Dear Abuse-Denier
By Ken Lori
Where an organism injures another there is abuse. One who suffers from sustained and repeated lockdowns is a victim of abuse.
Those in favor of sustained and repeated lockdowns support and perpetuate lockdown-induced depression, loneliness, decreased physical health, drug overdoses, suicide, mental health crises, spousal abuse, child abuse and marital breakdown.
You have proven ruthlessly unsympathetic to the devastation rendered by such sustained and repeated abuse while those of us opposed to lockdowns care deeply about victims of COVID-19. We feel badly when someone dies of COVID-19 but you don’t seem to feel the same when a lockdown victim commits suicide.
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Incidentally, as a social worker I have never questioned a client’s pain. I don’t tell them they shouldn’t feel victimized, that they have no right to share their feelings or that they shouldn’t seek out the root of the problem. Should a victim of domestic violence now distrust all men? I don’t blame her for feeling that way.
Pro-lockdowners tend not to listen to victims of lockdowns, preferring to ridicule instead. Imagine if I ridiculed my clients this way.
One who is pro-lockdown is pro-abuse, not only by participation, pressure upon peers and shaming, but by doubling down the insensitivity after victims report their sustained and repeated suffering.
In this way you perpetuate disparity and discriminate against victims of lockdowns as would groups, societies and religions, say, against women and minorities.
You are, essentially, a bigot not applying statistics, common sense, love-based philosophy or sound argument to justify your hostility toward lockdown opposers and victims but prejudice ingested without question from leaders, trend-setters and thought police through media – the way blind and deaf bigotry always spreads.
Shockingly, you’re likely “offended” by victims of lockdowns.
Like bigots, racists and sexists of old you have adopted the common view of the common people socialized to blame lockdown victims and ignore their suffering and justified stance.
In Canada, we seek to understand then change a system or institution known to victimize. Where more than one complains of institutional indignity we tend not to blame victims but strive to analyze the source… except with respect to the mass abuse of lockdowns.
It is true, abuse-denier: with respect to lockdown victims you’re a victim-blamer, your views steeped in neither science nor soul.
Heartlessly, not only do victim-blaming-abusersthen-deniers seek not to understand (much less empathize with lockdown victims) but hold them at fault for their involuntary responses (i.e. sadness, depression, anger, hatred) to isolation.
Yes, trauma suffered by lockdown victims is involuntary (akin to the trauma of child and spousal abuse) and 100% at the hands of human beings (true also for victims of child and spousal abuse). That you are insensitive to involuntary responses to human-caused suffering reveals you to be sadistic.
Incidentally, it might interest you that, after thirteen months of obedience, duty and sacrifice, our resistance to lockdown is also involuntary, more visceral than rational, not a manipulated theory or “outlook” groomed by government but ethically-sourced in sustained suffering unnaturally cultivated.
But you have no time or tolerance for any of that logical biological nonsense. Your “views” are everything, and nothing – including the unnecessary suffering of another perpetuated by those views – will change your mind to feel our pain.
No victim of lockdowns has chosen their suffering nor the feelings and behaviors caused as a result yet you refuse to accept this.
It is clear: your complicity with such hurtful laws implicates you in any suffering that has come to any person as a result of such laws.
What’s worse is without any conclusive proof that lockdowns are healthy or effective in its objectives, you’re a poorly-informed and insensitive accomplice to any harm that comes to any child, adult, senior, worker, business owner, spouse or student as a result of lockdowns. You’re the government’s stooge set up to take the fall when years down the road History blames the fearful for going along with such a reckless plan.
(Speaking of the fearful, where are all the cops, medical personnel and insiders who see the victims first hand? I’ve heard you speak privately about what you observe but fear to repeat but it is you who holds the Truth that will set us free, and risking your job to save thousands is, quite simply, the ethical and “essential” thing to do. It’s why you hold Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, Nelson Mandella, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks in such high esteem – and all of these honorable folk risked not just employment but life.)
But I understand.
I understand the source of your stunted attitude is no different than that of any prejudiced attitude so controlled and conditioned.
You’ve been brainwashed and bullied by the collective, unaware of the intellectual abuse inflicted upon you by the government and media. Like all abused you don’t understand that what you’re suffering isn’t normal or healthy until someone explains it, and that you’ve now become your abusive parent – metaphorically speaking.
Nevertheless it can’t be denied: you’re abusing and abusive and, like any abuser, you intimidate victims (i.e. anyone who doesn’t agree with your view of lockdowns) by telling us how deserving we are, how stupid/wrong we are and how much more we’ll suffer should we understand the Truth of our hell or attempt to escape or report it.
According to you: not only is our suffering not important but our desperation to escape the suffering will cause the spread of COVID-19.
Let it be known: Lethal ignorance causes and sustains depression, loneliness, decreased physical health, drug overdoses, suicide, mental health crises, spousal abuse, child abuse and marital breakdown. You’re an abusedenier who ought to be subject to the penalties imposed upon anyone who intentionally and over time inflicts then denies mental or bodily harm upon a person, refuses to feel their victim’s pain then self-righteously and without spine joins the mob to hang such victims in the village square.
It is time. Time to confess your crimes of abuse and denial, let us victims go and be eternally grateful we don’t have your vicious state-controlled mind to respond in equal measure.