Freedom Wins – January 2025
- Ty and Charlene Bollinger, founders of The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines, have filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the US government, Big Tech companies, NGOs, and the United States District Court in Nashville, Tennessee. The lawsuit reveals an alleged “Censorship Industrial Complex” that systematically suppressed dissenting voices under the guise of combating “misinformation.” The US government is accused of pressuring social media platforms into censorship, targeting individuals and organizations that challenged official narratives on COVID-19, vaccines, and other public health issues.
- Conservatives have introduced Bill C-411, the Anti-Arson Act, aimed at significantly increasing penalties for those who commit arson against places of worship. The legislation seeks to address, in part, the troubling rise in attacks on churches across Canada fueled by the residential schools’ unmarked graves story perpetuated by the mainstream media. From June 2021 (when the unmarked graves story broke) to September 2024, 112 Christian churches across Canada were vandalized, including 57 church fires—an 8-fold increase in vandalism compared to the preceding three years.
- Ontario viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle is back in his office at the University of Guelph after being locked out for more than three years over a controversial COVID interview. As Dr. Bridle explained, “I was banished from my workspaces almost 3.5 years ago following a radio interview in which I expressed concerns about the systemic biodistribution of COVID-19 shots throughout the body… My ‘controversial statements’ are now well-accepted facts in the scientific literature.” Watch the highly viewed interview Druthers conducted with Dr. Bridle, recorded shortly after being locked out, on Bitchute here:
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- After over 20 years of protests, and despite more than $8 million in government funding, biotechnology company AquaBounty has announced it will stop production of all genetically modified salmon and is closing its last working facility in Prince Edward Island. The company sold the world’s first commercialized genetically modified food animal—Atlantic salmon. The salmon were genetically engineered with a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from ocean pout.
- Three new signs indicate that Trudeau may be on his way out soon. 1) A new House of Commons petition is calling for an immediate election. The petition started on December 19th and garnered 340,000 signatures on the first day alone. 2) Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s resignation letter showed a clear loss of confidence in Trudeau’s leadership, making mention that Trudeau is not putting Canada first. 3) NDP leader Jagmeet Singh said he’ll propose a no-confidence vote when parliament resumes, writing: “Justin Trudeau failed in the biggest job a Prime Minister has: to work for people, not the powerful… The NDP will vote to bring this government down, and give Canadians a chance to vote for a government who will work for them.”
- Ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield called on Congress to end the liability shield for vaccine makers, known as the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Redfield stated: “These companies have to be able to be held liable for their products like any other company.” Redfield also criticized the overselling of COVID vaccines, claiming their safety and efficacy were exaggerated to compel public compliance, adding that they never should have been mandated. Senator Ron Johnson described the situation as even more “sinister” than what Dr. Redfield described, accusing health agencies of sabotaging early treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to protect Pfizer and Moderna’s profits.
- Alberta’s United Conservative government has passed a bill that bans gender-confused men from competing in women’s sports. This is the first legislation of its kind in Canada. The proposed law will apply to all school boards and universities as well as provincial sports organizations.
- A recent government report has confirmed what many in the freedom movement have been saying all along. In its final report published on the US government’s website, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic concluded the following: COVID-19 most likely emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China; The World Health Organization caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party; Six-foot social distancing was arbitrary and not based on science; There was no evidence that masks effectively protected Americans from COVID-19; The COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus; The FDA rushed approval of the COVID-19 vaccine; Vaccine mandates were not supported by science and did more harm than good; The “science” never justified prolonged school closures.
- A December 6th federal court ruling by District Judge Mark T. Pittman ordered the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release one million pages of documents related to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, despite the agency’s efforts to block their release. The ruling stems from a lawsuit Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed against the FDA in 2021 when the agency rejected their Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for expedited processing of documents relating to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials.
- The transgender tide might go out as swiftly as it came in. Just one month after the United Kingdom banned the prescription of puberty blockers for children, National Health Service (NHS) England has announced, in the wake of The Cass Review, it will be scaling back gender care for minors, and will instead encourage more psychiatric care for these children. The NHS also noted that gender ideological terminology, like “chestfeeding” and “people with ovaries,” will be removed from their nomenclature. The Cass Review—a comprehensive 366-page analysis commissioned by NHS England—concluded that, overall, there was “remarkably weak evidence” supporting gender medicine.
- The United Kingdom’s vaccine advisory committee is no longer recommending pregnant women take the COVID-19 vaccine. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) made the decision during its most recent meeting, citing the low risk of serious COVID-19 illness in pregnant women and infants and the vaccine’s cost.
- One month after the Florida Surgeon General advised communities against adding fluoride to their drinking water, citing studies that found a correlation between high levels of the chemical and lower IQ scores in children, Naples, Florida, voted to remove fluoride from its tap water, marking a major milestone in the growing movement to end this controversial public health practice. This victory, driven by grassroots advocacy and scientific evidence, sets the stage for broader international reform.
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