By Anas Attia & Dale Hawkins
Yes, lockdowns kill! They are killing people, industries and livelihoods alike. They kill in many ways and with great force too. And no, we have never been locked-down like this before and there is no solid science to backup the claims of their effectiveness. The longer lockdowns continue, the worse things are going to get. They need to end now!
Almost everyone, including the World Health Organization, is in agreement that lockdowns are destroying society while offering little, if any, real-world effectiveness. A year later, the evidence for this is mounting, including real-world examples of lockdowns being lifted, resulting in lower Covid-19 cases.
Lockdowns are simply not proportionate reactions! They harm more than they help (and so), at what cost are we going to continue going down this path?
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Death of Hope
Emotional and psychological effects of the lockdowns and fear-based news media contribute to the development and exacerbation of mental illness. They also directly contribute to deaths of despair.
People experience despair due to a bleak sense of their long-term social and economic outlook. Drug overdoses, suicides, weight gain and conditions like alcoholic liver disease are directly attributed to despair and are all on a sharp rise. It is also known that there is at least an additional 1% increase in suicides for every 1% increase in unemployment. It is not hard to imagine why people will seek destructive behaviour patterns, like drug abuse, in these trying times. This certainly includes children and the elderly alike. Despair can be a real killer.
Calls made to suicide help lines including Kids Helpline have more than doubled year-over-year in 2020 and are on trend to continue rising sharply in 2021. At this rate lockdowns are initiating what may soon be known as The Great Depression of our time…
Death of Childhood
No more hugging friends or talking to them during lunch break in school. No more smiling, singing or dancing and certainly no more sports either. No more field trips or family vacations. No school at all, even for weeks on end and when you are in school, you must stay inside your specific, drawn-out circle. Kids are slowly being forced to not socialize and they are being programmed with fear. Also, if you test “positive” for Covid-19, you have to be quarantined away for weeks. Even guilted into thinking you may kill someone if you break the rules!
The lockdowns are harming children. We are scaring them into extreme territories of dehumanization, forcing them to wear masks and robbing them of needed human closeness; for a virus that is less harmful than any past flu season. They have to wear masks with their friends and family. For everything. Many kids now do not feel comfortable bearing their face, even to their own parents! How important is facial expression and other social contact in early development and socialization? Gaslighted by government ad campaigns and mainstream media propaganda, kids are being convinced that they will kill their own grandparents, if they don’t comply. Children of all ages are being robbed of their needed social development and in many ways, irrevocably so.
Death of Small Business
Costco and Walmart can let dozens of people in their stores at once (with massive lines of people crowding outside) yet other small businesses need to stay closed because they are deemed as “non-essential”? Numerous industries have been decimated from the restrictions including the events, entertainment, hospitality, and tourism industries to name a few. In reality, all forms of in-person work by small businesses have been impacted for more than a year, since the start of the lockdowns.
Much of the middle-class income and future opportunity is vanishing. Wealth disparity between the middle-class and the elites continues to increase, with big global corporations like Amazon, breaking sales records and further dominating the market, contrasted by a sharp increase in homeless population numbers and bankruptcies.
Death of Healthcare
In a world obsessed with Covid-19, all other health care considerations took a back seat. From the disastrous canceling of elective surgeries to, slowly but surely, losing most forms of private health care. We are destroying healthcare as we know it. And as much as they try to sell us on it, telephone meetings (that are now the norm for doctor visits) are not, in any way adequate for performing a role of a simple, in-person, appointment.
There is also a new instilled reluctance from the public to interact with health care workers, like intentionally avoiding going to the E.R. for what may truly be life threatening issues. Ailments are going undiagnosed through telephone appointments, and to top it off, mental disorders are developing or exacerbating without the usual social support systems in place.
Death of Rights and Freedoms
What makes Canada one of the greatest countries in the world? The simple answer is, freedom. Where that freedom stems from is a bit more controversial, but,The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution and Police Code of Conduct , among many other regulatory bodies in Canada, are what contribute to making this country amongst the freest of countries in the world.
The Canadian Bill of Rights, as an example, provides an individual’s right to life, liberty and security, whilst enabling freedom of religion, speech, assembly and association and press.
For the first time in Canada’s short history, these rights and freedoms are under attack. The government, working with big corporations, have ramped up censorship online, where most of our social communication happens. It is becoming exceedingly difficult to find information that goes against the mainstream narrative.
Death of Protest
For the first time in Canadian history, protesting was “deemed” illegal. On January 16th, 2021, two weeks after Ontario initiated a stayat-home order, Toronto Police took an aggressive stance on protesting. That day, hundreds of police officers lined Dundas Square and arrested and ticketed dozens of protesters seemingly at random, setting a trend for the next few weeks. Even people who stayed “socially distant” were ticketed and/or arrested if they appeared to not be there for “essential exercise.”
