Climate Change


Climate Change – A Crisis Or An Agenda?

Published On: February 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

By Susan Mutch

“THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING!” “Our planet is doomed!” Climate alarmists have been busy beating this doomsday drum for some years now. “Humans are the problem! And don’t forget those cows, those methane-belching cows!”

After the powers-that-be wring out all of the fear and control they can with their covid ruse, do not be surprised if climate alarmists escalate to fever pitch. After all, the elites have more work to do to destroy industry, make you poor, and maintain the fear factor for control over the populace. Mainstream media will be sure to provide the heightened climate propaganda.

The UN’s Alarmists

The United Nations, et al, have been endeavouring for years to shape the public mind into believing that planet Earth is endangered due to humancaused global warming. But let us understand that variation in climate is perfectly normal. Some global warming advocates would have you to believe that it was only after the start of the industrial revolution when man started burning fossil fuels that the world’s climate was affected, but the mere presence of a change in climate is not evidence of man-made global warming.[1] In fact, between 1910 and 1940, there was a warming trend resembling that of today–and it was not caused by fossil fuels in industry, for little existed. Carbon dioxide emissions cannot be blamed here! Dr. Judith Curry, a wellknown climatologist, declares that the warming then observed had to be caused by natural factors. “None of the climate models used by [the alarmist] scientists now working for the United Nations can explain this older trend. Nor can these models explain why the climate suddenly cooled between 1950 and 1970, giving rise to widespread warnings about the onset of a new ice age. I recall magazine covers of the late 1960s or early 1970s depicting the planet in the grip of an annihilating deep freeze. According to a group of scientists, we faced an apocalyptic environmental scenario—but the opposite of the current one.”[2]

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False Claims

Alarmists would have you to believe that “global sea levels are rising as a result of human-caused global warming, with recent rates being unprecedented…” Dr. Curry’s response? “Sea level is rising, but this has been gradually happening since the 1860s. We don’t yet observe any significant acceleration of this process in our time.” “Here again, one must consider the possibility that the causes for rising sea levels are partly or mostly natural.”[3]

NASA claims that the western U.S.A. is experiencing more frequent wildfires, and that they are bigger, more severe, and more destructive, with 15 of the 20 most destructive wildfires in California history occurring within the past decade. But the U.S. National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports data on U.S. wildfires back as far as 1926. Their data showed the number of acres burned is far less now than it was throughout the early 20th century, and that wildfires are far less frequent and severe than was the case throughout the first half of the 20th century (see chart below). Interestingly, in March 2021, data prior to 1983 was removed from the site. [4]

In Dr. S. Fred Singer’s book Hot Talk, Cold Science, he shows that the alarming global warming scenarios have no scientific basis. He reveals facts, including the following:

CO2 has not caused temperatures or sea levels to rise beyond historical rates.

Severe storms, heat waves, and droughts have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1970.

Coral reefs are not being harmed by climate change.

Alarmist climate scientists have hidden their raw temperature data and deleted emails, then undermined the peer-review system to squelch debate.

In sum, Dr. Singer declared there is no climate crisis resulting from human activities and no such threat on the horizon.

A Political Agenda?

Dr. Curry resigned due to the dubious climate science serving a political project. “A person must not like capitalism or industrial development and should favor world government rather than nations.” “The doctrine of climate change has so overshadowed the science of climatology” that numbers of respected scientists are walking away from the craziness, believing that “the alarmism on this issue is unwarranted.” [5]

Dr. Curry decries a political agenda against industrial development and favouring a world government. What do these have to do with climate change? Is there more to the narrative than what meets the eye? Economist and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, seems to allude to such in his book, The Great Reset: “If, in the post-pandemic era, we decide to resume our lives just as before (by driving the same cars, by flying to the same destinations, by eating the same things, by heating our house the same way, and so on), the COVID19 crisis will have gone to waste as far as climate policies are concerned.”[6] COVID-19 and climate policies. COVID19 “a waste” unless we use less fossil fuels? Are we seeing a step one, step two program—one that has nothing to with either health or weather?

The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros, would like for you to believe that climate change is causing new diseases: “As man-made climate change has taken hold over the last four decades, dozens of new infectious diseases have emerged or begun to threaten new regions, including Zika and Ebola.” They would now add coronavirus to that list to try to further convince us that “these outbreaks would continue to occur until human beings ceased and desisted from spewing gazillions of carbon particles into the atmosphere.”

