

Happy Canada Day to All of Us, Its Lawful Shareholders and Co-Owners

Published On: July 1, 2023Tags: ,

The real lawful shareholders and co-owners of Canada are all around you: regardless of skin color or religion, they are business owners, public servants, family members, friends, colleagues, retirees, your kids and grandkids, and every Indigenous person!

All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.

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The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. (1)

This also goes for self-governing States. Together, we are the proud owners of the biggest and most lucrative business in the country! We could even be entitled to dividends from the exploitation of our natural resources, making sure no one would know poverty or hunger, and everyone could be well taken care of.

In 2023, why can’t we rejoice in our wealth and power as a nation?

Generations of politicians have disregarded our collective rights to self-determination and governance, leaving the door wide open for corruption and globalization. Thanks to Canada’s obsolete political system – partocracy – and stealth authoritarianism, politicians are not held accountable to the citizens and can prioritize the interests of outsiders who rarely favor other goals except their own financial gains, over the peoples’ best interest. (2)

While a common mistake is to think we have a fair democracy in Canada, the only type of democracy we have is a parliamentary democracy (for parliamentarians only) and the citizens’ only role is to vote every four years for representatives promoting temporary policies used for votes with the belief that they will actually be put in place after elections.

What else have the Canadian politicians and legal professionals done in Canada to subvert our rights? They have surreptitiously manipulated the “Rule of Law” into a “Rule by Law” by erasing the history of Constitutional Law and the Rule of Law from the law school curriculums.

What is MISSING from our legal Canadian history? The collective and personal peoples’ rights that Canada was to imbed into our Charter of Rights and Freedoms from the Universal Human Rights Declaration has disappeared in a puff of smoke. More precisely, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, that Canada and the UK both signed onto in 1976 binding both countries, guaranteed us all these rights within the international instruments signed by them.

Here are great examples of how the Rule of Law was manipulated through legal scholar corruption which now leads us to Supreme Court Justice Rule of Law corruption in 2023:

The Origins of Hostility to the Rule of Law in Canadian Academia: A History of Administrativism and Anti-Historicity. (3)

The International Bar Association: The global assault on Rule of Law. By attacking the independence of the judiciary, populist political leaders around the world are undermining fundamental aspects of democracy and civilised society. If it continues unchecked, the consequences will be devastating. (4)

In order to request that our collective civil and political rights be properly recognized, and that we should be respected as the legal shareholders and co-owners of Canada, lawyers would need to be updated on the missing links within the Rule of Law, as well as the principles and history that have purposely denied us all of our legal, lawful rights to rule above government as the collective Head of State. There would be no episodes of Supreme Court Justices or any lower court Justices falsely misleading or contradicting and diminishing lawyers fighting for our rights while following the Rule of Law.

Supreme Court Justices make false comments, which its documents prove otherwise, as we have seen in the latest Supreme Court cases regarding our non-derogable rights such as Freedom of Association and Freedom of Expression. Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples need to rise and take proper legal action.

The most infuriating and telling of all is when the Supreme Court of Canada itself perpetrates actions that go against even their own previous precedents in regard to Human rights, such as when the Supreme Court denies leave in COVID-related organ transplant case:

By Ian Burns (June 9, 2023, 3:01 PM EDT) — Canada’s top court will not hear the case of an Alberta woman who was taken off an organ transplant waitlist because she did not want to get a COVID-19 vaccine. (5)

Annette Lewis’ application for leave to appeal the decision dismissing her case was denied by the Supreme Court, June 8. Lewis, who suffers from what the courts have described as an “idiopathic condition” which is progressive and debilitating, was part of a program which made it mandatory that patients receive the vaccine prior to transplantation. Lewis tried to restore her place on the list and sought a declaration that the vaccine requirement violated her Charter right to freedom of conscience, the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right to equality, arguments which were rejected by the Alberta Court of King’s Bench (Lewis v. Alberta Health Services, 2022 ABQB 479) and the Alberta Court of Appeal (Lewis v. Alberta Health Services, 2022 ABCA 359). Both courts found the Charter does not apply to doctors’ exercise of clinical judgments.

The 1985 Siracusa Principles were never part of our legal education system. These principles were meant to protect the rights of citizens from government overreach. (6) They could positively change the outcome of our human rights cases, and the last three years could have been drastically different from an economic, health and labor perspective. Moreover, all politicians and legislative officials should be required to know the basics of international law binding within our Constitution before creating laws; precisely, in reference to international instruments binding on Canada. (7)

When it comes to citizens’ issues, most legal offices and politicians are in conflicts of interests due to government and corporate contracts, which further limits access to legal counsel.

So, to whom can we turn to for help when our system allows us no political power?

The fact that crucial concepts have been gradually removed or neglected from the curriculum makes it extremely difficult for lawyers and Justices to grasp the severity of the treason done to Canadians and Indigenous Peoples in Canada since 1931.

Future generations of lawyers should be taught the true impact on Canadian law, of our fundamental international human rights, laws, principles, and treaties and how they are to be respected. These are the rights that the WHO, ILO, NATO, WTO, and the WEF must also respect.

Furthermore, the Treaty of Rome 1957, acceded to by the UK in 1973 by joining the EU, also affected Canada until 2008. Another vital Treaty is the Statute of Rome International Instrument, creating the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998 (to which the U.S.A. refused to participate (9)). It is ironic that Canadians have paid part of the ICC’s legal establishment, yet in Canada, the peoples’ rights have been and are still being abused by our governing bodies. (10, 11)

We are in the midst of an epic social, cultural and political crisis that affects almost every developed country. We must look forward to the day when the collective people, as Head of State above the government, will be able to ensure and maintain peace, order and good governance once and for all! We would take pride in how we replaced a corrupt political and legal system by revamping democracy to suit the needs of the people rather than the greed of corporate and political interests. All aspects of life in Canada could be positively influenced by the SHIFT of political POWER from the elites to informed and engaged citizens!

This would even be the dawn of an era when the Indigenous Peoples of Canada would finally be treated with the respect they deserve and, along with the Canadian citizens, would make sure the horrors and transgressions of the past centuries remain in the history books.

We still have a lot of work to do. By uniting in our collective power, with all our wealth properly restored to us as the lawful shareholder and co-owners, we will be able to celebrate the true meaning of what Canada Day should be about!!!

The Canadian Peoples’ Union NFP

Nicole Lebrasseur, C.E.O.

Tel: 226-777-5580

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

For more information on partocracy, see Vaughan Lyon PowerShift: From Party Elites to Engaged Citizens