Governments throughout that world have ushered in anti-protest laws. Last month in the U.K., “The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill” was passed, and it limits the right to protest in many ways, including: allowing police to impose start and finish times, arrest “annoying”protesters and outright ban protests in front of the U.K. Parliament. Similarly, multiple U.S. states passed anti-protest laws, including Oklahoma and Iowa where granted immunity to drivers whose vehicles strike and injure protesters in public streets, and anyone convicted of unlawful assembly is barred from holding state employment in Indiana and barred from receiving student loans, unemployment insurance, or housing assistance in Minnesota.
Death of Informed Consent
Individuals receiving COVID-19 vaccines are typically not informed that the vaccines have not been FDA approved (they are being distributed via “Emergency Use Authorization” in the US and “Interim Order Authorization” in Canada, which is technically allowed because we are in a “state of emergency”). Clinical trials will not be concluded until 2023, and by consenting to take the vaccine now, you are consenting to participate in phase 3 and 4 of these clinical trials. Vaccine manufacturers are not liable for any injuries you may sustain, including death. Neither are insurance companies.
Death of Scientific Inquiry
The pandemic response has had a haunting effect on the pursuit of truth. For science to thrive, opposing ideas must be openly and vigorously discussed and either supported or countered based on facts and data. Instead, politicians, journalists, doctors and scientists have become victims of extreme peer pressure that include vicious slander, shaming, defamation, and guilt by association, along with open calls for censorship.
People who oppose or question lockdowns have been accused of having blood on their hands, their jobs threatened, with many choosing to stay quiet rather than face the mob. In an effort to “keep people safe” during these trying times, social media giants like YouTube do not allow for any medical information that contradicts health authorities or the W.H.O., no matter how true.
Death of Critical Thinking
Authorities tell us to “trust the experts,” but what they really mean by this is trust the selected few and under no circumstance do your own research or trust experts deemed to be unofficial. They say that questioning lockdowns or vaccines is “selfish” and “anti-science”. They exclaim that doing what you are told makes you “a good person.”
Bullying and targeting morals is one way to prevent critical thinking, but fear of death and guilt are also effective. Also, our minds get muddied with ever rising cognitive dissonance surrounding case counts and ever changing lockdown restrictions make it hard to see reality for what it really is. Facts like: People under 40 have a 99.97% chance of surviving the “COVID-19 virus,” and the PCR test is being misused, and begin to have no meaning at all.
Death of History
In order to paint the illusion that masking is a normal reaction to a pandemic, the world’s history of pandemic responses is being re-written. Authorities claim that all citizens wore face masks during the 1918 Spanish flu, which is simply not true!
As far as we know, face masks were only mandated among the general public in one city: San Francisco (and a group of nearly 5,000 citizens known as the “Anti-Mask League of San Francisco” fought back against the ruling AND WON!) The mask mandate in San Francisco lasted under 6 weeks. Mask use was also briefly seen in a few other cities, in police stations, government buildings and hospitals and only at the height of the pandemic. In fact, if you were to search YouTube for “1919 footage” or “scenes at the end of WWI” you would come across many videos of crowds of people without a mask in sight.
While mask mandates have been added, other parts of our pandemic response history have been erased. For example, quinine (a.k.a. “Hydroxychloroquine”) was a commonly cited, successful treatment for the 1918 flu. And there seems to be no evidence of lockdowns or school shut-downs ever lasting for long. An overly authoritative pandemic response is not and was not ever normal.
In closing, the declared COVID-19 pandemic response via lockdown has been devastating, killing many aspects of society with almost immeasurable consequence. A year ago we didn’t have much data, but today we do.
Lockdowns are not effective. Countries that never locked-down like Sweden, South Korea and Turkmenistan don’t even appear on Worldometer’s top 25 countries of “covid deaths’’ per million. States like Florida never imposed state-wide lockdowns or masks mandates and their cases continue to go down. Texas, Arizona and over a dozen others followed suit, all with similar results. In Belgium the people have even gone as far as challenging the government’s system of implementing the lockdown measures with a lawsuit. They won, and the Belgian state was ordered to “lift all COVID-19 measures within 30 days”.
If it is truly a matter of life and death then we must seriously examine the effects that lockdowns have on our society. It’s time we analyzed these reactionary measures from a risk perspective. Truly weighing the devastation that lockdowns have, no matter what the media or politicians say. It is time to separate fact from fiction, and see things for what they really are.
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