Climate Hysteria 2023
The U.N. Says The Sky Is Falling… Again
As written in my previous Substacks (, Canada remains a carbon negative, pristine and beautiful country.
Canadian forests, prairie grasslands, tundra, land mass and oceans absorb far more carbon than Canada emits. Notwithstanding this simple fact, Trudeau and his made in China government continue to beat working Canadians into the ground with Made in China carbon taxes, Made in China inflation, Made in China totalitarian digital currency and Made in China 15 minute city surveillance policies.
According to the UN and Toronto Star “Climate Change Reporter” – Kate Allen :
“In the time it will take a current fifth grader to graduate high school, the world needs to realize massive, rapid and sustained cuts to greenhouse gas emissions in order to yank the planet back from the brink of disastrous climate change consequences according to a major United Nations report …” (Kate Allen, “The UN just released a landmark climate-change report. Here’s the grim timeline it gives us”, Toronto Star, March 20, 2023)
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UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres then uses this report to declare that it is time to “move into warp speed climate action now.”
The last time a public official sucked us in to “warp speed” public policy action we got experimental vaccines mandated for injection into people statistically more likely to die from COVID vaccines than from the disease the vaccines were not capable of preventing. As a result of precipitous “warp speed” circumvention of the usual vaccine safety regulations, thousands of otherwise healthy children and adults under the age of 50 are now dead, dying, crippled or disabled from aneurysms, myocarditis, pericarditis and numerous other identified vaccine side effects. Side effects that were either denied, dismissed or minimized through a public health narrative, that against a massive body of scientific evidence to the contrary, continues to describe the vaccines as “safe and effective”.
According to self-proclaimed Toronto Star Climate genius, Kate Allen “Countries such as Canada must slash carbon emissions by half in the next seven years to prevent that same fifth grader from living out her old age in a world with increased floods, fires, crop failures, forced migration and infectious disease outbreaks and to zero by 2050, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Synthesis Report.” (ibid.)
What all of these hysterics refuse to discuss is how even completely eliminating Canadian carbon emissions will have any measurable effect on climate change even if you subscribed to the fanciful notion that 418.96 ppm (PARTS PER MILLION) of CO2 in the atmosphere was the actual cause of so called “climate change”. If any of you recall the early iterations of climate change theory the “GreenHouse Earth” proponents would describe GreenHouse Gases (GHG’s) as creating a cloud over the planet similar to the clouds of Venus that would allow heat from the sun through but would trap the heat on the planet by preventing the heat from radiating back in to space. Yet the recent UN IPCC Synthesis report only confirms CO2 concentrations at 410 ppm, methane at 1866 ppb (PARTS PER BILLION) and nitrous oxide at 332 ppb. The IPCC then goes on to note that they have very high confidence that these are the highest levels in the last 800,000 years, a literal blink of the eye within the multi-billion-year employment contract of a Sea Org member of the Church of Scientology.
It is almost as if all of these “esteemed” scientists and policy makers have never heard the phrase “correlation does not equal causation”. This seems particularly odd given that so many public health “experts”, who likely blamed COVID on climate change, would trot that phrase out every time someone would point out the rising levels of unexplained deaths since the forced imposition of COVID vaccines on society.
Getting back to the miniscule amounts of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, ask yourselves how effective any sun block would be if its active sunscreen component was measured in parts per million or parts per billion. Ask yourself if a sunscreen that only covered 0.041% (or in the case of methane 0.000019 %) of a human would in fact prevent sunburn. It seems somewhat unlikely on its face. Like all of the COVID vaccine narrative, we are expected to take these ‘scientists’’ at face value and simply accept, without any critical thought, that bare statements such as “safe and effective” or “man-made climate change is an existential threat” are in fact true.
The fundamental issue for Canadians is to what degree should we continue to elect any politician that buys into the nonsensical idea that even eliminating Canada’s alleged 1.5% contribution to global carbon (reduced by 0.3% since 2005 on the basis of Government of Canada numbers) will have any effect on total global carbon. This same Government of Canada data set indicates that China’s Carbon output has increased 7.4% and India’s has increased 2.1%, for that same period. In other words, the increased carbon outputs of India and China dwarf Canada’s total carbon reductions for that same period by approximately 31.7 times.
What this means from a policy perspective is that all of the pain Canadians are feeling from Harper and Trudeau signing Canada up to the Paris Agreement and its poorly negotiated and ineffective carbon reduction schemes is completely needless and at best only symbolic. Canadian politicians have agreed to let the average working Canadian suffer economically while China and India are permitted to continue to emit carbon at increasing rates at the expense of gullible Canadians who actually believe that their suffering matters.
The other thing to remember is that because of the size of our land mass and the sheer carbon absorptive capacity of our lands, forests, prairies and oceans, Canada is likely already carbon negative or with certainty at the very least already at “net zero”. It’s time for Canada to declare victory in the war on “carbon” and move on.
Make no mistake, the ability to emit carbon and utilize fossil fuels to generate wealth is fundamental to any successful modern economy. Notwithstanding that simple fact, successive Canadian governments have bought into the ridiculous notion that Canadian prosperity must be limited in favor of the economic growth and global economic hegemony of China. Trudeau’s ridiculous fixation on carbon emissions is really a fixation on impoverishing Canadians out of his Made in China belief that Canadians must suffer for the benefit of China.
It is no wonder that the People’s Republic of China now invests in electing the most carbon crazy Canadian governments money can buy.
It’s time for a national discussion and referendum on whether Canada should simply declare itself carbon negative and move on. It is time to start focusing on the prosperity, health and welfare of Canadians in Canada without wasting any more time or energy on worrying that “the sky is falling” because politicians bought and paid for by the People’s Republic of China say so.
Canadians need to wake up and realize that it’s time to return the strategic manufacturing of things like micro-chips, drugs, antibiotics and especially public policy from China to Canada.
Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
Originally published at: