

Calling Out and Crushing “The Great Lie” in Court

Published On: January 1, 2023Tags: , , ,

Yes, I know what you’re thinking: the courts cannot be trusted to do the right thing. Over the past 34 months, they’ve failed miserably to protect our most basic- and previously cherished- rights. They’ve cast aside our lives, liberty and property in favour of “legislative supremacy” and our newly cherished scientific dictatorship. And they’ve failed to uphold the supreme law of Canada: our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. To quote ‘Henry Hill’ from Goodfellas (1990): “This is the Bad Time.”

Our legal and political system fell into a trap very early on and delegated all of its powers to “the experts”. The politicians, our legal representatives, deferred to these so-called experts and their unchallenged doomsday projections. Our courts also deferred to the same experts, starting with the Supreme Court of the United States at the end of May 2020.

In effect, the legislative and judicial branches of our government concentrated all of their powers into the executive branch. Back in 1788, the Founding Fathers of the United States called this concentration of power- the elimination of what is known as the Separation of Powers- the very definition of tyranny.

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So, is all hope lost?

To answer in three words: No. No. And NO.

Whether a narcissist, a sociopath, even a psychopath, when the abuser oppresses and brutalizes one or many, there can only be one response: hit them back. And since this is a war, be it the first non-shooting war in human history, the battlefield is not in the streets or the fields. It is in our minds. That means we must hit back with words, audio and with video. We must win hearts and minds with reason, emotion and passion. That means your (former) friends, family, neighbours and co-workers. One at a time.

The fact is, the evidence and the law are stacked in our favour, and they always have been. Unfortunately, the legal profession is very specialized and any legitimate, dissenting experts have been bullied and intimidated into silence. A ruinous combination when attempting to make a case against the greatest scientific, medical and accounting fraud in human history. Read: constitutional lawyers cannot argue a personal injury or medical malpractice case, and a cardiologist cannot give an expert opinion on masks or lockdowns.

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” ~ Mike Tyson

Who remembers the very first business owner who challenged the lockdowns? The first business owner in the history of North America to ever be arrested for violating a public health order? That would be Adam Skelly and his Adamson Barbecue restaurants in Toronto in November 2020. He was the only one who stood up and Just Said NO. He had no plan. He didn’t consult any lawyers- and even if he had, no one could have predicted what would happen next.

The City of Toronto and the Government of Ontario ganged up on Adam and came down on him like ten tonnes of bricks. Six, separate legal proceedings were brought down heavily on top of his head, his business and his family.

He was heavily ticketed under the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for defying the lockdown. He then received an HPPA section 22 order made by Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health (MOH). When those failed, the MOH illegally seized Adam’s Etobicoke location without a court order, as required by law. 253 police officers with cavalry descended upon his Barbecue Rebellion, arrested him and threw him into prison for a day and a half. He was charged under the federal Criminal Code for trespassing on his own property, mischief on his own property (for breaking into his restaurant premises), and obstructing a peace officer due to his defiance.

They didn’t stop there. The Government of Ontario then piled on and obtained an injunction under section 9 of the ROA. The City of Toronto provided notice they would sue Adam to collect the $187,000 of costs used to call the police on him for daring to assert his Charter rights. They followed up on that threat and sued him the following fall.

The cherry on top was the City going after both Adam, and his father as the property owner, for operating his Leaside location without a business licence. Left unmentioned, of course, was how there were many businesses caught in a regulatory lurch as created by the City under the previous licensing regime and the one that was to replace it. It was cheaper to simply pay $300 in fines every year for three years than to pay many times as much to have legal counsel specializing in municipal and administrative law to attempt to resolve the matter. Many opted for the former.

That stack of tickets, at last view, was literally the thickness of a phone book. By-law enforcement vehicles would sit parked outside his Leaside location to ticket him daily- even as he was out of province for several months.

Adam was the very first person to be brutalized by the tyrannical COVID regime and to personally fall prey to the narrative, which is referred to here as the Great Lie. This is a critically important point, without which sanity, fairness, justice and the rule of law would have long been restored.

All other arrests, persecutions and bail conditions of pastors, business owners and Trucker Convoy participants followed the Adam Skelly template and precedent.

The Great Lie was officially sanctioned by the Supreme Court of the United States on May 29, 2020, in the South Bay Pentecostal Church v. Newsom case which held, in a 5-4 decision, that COVID-19 is a deadly pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus with no cure, that can be spread by completely healthy people with no symptoms. The experts, they held, could not be “second-guessed” by an “unelected federal judiciary”.

The rest of the courts all across North America, including the Ontario Court of Appeal, took “judicial notice” that COVID is the deadliest pandemic in a century, that no lasting immunity could be formed against it, and that “variants of concern” would constantly develop to evade immunity and any lasting treatment.

“Don’t try to be a great man. Just be a man, and let history make its own judgements.”

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

Adam Skelly has called out the Great Lie and done the legal equivalent of shouting it from the rooftops. Every tenet has been challenged, which includes all of the above, along with RT-PCR testing accuracy and validity, asymptomatic transmission and retransmission, the total lack of efficacy of the lockdowns and no cost-benefit analyses ever performed, the statistical lies used to classify and re-classify COVID “cases”, and the fact that reasonable alternatives to emergency measures exist, and have long existed.

That last point is absolutely critical, for if any reasonable alternatives to emergency measures exist, emergency measures may not be invoked. At all. And any existing measures must be repealed at once. These provisions exist in provincial law for Ontario in the EMCPA and ROA, federal law in the Quarantine Act, and federal United States Code for the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for medical products. These reasonable alternatives include hydroxychloroquine and zinc, ivermectin, vitamin D and focused protection of the vulnerable population.

Adam’s challenge against the Reopening Ontario Act is the only lawsuit on the continent which demonstrates the longtime existence of reasonable alternatives to COVID measures, with six experts in their respective fields submitting reports to that effect and addressing many other points. This was back in April/May of 2021. The government cannot ever plead ignorance and say that they never knew “back then”.

The Great Lie must be called out at every opportunity in every forum, be it legal, political, medical, or scientific. Shout it off the rooftops. Don’t ever let them forget it. Don’t ever let up.

Join us. Resist. NEVER GIVE IN.

Please visit our federally-registered non-profit Concerned Constituents of Canada’s website at to see the Adamson Barbecue v. Ontario lawsuit and expert evidence for yourselves, and contribute directly via e-transfer to our effort at

Disclaimer: the author is not a lawyer, paralegal, or licensee of any law society and none of this is intended to provide or may be construed as legal advice. Please retain a licensed, legal professional to properly obtain legal advice.