Follow The Yellow Brics Road


Follow The Yellow BRICS Road

Published On: October 1, 2022Tags: , , , ,

The globalists manifested their vision. It’s time to manifest ours.

By Guy Crittenden

Manifestation is a powerful esoteric practice via which the awakened population can neutralize and overcome the sinister transhumanist and technocratic plans of the globalists. The oligarchs use manifestation to advance their plans; so should we.

It’s incredible what they accomplished in just over two years.

The globalists rebranded the seasonal flu and — with the help of staged videos from China — convinced people that a deadly pandemic was ravaging the human population. (As there was no rise in all-cause mortality in 2020, there was no pandemic.) Dr. Fauci convinced doctors to administer deadly and expensive Remdesivir, and not cheap and safe Ivermectin and other drugs. Billions rolled up their sleeves to receive an experimental gene therapy labeled with the spell word “vaccine” that researchers at La Quinta Columna in Spain discovered contains high levels of graphene oxide. Graphene oxide forms complex circuitry and nano-router assemblies in the presence of electromagnetic radiation (e.g., 5G frequencies). This makes a person’s metabolism visible to remote monitoring equipment (the internet of bodies or “IoB”), and dramatically amplifies EMF radiation in a person. Hence the massive increase in cancers, heart disease, neurological disorders, and other diseases. The spike protein (which was supposed to remain at the injection site) travels to all major organs, damages testes and ovaries, and crosses the blood-brain barrier. “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” is now a thing, and the installation of defibrillators at playgrounds is considered normal.

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Midwives report highly abnormal placentas, miscarriages, stillbirths, and fetuses that fail to thrive. Funeral homes are bulk-ordering child-size caskets. And the human genome has been contaminated for generations to come. Uninjected people quiver at the prospect of receiving a blood transfusion from an injected person.

Globalist manifestation goes well beyond the biological crisis; in the Bolshevik tradition, their agents and proxies have infiltrated and subverted governments worldwide — a process that’s unfolded for decades under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose founder Klaus Schwab openly boasts of having “penetrated the cabinets” of countries like Canada. With the recent nomination of Pierre Poilievre as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, the leaders of Canada’s three main political parties are now all WEF acolytes. Western cultural norms are under attack from a bizarre transgender agenda directed at school-age children from which even gays and lesbians recoil. Via “smart city” initiatives, our urban centers are being converted into digital penal colonies with Hunger Games-style districts. Citizens movements and spending will soon be tightly monitored and controlled via digital IDs and programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). After the economy craters, everyone will be offered a universal basic income (UBI). Essentially: communism.

Primed For Climate Lockdowns

The restrictions of the biofascist state will be supported by the utterly false narrative of anthropogenic global warming, concocted by the Club of Rome in the 1970s and promoted ever since by the United Nations — a corrupt Rockefeller organization originally named the Lucifer Trust. COVID lockdowns conditioned us for climate lockdowns, with threats made visible in the form of droughts and floods brought about by weather manipulation technology, which has existed for decades and was (notably) used by US forces to immiserate the enemy with endless rains during the Vietnam War. Our climate is actually stepping into a deep freeze from an impending Grand Solar Minimum, so people are preparing for exactly the opposite of what’s coming.

Importantly, the true multiple purposes of the ginned-up war with Ukraine is now clear. It was launched by WEF graduate Vladimir Putin on the day of the court-ordered release of the Pfizer documents, that the company had hoped to lock up for 75 years, like the JFK assassination files. It made for a great distraction. More importantly, since Ukraine is a major grain exporter, the conflict exacerbates world-wide food shortages and supply chain interruptions. It covers up the corrupt business practices there of the Bush, Clinton and Biden families (see Hunter Biden’s laptop), and gave Russia a scripted excuse to shut off natural gas supplies to Europe, which will face a dark winter, indeed.

The CIA is busy laying the groundwork for a phoney attack from hostile UFOs or aliens, about which Nazi scientist and Saturn rocket program leader, Werner Von Braun, warned at the end of his long NASA career. He said it would be the final operation of the long-planned global takeover scheme.

Schwab’s “Great Reset” is in full swing

The US Federal Reserve (a private banking cartel) has hyper-inflated the economy with insane money printing such that bubbles in stock, bond and real estate markets are about to burst, and bring a quadrillion dollar derivatives liability down upon our heads. The controlled demolition of the middle class and the US dollar as a world reserve currency will be accomplished. A great depression will ensue, surpassing that of the 1930s, from which a Sino-Russian alliance will emerge as the new leader, built around China’s Belt and Road initiative connecting Asian markets with Africa’s natural resources, that serves 90% of the global population. The BRICS nations are expanding their membership and Saudi Arabia is poised to dump the petrodollar in favour of a new gold-backed world reserve currency. In a matter of time a one-world government will be implemented, and a one-world religion based in the new “Vatican” in Astana, Kazakstan

Alex Jones book — The Great Reset: And the War for the World— has been released, and urges us to fight back. In doing so, we must remember these shadowy elites derive much of their power from ritual and plans hatched in secret places, from Bohemian Grove to the inner sanctums of Masonic temples and other places portrayed by Stanley Kubrick in his final film, Eyes Wide Shut. We must apply equal conviction to white magic, and rituals that appeal to the light. We can harness the power of intention, and engage in intense visualization exercises to manifest what we want — individually and collectively — as opposed to merely opposing the globalists’ plans. Remember, “what we resist persists.” Many freedom fighters (myself included) have fallen into the trap of sharing articles and podcasts on social media that report on the globalists’ latest moves. This ultimately makes those moves real. Instead, we must meditate upon and articulate the vision of the society we want, and then take action to build that society.

Tribal people have understood this technology for millennia, drawing on the ground or cave walls the animals they sought to hunt successfully. Or intensely imagining rain to end a drought. Such strategies work because they induce the universe — which is electric and magical — to collaborate.

It’s not just superstition

It’s said the Devil’s greatest accomplishment was convincing people he didn’t exist. Likewise, the ancient nobility of Europe has convinced most citizens that scientific materialism is reality, and the rest is just primitive superstition. We must imagine the kind of humane world we seek, free of science tyranny, rights and privacy violations, private central banks, and endless for-profit wars — a life-affirming society nestled in a garden planet stewarded by wise and compassionate people.

That’s what we must manifest, sincerely and powerfully, while there’s still time.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at