HOOKED! —The Subtle art of Making, Marking and Masking Humanity.
Now that is a not too subtle concept, but perhaps it is when the majority of the general population doesn’t know exactly what is truly going on, or they are buying into falsehoods and exaggerations consciously, or by-proxy. What is this ‘proxy’ you might ask? Most likely the underbelly of the motivation is a derivative of its most basic components; Fear and Greed.
Has there been something going on behind the scenes for the last few years, or last few decades, or even longer than that? Enquiring minds really wanted to know, and many have been speaking out, even shouting from rooftops and social media, that is when they were allowed to speak freely. Was anyone truly listening or paying attention? I have been in the psychology field for nearly 30 years. I have been an ‘expert’ guest on many radio and TV shows over those years sharing my expertise on various subjects related to psychology.
Recently, I was asked by several colleagues, “What is the percentage roughly, of the general public who are immune to the ‘B.S.’ that the mainstream media saturates us with, and tries to condition and recondition us into believing their propaganda?” I thought about it for a moment, and 17% was the number that I best recalled. That is one heck of a low number! I consulted with Dr. Mark McDonald, a very esteemed psychiatrist and author in the USA, who is all too familiar with these patterns, and he believed that number is about accurate, or perhaps even smaller. Dr. McDonald appears in the new documentary HOOKED! and discusses not only the conditioning, but other facets about what had been going on around the world recently, and throughout time.
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He is not alone…
HOOKED! is a film which shares the voices of many individuals who know a lot about a little in their fields of expertise, or have experiences that need to be heard to educate and enlighten the general public. At first blush, one might believe that this award-winning film is a film attacking the COVID scheming that we have endured for the last few years. Well, it does enlighten about that in some regards, however it is much deeper and delves into so much more, the fears and greed at the root of how individuals think and feel which allows a cabal to sink its hooks into individuals and truly get them hooked onto what they want people to believe.
The hooks are not just in COVID or medicine, although a large part of it is what got people to buy into irrational fears for the last few years. The hooks are commonly found in; the media, news, social media and of course entertainment. For decades people have been getting reeled in hook, line and sinker! All of this was planned, and this set the stage leading up to 2020, and for where we are today.
While directing and helping co-create this film, I got to interview individuals from various disciplines who I consider warriors to their causes. Folks such as; NHL great Theo Fleury, Olympic gold medalist Jamie Salé, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, esteemed attorney Leighton Grey, Real People’s John Barbour, Canadian singer Ray Lyell, analyst of time Bo Polny, and Druthers’ very own Shawn Jason share their insights, along with many others. They pull no punches, and censor nothing! They share facts alone, and not their perceptions of the truth.
Grant Abbott, one of many featured in the film said it best, “I would rather be uncomfortable telling the truth, than uncomfortable telling a lie”. Unfortunately, for too long many were motivated or driven by fear and greed which led to the encompassing lies that many Canadians, as well as those around the world have drowned in.
To learn more about the film visit
peterandrewsacco.com or watch HOOKED! on Rumble: