DRUTHERS: Social Media Accounts BLOCKED!
But They Can’t Censor Print
By Shawn Jason
Well friends, as of September 22, we lost connection with 187,000 of you on Facebook and 27,000 more of you on Instagram. This is where the majority of our online reach came from, so this is a pretty big deal to Druthers. This is also a really big deal for all Canadians, yet most don’t seem to see or care that this is a very serious issue.
How Did This Happen?
Earlier this year, Bill C-18 passed, which basically means the government told online tech companies that if Canadians are going to share Canadian news links on their social platforms, that the platforms had to start paying the news agencies. Big tech said no way, and now all Canadian news is blocked on Facebook & Instagram, including everything we have ever posted on the Druthers social pages.
Don’t lose touch with uncensored news! Join our mailing list today.
Go see for yourself:
or: instagram.com/druthersnews
You will find the accounts are still there but no content can be seen, but only if you are in Canada. People in other countries can still see our content, though we the admins of those social pages cannot see our own content nor post anything new. The pages are essentially useless now. We cannot keep you informed of what’s going on through those platforms any more.
Who Is In The Wrong?
Facebook says the government is in the wrong for demanding money be paid to their dying legacy media outlets, and the government says Facebook is wrong for blocking Canadian news content.
I say, this is all wrong!! I also say, it’s all by design.
With legacy media fading away into oblivion, brought about by their own greed, lies & lack of integrity for the people, this is a superb way to temporarily push Canadians back to buying their mainstream newspapers, watching /listening to their news stations, hence increasing advertising revenues and making the corporate media more money. But also, and more importantly, it gives them better control over the narrative on whatever the political hot topic of the week is. State sponsored propaganda is about all we receive in Canada these days through the big media giants.
If no news can be found online, where will people get their news fix? Yep, legacy media, which we all know by now is not honest and does not care for the best interests of the people. And now there will be no dissenting voices or room for debate. Whatever the government suits and unelected regulatory bodies determine to be true will be served up as such, even when it is clearly not actually true.
They Can’t Censor Print
It is now even more important than ever to support Druthers and help this newspaper grow in reach & impact. 250,000 newspapers per month is our usual circulation, which is fabulous, but with 15 million dwellings in this country and a population of 40 MILLION people, we can do so much more, and they can’t censor print!
This project is entirely people powered. We receive no government funding and have no corporate sponsors. This truly is the people’s paper and we really do need your ongoing support in order to keep printing.
Did you know? We have printed nearly 9 million papers so far and given them to people coast to coast across Canada and into numerous other countries too.
Let’s keep it going!!
Invest In The Future Of Canada
Your contribution to Druthers is so much more than a donation. It is an investment into the future and freedom of this country; for ourselves, for our children and for our grandchildren. These papers plant seeds of thought that are helping more people rapidly wake up to the bigger picture and the harms being inflicted upon us and on all our loved ones.
We can make it stop. We can still change course. Together we are strong. I believe that when enough of us recognize the source of our problems, we WILL come together and create the solutions and find better ways forward for all of humanity. This is why Druthers is so important. We bring to light the things that mainstream media won’t. We provide another perspective to the story. We share censored experts and silenced voices. This is all tremendously important in a healthy society.
For every $1,000 we raise, we print and distribute 10,000 newspapers across Canada with the help of thousands of volunteers!! That’s how we can do it for just 10 cents per paper. How many people can you afford to help wake up?
Easiest is ETRANSFER: Use the email admin@druthers.net to send a donation to help print more papers next month. Please consider doing this monthly if you are able.
Credit, Debit or Paypal: You can use the official fundraising page: donorbox.org/druthers
Cash, Cheques, Gift Cards: Make cheques payable to and mail to:
Shawn Jason Laplante
P.O. Box 40531
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8
Keep going everyone!! We are winning :) Remember to stay focused on what we do want to see in this world… TRUTH, LOVE & FREEDOM!
- Add your email to our contact list on the front page of our website at druthers.ca
- Get our actual newspaper sent to you by mail each month at druthers.ca/shop/subscribe
- Or just send us an email directly to admin@druthers.net