Countering the Three C’s: Collectivism, Covidity and Confusion
By Julie Fleischauer
Author and research scientist, James Lyons Weiler, made a comment on the covid situation that is obvious once pointed out, but continuously overlooked: to paraphrase: “It is not a binary problem. There are more than two sides. It is a very complex problem, and if we continue to tackle it with a binary solution, we will continue to be astonished by our lack of success.”
What has been happening over the last 20 months is an old social experiment with new props. History only repeats itself when we believe that we have nothing left to learn from it. If you think I’m crazy, or over-exaggerating, you are just proving my point. Go read We the Living by Ayn Rand, or talk to a family that came to Canada to escape post-war communism, from any part of the world. And pay attention to how it always begins.
We are often confronted with the idea that the individual does not matter, in light of the collective good. “I expect of every citizen that they lay down their life, without hesitation, for their country.” sentiments both Hitler and Stalin had expressed. The only reason we have communities is to support the individual. Historically, the collective has always needed direction from individuals — and has always balked at it. Hospitals in the 1840’s had much higher incidence of childbed fever than home births. Women called it “doctor’s plague”, and though the chief of his hospital pressured him to accept it as causeless and inevitable, Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis found the cause. He tried to save the lives of women dying from childbed fever, but was shunned by his medical community so severely that it may have caused him mental illness. Only after his death had the truth become palatable enough that Pasteur and Lister could stop the needless deaths. Now we are so used to the idea of hand sanitation, we are over-using it, in all the wrong places, despite evidence of superbugs, which are not so different from variant viruses. If you pressure a biological system enough – it will change.
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Just like Semmelweis, Physicians are finding treatments for covid that are being mocked, ignored and outright suppressed, while the disease continues to be mistaken as inevitable and deadly, and we are offered just this one costly blanket protection, that will never work the way it is being advertised — because we can’t catch all the bats and vaccinate them! There’s an animal reservoir, and corona viruses mutate every 14 days.
What we need are new perspectives… for instance: What is a virus? What do you call a thing that attaches to a host for replication and uses the host’s resources, and may cause harm to the host? From the CDC website: “a parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host.” Maybe that’s how we can intuitively accept that Ivermectin works.
Do you know the so-called definition of “unvaccinated” these days? After needle #1, comes needle #2. After Needle #2 it takes up to two weeks for your body to develop full antibodies and for you to become fully “vaccinated” according to “the science” (mRNA types only). Most people assume they get an instant bubble of protection around them. In reality, if you go to the hospital a day after your second shot, you are one of the “unvaccinated” in the ER. The mainstream media is following “the science,” not the needle dates; and the significance of this hazy distinction is being capitalized on. It also explains why the numbers on the news, for “unvaccinated” are not separated from those with “unknown vaccine status”…there’s that two week gray area.
Vaccine adverse reactions can only be recorded if they happen within a certain number of days post injection, so that they can be validated and tracked by reporting systems such as VAERS. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is co-managed by the CDC and the FDA. VAERS is an early warning system to detect problems with vaccines. The last 10 months has seen as many deaths reported on VAERS, as the combined total of every other vaccine before covid. If the “unvaccinated” make up only 20% of the population, and most of the “hesitant” people we know aren’t sick or in the hospital, where are the numbers coming from?
“The world we see that seems so insane, is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.”
~ William James
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