference call on childcare[5] that, “[Omicron] is spreading in people who are vaccinated and unvaccinated (15:12). We are seeing [the vaccine is] probably 30 to 40 percent effective, so it does reduce your risk a little bit. But it means the whole community is at risk now of getting infection (15:28). The risk of shedding live virus so you can infect somebody else after 5 days with Omicron is about 15% (19:55).” But Dr. Bonnie Henry permits anyone who is vaccinated to return to work five days after the onset of symptoms, even if they continue to have a runny nose, sore throat, or cough (43:20). This policy includes anyone working in a hospital or regulated healthcare setting.

So, during the peak of the Omicron wave, when hospitals were overwhelmed and staff were overworked and barely coping, Dr. Bonnie Henry kept hundreds of health care workers with near perfect immunity unemployed with no income to feed their families. At the same time, she encouraged covid positive doctors and nurses to return to work and spread the virus, infecting as many as 62 health care facilities at one point in January.

And now her latest move is to repeat this malpractice in all regulated healthcare settings, while calmly sympathizing with the traumatic affect her mandates have had on people’s mental and psychological health. Really? Firing a doctor who understands she has better and longer lasting immunity than a vaccine is perfectly reasonable and putting a chiropractor permanently out of work is needed because these people have been causing widespread disease and death?

It is clear that Dr. Bonnie Henry is following our Prime Minister’s approach of mandating vaccinations on everyone despite the human or social costs, while ignoring the science saying it is no longer needed in many cases. We need to recognize that possibly over half of the unvaccinated population already has comparable or superior immunity to vaccination and are not a threat to our healthcare system or anyone else. As a society, we need to follow the science, even if it means walking back some of the vitriol we have directed towards this extremely marginalized group. While mandates have encouraged many to get vaccinated for the benefit of everyone, there comes a time when punishing the unvaccinated, especially those with immunity, is just plain wrong. Many are praying that Dr. Bonnie Henry is wiser than our Prime Minister and adjusts her policies to reflect the new reality of the Omicron variant in a way that allows unvaccinated families to feed their children and keep a roof over their heads. Unjustly firing everyone who is unvaccinated without considering their immunity is cruel and seriously harms innocent children.

