Did You Have an Adverse Reaction to the Covid Shot?
By Michelle Zeh
A s Fall is upon us, the government and mainstream media are brazenly pushing Canadians to take yet another Covid booster before flu season. In fact, although Canadian Health Minister Jean Yves Duclos told Canadians they’d need a shot in the arm every nine months to stay ‘up-to-date’, Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends boosting every three months — and that’s on top of the flu shot!
The US Department of Health and Human Services’ Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), co-sponsored by the US Centers For Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a place where adverse events to ANY vaccine can be reported by individuals or their health care providers from anywhere in the world. It is reportedly not user friendly but rather antiquated, time-consuming, cumbersome and very limiting — by design I’m sure. As their website states: “Underreporting” is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events”. This fact is rather frightening as there have been over 30,000 deaths and 57,000 permanent disabilities associated with Covid-19 injections reported to VEARS, as captured by the good people at OpenVAERS. (https://openvaers.com/covid-data)
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Team Enigma are a group of individuals who have come together to expose the danger of the experimental Covid injections. Team member Mike Yeadon — Former CSO and VP of Pfizer— describes them as a group of researchers with experience in Pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing, clinical trials, pharmaceutical industry regulations, data analysis and modelling, and statistics. Team members are located worldwide and are doing independent analyses of the same data. They are financially and politically independent thus not influenced by government and Big Pharma money and pressure. Using the VAERS reports, they break down the report data by manufacturer, lot number, total number of reports received, number of permanent disabilities and deaths. They are able to demonstrate how many reported injuries are associated with a lot number, by country or globally. Dr. Yeadon also says that approximately 5% of the lots are responsible for 90% of all adverse reactions. Some of the batches have 50 times the number of deaths and disabilities associated with them, compared to other lots.
If you are injured or simply want to know whether the shots you took — either willingly or through coercion — caused injury to others, please got to www.howbad.info and click “Check Your Lot Number (Latest Data)”. If you don’t see your lot number, it means that VAERS hasn’t received any adverse event reports.
Important: If you are in Canada and if you have had an adverse event to a Covid shot, there is now a place to submit your report and also to get help if you’re suffering. Please visit www.caers.info for more information. You can also read their blog at https://caers.substack.com
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