Local Food Supplies


Government Mandates Are Destroying Local Food Supplies

Published On: May 1, 2021Tags: , , ,

I am here today to talk to you about food. Food that is grown the way God intended it. Seeds scattered in real soil and nourished by natural rain and sunlight. Haldimand Norfolk is the 3rd largest food producer and one of the most diverse food producing counties in Canada. From beef to melons and chickens to sweet corn, you can find it all here and that is why we are called Ontario’s Garden.

You may be asking why does this matter to me? I am here to tell you from the inside, from the ground, that our food supply chain is under attack and that affordable fresh food & produce is going to disappear.

On March 24, 2020 acting on unconfirmed and misleading data, the Mayors of Haldimand and Norfolk recited false claims to justify the declaration of a state of emergency for both counties. The preamble to the declaration of the state of emergency was to recite the casual statement linking the novel coronavirus to a disease with no evidence to substantiate that claim. “There is potential for transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the community.” There was not one single case of sars cov2 in the counties at that time.

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Following the state of emergency, our MOH (who by the way was parachuted into our country from HARVARD to lock step us into the agenda 2030) issued an order under section 22 of HPPA to Employers of Seasonal Workers (Migrant Farm Workers) that limits the number of workers quarantining in a private dwelling to 3 people per unit. “There is potential for transmission of the COVID-19 virus in the community”

To put in perspective: In an 8000 sq ft dwelling, only 3 people may quarantine for 14 days. Then they are moved into another unit and 3 more for 14-day quarantine and so on. This is ONLY in our county. We are the only county in Canada with this restriction, so as you can imagine a farm with 500 workers will take many weeks or months even to get work started on the farm.

Due to 26% less workers arriving in spring of 2020 and the fact that spring makes plants grow, 21% of food crops were lost either because they could not get them planted in time or they could not be harvested in time. That is set to increase this year by 5-10%. How can I predict that? Because the number of workers coming is shrinking either due to the halting of flights from Mexico and Caribbean, or because they are testing positive and cannot get onto flights. Or like we are facing here, their country of origin is in lock down.

So a 5–10% reduction every year of fresh food means we are right on target to meet all the “benchmarks” and goals of Agenda 2030, the Rockefeller Lock Step, the Great Reset, whatever you want to call it. 75% less food grown outside in its natural state.

Oh, you will still have food but it will be lab made, computer printed meats, patented seeds grown in patented soil, grown under fake sun with fake rain and fake air. That is not a greenhouse, it is a LABORATORY.

‘Well, that’s okay Rachel, I will just grow my own food.’ Maybe you will. MAYBE. That is IF you can find seeds that produce for more than one year.

‘Well, I will raise chickens and have eggs.’ MAYBE you will, until your chickens are a threat to the industrial food producers in your area, and so your backyard chickens need to be gassed like they did in England because the massive chicken farm up the way has avian flu.

Or with what Gates is doing… buying up millions of acres in the USA, all the mid-west; Texas, Wyoming, Idaho, and guess what… bringing SICK yes that’s right, sick cattle into the county. What that means is your cattle will be destroyed for food safety! Communist Party of China just did it to their hog and pig farmers. Declare a swine flu and kill everyone’s pigs now for food safety. Only government managed food production will remain.

NOW you will only get food that is “SAFE” and it will only come from the safety of the laboratories run by the oligarchy which is taking over every aspect of our lives. And we all know by now that most people will choose perceived ‘safety’ over freedom.

So, what can you do?

  1. We must become advocates of real food. Fresh food produced OUTSIDE. Support local farmers. Ask the grocery store to stock local produce.
  2. We must demand labelling of PATENTED fruits and vegetables that are bio engineered with animal DNA in them and food additives that stimulate our flavour senses to taste sweet instead of bitter.
  3. Please contact your local MPP, MP and let them know that the quarantine measures in Haldimand Norfolk are not about safety. That the public health measures are damaging the food supply and that you want to protect traditional farming.

98% of Canada’s farm workers come from Mexico and the Caribbean. Believe me, flights were not cancelled because of families vacationing.

I will leave you with this thought… When is the last time you ate an orange from the grocery store? Maybe you thought “WOW! That is the best orange I have ever tasted. It is SO sweet! And now you will wonder if it really is sweet or if it has been altered to taste super sweet?

Rachel Huffman, Farmer (from speech given at lockdown protest in Brantford, Ontario on April 3, 2021.