Were these claims true, why did the many world leaders attending the climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland opt to fly in their private jets, “spewing gazillions of carbon particles”? And why did this same crew go without masks and social distancing at the G7 meeting in Cornwall, England? Do we have hypocrites pushing the covid and climate change stories? Apparently, they don’t believe their own dogma.


Those who have done their homework know that both the covid and climate change narratives have no science to prove their claims. And with both, any dissenters—despite having the true science in hand—are vilified and censored. Scientists daring to question the United Nations’ consensus on human-caused global warming can expect to be ostracized from the scientific community, as are scientists and medical professionals opposing the covid narrative. When governments and their “experts” close the door to any scrutiny, thinking people should take note. Something other than science lurks behind the rhetoric.

From Covid to the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The purpose of the covid and climate scare-mongering is actually connected—locking down the economy (particularly the middle class) and changing the fundamental way we work, live, and interact with others.[7] Think not that this is for our wellbeing, the toll of human suffering from the covid lock downs being proof enough.

“Coronavirus can trigger a new industrial revolution. The disease could be the shock we need to harness new technology and new ways of working.” Ed Conway, The Times. Mr. Conway seems to have a technocratic dream for the future. Perhaps he read Klaus Schwab’s book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

“The coronavirus stymies the forces that have been generating greenhouse gases for decades…The rational response for any country determined to prevent loss of life is to follow China’s lead and lock down their economy to stem its spread.”

Lock down the economy to save lives? Watch your step, folks! Slippery propaganda slope ahead.

The Chief Culprit?

It has been said that CO2 is the chief culprit for climate change and that “carbon emissions need to be reduced in order to avoid an apocalyptic climate crisis. This is perhaps the biggest lie of our era, supported by the pseudoscience of highly political, unelected organizations, such as the IPCC and other NGOs. The notion that CO2…is inherently problematic is not only false, but it is being weaponized against humanity itself.” Far from being a villain, CO2 is our friend. Carbon dioxide is naturally occurring and is a building block to life on earth.

“Plants cannot live without CO2 and man cannot live without plants… Without an atmosphere containing greenhouse gasses (GHGs) the earth could not support life. Carbon dioxide is one of the atmospheric gases that help moderate earth’s temperature. Furthermore…the agricultural industry…intentionally increase CO2 up to ten times its normal concentration to encourage plant growth in greenhouses…Plants need CO2 to exist… There is far greater danger in lowering the CO2 level, than in increasing the level.

“According to climatologists, water vapor and clouds account for about 60 to 95% of the GHG effect, while CO2 has a much smaller effect… Climatologists who are pushing the global warming agenda are focusing on a minor GHG component and ignoring the major contributors to the GHG effect—water vapor, and clouds.”[8]

Dr. Fred Singer notes that many proposed “solutions” to the global warming “crisis”—like carbon taxes (more money out of your pocket)—would have severe consequences for economically disadvantaged groups and nations.

Weather Stability Promised

The scare-mongers have been busy for a long time with their doomsday predictions for planet Earth. After all, the threat of rising sea levels and scorching heat parching agricultural land ought to compel the fearful victims of propaganda to surrender their thriving industries along with what is left of their freedoms and rights. But fear not. God has promised us a relatively stable climate in this post-Flood world:

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Genesis 8:22.

The powers-that-be pushing climate change depend on your ignorance and blind compliance to ensure success for their agenda—as is the case with covid. They hope for your continued addiction to mainstream media, their propaganda mouthpiece designed to rivet you with fear, make you compliant, and convert you to warriors for their evil cause. Unplug and detox! The covid and climate boogeymen would soon disappear.

Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.

Richard Lindzen,
Atmospheric Physicist

I’ve often heard it said that there’s a consensus of thousands of scientists on the global warming issue and that humans are causing a catastrophic change to the climate system. Well, I am one scientist, and there are many that simply think that is not true.

John Christy,
PhD Atmospheric Science

Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves libeled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their basis.

Richard Lindzen,
Atmospheric Physicist

Recent data and research supports the importance of natural climate variability and calls into question the conclusion that humans are the dominant cause of recent climate change.

Judith Curry,
PhD Geophysical Sciences

I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion…Global warming is Pseudoscience. You begin with a hypothesis—usually one which is very appealing to you and then you only look for things that confirm that hypothesis. You don’t look for other things. The climate has always changed.

Professor Ivar Giaever,
Nobel Laureate Physicist


  6. Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset, p. 142