How Do We Leave?
To anyone who can answer,
While I have so many thoughts and questions about the state of the Canadian government in regards to roles, values and priorities of all representing parties, today I’m just asking one simple question… How do I leave?
I am part of a three-generation Canadian family that consists of both vaccinated and unvaccinated members, who continue to love and support each other as individual free-thinking humans despite being encouraged otherwise by our government, and who, unlike our so-called leaders, know the true meaning of “we’re all in this together”. “I” and “we” are interchangeable, and we wish to leave. Together. How do I leave?
Canada is the only country in the world using vaccination status to disallow its citizens to travel freely domestically or to leave. Historically we have condemned such regimes for these very same restrictions of movement. We currently are hostages in our own country. How do I leave?
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As we try to steer all focus to war in other parts of the world, the fact remains that our country’s leader is no less intolerant or abusive than any other in the world. Just because we don’t have tanks at our front door, it doesn’t mean we’re free. How do I leave? We are prepared to sell everything and will have the financial means to comfortably reside elsewhere in the world while being a contributing resident there and not a burden. How do I leave? The irony of the phrase “you will own nothing and be happy” (as stated by World Economic Forum) is not lost on me here. We don’t belong in Canada anymore and desperately want to be able to move to one of the many welcoming countries that are more aligned with our views on humanity, even the “unacceptable” ones. I’m not even comfortable using my name on this email for fear of negative consequences, financial or otherwise. How do I leave? I could go on for pages with detailed concerns and reasons for wanting to leave what has become such a gross nation, but the end request is the same… how do I leave? I am begging for someone to tell me, how do I leave?
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