Diary Of A Dying Vaccinated Man

diary of a dying vaccinated man

Diary of a (dying) Vaccinated Man

Published On: February 1, 2023Tags: , ,

The following are a series of tweets from Mike O’Mara on Twitter (@mikeomara)

  • Oct 30, 2022 — Attention all other vax—injured/long COVID folks with mysterious muscle wasting diseases that appear like ALS/cancer/prion disease/etc. who are getting ignored and gaslit over and over again like me. Connect with me. If we’re going out, we’re making noise before we exit.

  • Nov 8, 2022 — It is long past time to go public with this. I refuse to simply lie down and die as if I did something wrong to bring about this terrible torture that I have been enduring for the last eight months now.

  • Nov 8, 2022 — I understand that others may have differing opinions, and they are entitled to them, but this is MY truth and MY life, and I am going to lose it very quickly if others aren’t made aware of everything and don’t assist in putting pressure on the broken medical system.

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  • Nov 8, 2022 — At this time, after months and months of crippling pain, encroaching and accelerating disability and the wasting away of my body’s muscle and strength, it is obvious that I am fading fast due to a neuromuscular degenerative disease of some type.

  • Nov 8, 2022 — It presents like ALS — except, it isn’t showing up as classically on the expected testing as ALS usually does, which has prompted doctors to at first outright dismiss me — which they did for months — or exclaim that my case is too difficult and ‘fire’ me from their practices.

  • Nov 8, 2022 — Terrifyingly, I have been in contact with dozens of people suffering similarly who have likewise been ignored and passed off by their medical teams as well — and through sharing our stories we have learned that our common denominator has been the COVID vaccines.

  • Nov 8, 2022 — Of course, the medical establishment won’t touch that possibility. I am expiring quickly. It is time to stop being nice and polite and to start demanding answers and treatment. Those of us suffering with these horrible issues post—vaccination need immediate testing and care.

  • Nov 12, 2022 — I was a guy who loved his life. I was a teacher, a mentor, an artist. All I wanted was to keep doing what I loved for years to come. But I have been murdered by a ‘medicine’ that was haphazardly thrown together and coercively used as a political pawn to divide humanity.

  • Nov 12, 2022 — Since early this year, my muscle and connective tissue have been literally dissolving from my body. I have had horrendous, all day, bodywide pain. Unrelenting insomnia. Insufferable digestive issues. I have not had one good moment since the beginning of March. Thanks, Moderna.

  • Nov 15, 2022 — I am dying. Murdered by Moderna. The muscle mass in my body is gone. Dissolving. No diet, exercise, supplements, etc. have worked or will work. There is a mass murder that has taken place worldwide. Don’t be like those who stood aside and didn’t want to make noise in the ‘30s.

  • Nov 16, 2022 — Things keep failing. The muscle wasting keeps progressing, constant as the horror it produces. I don’t have an official death sentence diagnosis as of yet, but it is coming. Like so many others murdered by the COVID vaccines, everyone will act surprised. I’ve known for months.

  • Dec 13, 2022 — I cannot believe I am dying a horrible agonizing death for trying to do the right thing by society. I cannot believe even more than after a lifetime of knowing me, just about everyone who used to love & value me has abandoned me to my fate over the politicization of the reason.

  • Dec 15, 2022 — I would have any hope that I can survive this vaccine injury/slow motion murder if it weren’t for the literal pieces of me just missing now thanks to the ALS—presentation muscle wasting. It is horrifying, endlessly painful and those who did this to the world deserve to hang.

  • Dec 21, 2022 — Is there anyone else out there with the turbo ALS—like muscle wasting disease from the vax? I want to connect with more before I am gone. The few dozen people I have met suffering like me have been my only source of humanity in the past months. Someday the truth will come out.

  • Dec 28, 2022 — Is there anyone out there with ALS/MND type severe muscle/connective tissue wasting post COVID vax that has found ANY help? I have tried FLCCC/Kory protocol and just about everything else I could find. Anyone? Is there anything that helps or am I just dying and that’s it?

  • Jan 12, 2023 — Well, looks like I’m not going to be fully banned off of Facebook for telling my story and trying to find help and community while I am dying from vaccine—induced muscle wasting disease. Humanity is truly non-existent any longer. Follow my YouTube until I’m erased there, too…

  • Jan 12, 2023 — I used to workout because it made me feel good to do something for my health. These days I do it in horror as I continue to watch my muscles melt away regardless thanks to the vaccine that has murdered me with no cure or reversal coming. And I can’t talk about it or I am banned.

  • Jan 12, 2023 — I cannot believe I am dying this way. With all of my muscle systemically dissolved away. All of my organs slowly and surely showing more and more damage. The slowest, most torturous murder imaginable, like something medieval. And I was healthy, I had a life to live. All gone.

  • Jan 12, 2023 — Let it end. Let it end! God, please just take me from this ruined life. Let me go as I sleep. Please, please. There is nothing left. There will never be joy, never recovery, never a thing to look forward to but more and more suffering as I dissolve and lose everything. Let me go.

  • Jan 13, 2023 — There are two reactions I have gotten to my horrible, irreversible wasting disease caused by the COVID vax — scorn/hatred, or pity. I don’t want either. I wanted my life. It is so cruel how this just takes and takes, little by little. How I wish it would just end me now.

  • Jan 14, 2023 — Waking up feeling like little pools of acid have been poured into various places where muscles connect as they continue to dissolve from my body. Every time I think the torture can’t get worse before the end, it does. Somehow, it can hurt me more yet before it kills me.

  • Jan 14, 2023 — It is an eerie, terrible feeling to know that you’ll be dead soon. To know that every little thing you do, every action you wouldn’t have thought twice about might be the last time this time you’re doing it. Standing, walking, eating, sleeping, lifting my arms… it’s all ending.

  • Jan 15, 2023 — Goodbye, all. My nerves are dying, my muscle tissue dissolved, the last bits twitching as they fail. My digestion has stopped, organs failing slowly but surely. I await my last ride to my last stop for whatever final failure will kill me. Love to those who supported me. Goodbye.

  • Jan 16, 2023 — Somehow, multiple doctors are refusing to help me get promptly readmitted to an ER as things continue to deteriorate. Why actively dying people need to beg to be seen, taken seriously and given prompt assessment and comfort care is beyond cruel. Continuing to beg for help…

  • Jan 16, 2023 — Hey, hateful trolls: — I didn’t ask anyone to follow me — I don’t owe you my medical records — I don’t owe you my medical photos — Your mockery doesn’t change facts — I really hope you never have to suffer anything like this, and if you do, — I hope people aren’t like you to you

  • Jan 18, 2023 — The last gasp hopes of my one truly dedicated doctor to try to find an autoimmune angle to what is killing me are all coming back negative, proving again that this relentless neurogenic wasting disease is swiftly murdering me with no recourse. Time for final defined diagnosis.

  • Jan 18, 2023 — More labs — no neuro antibodies, no paraneoplastic antibodies. So no hope for anything treatable. Even a few days ago, I could at least force myself to be up most of the day. I could still clumsily and with pain play some piano, do some singing. All of that is done, now.

  • Jan 21, 2023 — I am just one of so many who are the ‘late bloomers’ of the ‘died suddenly’ phenomenon. There are, and will be, multitudes with all kinds of diseases and abnormal presentations of diseases never seen before. Those of you who are left — change the system. Fight for victims.

Follow Mike on Twitter and send him your love & blessings: twitter.com/mikeomara