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Central Ledger for CBDCs Means 100% Control of your Assets and Money

Published On: December 1, 2023Tags: , ,

By Shaun Kaven el Granjero (via X)

It’s way worse than you think. I’d strongly encourage everyone to read the plan written by the BIS (Bank of International Settlement – basically, the Central Banks’ bank)


It’s long and tedious but I’ll give you the cliff notes. They want to create a CENTRAL LEDGER for CBDCs. That you already knew. But there’s something else much more insidious. They have a plan to tokenize ALL assets. When they roll this out, every asset in the country over a certain value must be tokenized and put onto the central ledger, or it will be forfeited to the government.

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Oh, you thought you could escape the dollar collapse by buying properties? Nope. It’ll be tokenized and put on the ledger, and according to this document there will be rules for what you can do with it, how you can sell or buy, etc.

But I have gold and silver reserves! Another nope. They have to be tokenized too. If you don’t tokenize them, and the feds find them, you have to hand them over.

Now, I know a lot of you will say that you’ll defend your property and precious metals with your weapons but good luck against 50 ATF agents.

That’s not the way to stop this. It needs to be stopped before it passes!