Dear Sensitive Ones: We Need you at your Highest Vibration Possible
By Krissy VanAlstyne
Dear empathic hearts, sensitive souls and all the healers who walk this earth—your time has never been more now: we need you at your most. We need you taking care of yourself, wholly. We need you in tune with the gifts that you are, fully. We need you ensuring that you are not suffering in vain. We need you at your highest vibration possible, not weighted down by muck that is not yours to carry.
We, the sensitive beings, are the healing tools of incredible importance. The ones who have seen our own darkest shadows through to the light, releasing the muck that once lived in us—realizing in doing so, that the suffering that we were born into was actually for great purpose. None of our suffering was ever in vain.
We were born for extraordinary purpose, my loves. I hope that you know that and let no one stand in the way of the power of your sensitivities—including yourself. For you are the needed medicine in a really sick world right now. We, the sensitive, are the very cure. These words are for the ones who have consciously chosen to accept this work as their own. The work of a feeler. The work of a healer. The work of the divine instruments that we are.
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Thank you, for I know this work is for the bravest of the brave. To work with, and through the divine, as the light and healing bodies that we are, is not something we are taught, but is something that we teach ourselves by learning to trust an inner knowing that has us moving toward a known unknown, constantly. That, in itself, is brave—let alone the feelings and emotions we feel to and need to heal along the way in doing so. But in doing so, we are ensuring that no suffering has ever existed in vain. Oh no, we suffer to end suffering—a complexity only understood by those doing this soul work, via the human body as we do. If you are reading this, are innately sensitive, and have yet to claim your gift and your purpose here as the feeler-healer that you are, then this is for you too. Maybe even especially for you.
Welcome home, dear precious Earth angels. We understand you even as you still learn to understand yourself. We are a special kind of tribe this way. You are not alone, even when the world we live in can make us feel so. It is all a part of the plan, really, to help you—and us all—evolve. And what an evolution it is.
We, the sensitive healers of this world, have been evolving and transcending the suffering, transmuting dark to light. This is happening whether we have accepted or understood our valuable role here or not, because in every emotion that we feel, we are moving the dark into the light and affecting something greater that we cannot fully see. Many of us know and therefore do see, just not in a way we are accustomed to, as we transition through our consciousness. Sometimes, we are forced into our roles as the healers that we are; a hard shove that dropped us to our knees, leaving us no other choice but to start the journey of our own healing. It’s do or die—continue to suffer in vain or learn to suffer for purpose. Then we start to really see.
So go willingly or go with a bit of force—either way, it is serving to clear the muck from the collective consciousness, however it unfolds. Whichever way it’s meant to go, it will surely go, and as it goes, we learn the pain becomes something to embrace, not something to avoid. We learn that the painful dark within is the gateway for our human experience to dissolve its no-longer-needed shadowy bits. We learn that suffering is short-term when we choose to meet this truth heart-on. So we face it—over and over again. We feel it through—over and over again. Until it resolves.
We, the sensitive, pulled our once-stolen-from-us power back to us, and it became a strength that proved unstoppable. For once, we are no longer afraid to feel that which so many others run from; there isn’t anything that we cannot face and move through. We’ve been through the depressions, the crippling anxiety, and the pain that stole our breath, dropped us to our knees, and had us fighting for our lives as we moved through the darkest night of the soul. For some of us, more than once.
Pain is no stranger to us. We know how to burn with purpose and how to rise up from the ashes, again and again. We are strength with a whole new meaning. Our version of strong isn’t found in muscle—it’s found in feeling. We are the trailblazers anchoring in the heart-centered consciousness, helping to usher in a new world where so many souls are looking to come home to heal too. This is where I invite us all to be most aware, dear ones, to seize the opportunity to stay at our most. Most bright. Most strong. Most embodied and whole. And most potent as a result, as the medicine that you are. Because you see, in my experience, there will be many who are also walking through their dark, looking to heal and to come home but end up coming to us instead.
Just remember, though, home for them isn’t through or in ours. It’s through and in them. We are healers, but we are not here to heal anyone but self. Those who have yet to really face their pain inside the darkness and feel it through to healing can show up causing painful chaos in our space as they search for the love they need to find within them—within us. We cannot love someone to their light. We cannot heal someone home. Try as we might to stick by them as they pit stop on their way, we will soon go down with a sinking ship, suffering through dark waters that we don’t need to swim, even though we can.
When this stuff arrives in our life, looking to be healed, to be exposed, to be loved, as it looks to return home, may we be wise enough to know exactly what needs to be done, when it does. It’s danger—danger, I say. So step back, and send this energy back to its owner. It’s the only place that it can be fully transmuted and healed. The pain we feel, as these sensitive beings that we are, can sometimes come from being too close and getting entangled in another person’s dark that isn’t ours to feel or heal or suffer in. It’s theirs to feel, to heal, to suffer through until it transmutes, so make sure to send it back. We are healers, the light, the medicine of love in human form—but we are not the healer for anyone’s darkness but our own. Others need to rise up to do their work, just as we did—so send it back.
Be wise, dear sensitive soul. Untangle yourself from all that is not yours to burden. We need to set what is not ours free. We set ourselves free too, and when we do, to be at our most, we most definitely need to feel free. Remember, we work for the light by finding our way through our own dark, not through the dark of anyone else’s.