judge rules against provincial health ministers
Dr. Deena Hinshaw (left) and Dr. Bonnie Henry (right) have been ruled against for their draconian Covid measures.
Class Action Lawsuit Against Bonnie Henry
By United Health Care Workers of British Columbia
We are in a pivotal moment in history for our healthcare community. This is BC’s FINAL opportunity to seek justice and accountability for the thousands of healthcare workers across BC who were affected by Bonnie Henry’s mandates.
Our healthcare system lost thousands of skilled, trained, experienced and dedicated staff due to terminations, early retirements, and losing many to other provinces and countries. These healthcare workers remained resilient- defending their right to bodily autonomy, medical privacy, and informed consent.
Tax-paying citizens are funding emergency rooms, which are closing all over the province, many walk-in clinics are fading away, wait times are astronomical, and many cannot secure a family doctor. The staff who are left behind in the rubble of the collapsing hospitals are burnt out, and the system is on the brink of a complete collapse. Patient care is a pivotal part of healthcare, and remaining healthcare workers are not able to provide high-quality patient care working in short-staffed departments. The rippling and cascading effects are far-reaching, long-lasting, and highly disturbing.
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Allowing our government to get away with medical coercion sets a very sinister stage to allow a slippery slope to occur. A strong healthcare system is run by medical professionals, with boots on the ground, not by administration and government sitting in their ivory towers. Government has since implemented the Health Professions and Occupations Act (formerly known as Bill 36), and this overreach has and will continue to force out many more Doctors, Nurses, Chiropractors, Naturopaths and other allied healthcare professionals. Medical professionals will be completely controlled by government entities, leaving some of us with no healthcare at all as more and more medical professionals are driven away. Our medical professionals are not the problem; it is a bureaucratic-top-heavy system which is driving out the people who solely want to help other human beings.
Mandates have been rescinded; however, fired staff have not been offered their jobs back; some are told there is no job available, while others have been so psychologically damaged they would not return to a toxic work environment run by those who financially and emotionally traumatized them. Some are homeless and destitute and experience symptoms of PTSD from a psychological game of dangling livelihoods over personal medical choices. Many were ostracized in the workplace before being forced out. The government has single-handedly and successfully obliterated healthcare within the walls of British Columbia and refused to fix the problems.
Through this journey, the United Healthcare Workers of BC (a non-profit society) formed to help support the healthcare workers affected by the Covid-19 injection mandates. Working tirelessly together to put pressure on healthcare unions and the government, we are now supporting two of our members who have filed a Class Action lawsuit against Bonnie Henry and the Province of BC… BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!
We urgently need to raise $500,000 to ensure our lawsuit can make it through the next steps of the legal system, which is certification. If we do not have the funds to show the courts, they will not certify the lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed in October 2023, and certification is set to occur later this year or early in 2025.
No donation amount is too small. Please stand with us and support our cause.
You can visit our website to donate and read more about our lawsuit at: www.unitedtogether.ca
Please help us achieve justice and accountability and prevent future government overreach into our healthcare system.
With so much gratitude,
United Health Care Workers of B.C.
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