- Halton District School Board finally orders dress code for teachers after many months of protests over transgender Oakville High School teachers’ wearing of watermelon-sized prosthetic breasts.
- Quadruple-vaccinated NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci finally retires after 54 years at the NIH. The man who once claimed that “attacks on me are attacks on science” is retiring with an estimated retirement salary of more than USD 355,000 per year.
- Pentagon ditches COVID vaccine mandate for troops. The National Defense Authorization Act terminated the COVID-19 vaccine for military members. The act has now opened the door to reinstating troops who believe they were wrongfully let go, stipulating that service members and veterans may apply to correct their records. While the military has not yet decided on providing back pay to affected service members, a spokesperson said the department is looking into it.
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- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis introduces legislation called “Prescribe Freedom” that will ban vaccine passports in the state. The legislation will also protect medical professionals’ freedom of speech and will protect medical freedom of choice by banning discrimination based on vaccination status, testing, and mask-wearing.
- Half of Americans are now questioning the safety of vaccines. A Rasmussen Report national telephone and online survey finds that 49% of American Adults believe it is likely that side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they personally know could be among the victims. Even the vaccinated are questioning — with 40% saying they are concerned about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 22% saying they personally know someone who likely died from the vaccine. Meanwhile here in Canada, more than half of Canadians (56%) say they don’t trust the government, in general, to act in their best interests. That’s a 9% increase from 2016.
- China ends its zero-COVID policy after the country saw its largest protest in more than 30 years as hundreds of thousands of demonstrators filled the streets to denounce China’s zero-COVID quarantine and testing policies.
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