Do The Hard Thing


Do The Hard Thing

Published On: October 1, 2021Tags:


The hard thing for me this year was a deep look into the mirror. Do I have the caliber that it is going to take to make it through the challenging times ahead? I hear the freight train barreling down the tracks. I had better get it figured out because the time of oppression by the wicked is certainly here.

That is the state of mind that I started with. I could not be a student of history and ignore the timelines of the countless collapses. I could not ignore my own life experience in and out of the military. Facts are not fickle things as the enemies of liberty would have you believe.

I now know of my forefathers and the accomplishments that they achieved under their own duress. They survived and they thrived when the British overstepped their authority and devolved into thugs bent on the subjugation of the people at all costs. Like our current government, the British used the guise of law and mandates to brutalize any who were morally opposed to the brutality.

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Ultimately, the patience of the angry tyrants turned to force of arms. They dispatched uniformed armed thugs against the people. Those brave farmers and bookkeepers who picked up a musket never to return believed in liberty enough to die for it.

When government seizes power, segregates a people, and determines participation in society, it has lost legitimacy.

All who assist in this process, are as guilty of crimes against humanity as those in the Nuremberg Trials. Some may cringe and call it flamboyant language, but I assure you If you go back and watch them you will see for yourself. Now you get it.

When that same diseased government operates in partnership with other levels of government, corporations, clubs, organizations, foundations, societies, or any other ‘entity’, its corruption spreads. No good thing can come from something that is corrupt.

If armed thugs in uniform come to your family to do what they want to them, what would you do? Here is what they are doing to help you submit. First, they are ensuring that movie theaters, dining out, bars, and even churches will require vaccines. Transportation, services, and businesses of all types are being placed off limits to those who maintain their natural immunity system. The lockstep approach of Governments, corporations, and organizations is designed to solidify their power over the people as employment opportunities and even food stores become off limits. In a short period of time all things will only be accessible to those who are obedient to the system. Turning honest, loyal patriots, and their families into terrorists, criminals, and mobsters all because they insist on maintaining the independence that our ancestors deeded to us through their blood, sweat, and tears.

The monster that is the government-private partnership will continue to squeeze those who resist through propaganda, peer pressure, shame, and ultimately complete exclusion from society. The new gypsies of the world will become a segregated people and as the resilient folk we are, we will start to develop our own economy and systems to survive. But the rage of the unstable left will not rest until we submit or die. Once again, the “Final Solution” will be deployed just like it has so many times in the past. The wicked oligarchy will deploy their uniformed thugs to disappear those that still resist and resist we will.

This is a terrible projection of where we are. But don’t take my word for it. Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Start looking into everything. Trying to validate and prove me wrong. The evidence will speak for itself. Look for supporting arguments and counter arguments to every question you have. Relearn how to get the information you need. Pray to come the inspired and educated decision that will save you and your family’s life. And always remember to hold on to the ability to change a position when more evidence becomes available.

On the other hand, you can turn on Netflix and pretend that the ‘normal’ that we had will return. Let me know how that worked out for you next spring.

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