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Crittenden article image 1

Cover image from Policy Horizon Canada’s paper Exploring Biodigital Convergence

Being Awake Now

Published On: October 1, 2021Tags:

By Guy Crittenden

I can’t remember entering an autumn with such a feeling of anticipation. Of trepidation.

As I type these words, a new video plays across the room of Australian police shooting people with rubber bullets. In the back.

I recall a time when we treated the flu with bedrest and chicken soup…

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Those of us in the research community who are awake know this has nothing to do with a virus. Being awake now means knowing germ theory is bunk. At least the COVID psyop forced us to learn that. Just wait until the normies learn viruses don’t jump from person to person.

Or that they may not exist at all.

(I commend to you talks from American Dr Zach Bush, and Canadian holistic health practitioners Amandha Vollmer and also Brett Hawes.)

Society is being reordered on a grand scale. Oh, and we’re being culled. (I had to mention that.)

The crimes are vast, but whistleblowers have come forward. There will be a Nuremberg 2.0 trial. At least we must pray for one.

These oligarchs don’t call themselves The Olympian’s for nothing. We’re cattle to them, in need of tagging, herding and surveillance. We’re to live on cricket protein, don’t you know?

To be awake now is not the same as “woke.” We are not the politically-correct social justice warriors who hang out in the intersectional gender fluid space of critical race theory and cultural Marxism, who consider Hillary Clinton a torch-bearing feminist, and slavishly support Astroturf groups like BLM and Antifa and Extinction Rebellion, and whose communitarian values exchange freedom for security. (I wear my mask to keep you safe!)

These are the people who believe Julian Assange belongs in jail.

The former Occupy Wall Street crowd is set to swipe their vaccine passports and virtue signal their way into a Pied Piper mountain of special-access restaurants, banks, supermarkets and malls while the unjabbed Untermensch remain outside. It will be a society of lineups, pass cards, document checks, flashing lights, and midnight door knocks eerily familiar to any former citizen of an Eastern Block country, or South Africa under Apartheid, or Gaza today.

We’re all Palestinians now.

Being awake now requires that we acknowledge our true history and that a coup d’état occurred in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963; the CIA or deep state has controlled the United States government ever since. JFK, RFK, MLK and even JFK Jr.: The three-letter agencies did all the three-letter assassinations. The latter half of 20th-century America was a Shakespearian competition between two oligarchic families that got their start in bootlegging and bank grift and ended with assassinations (and, in the case of the Nazi banking family, two presidencies).

Being awake now means acknowledging the oligarchs didn’t march us all to the edge of town and have us dig a mass grave only to send us all home when we began to get suspicious. Being awake now means recognizing that global supply chains are collapsing, and this is no accident. Starvation is the favourite tool of totalitarians (along with fear-based brainwashing), and recent genocides in the many millions should tell us this is not as impossible as some assume.

It’s always the people who don’t want to make a fuss that lead everyone into the gas chambers.

Being awake now requires that we recognize hospital administrators are lying to the public, manipulating or hiding data, and have euthanized many thousands of our elderly in care homes and hospitals. Think ventilators. Think Remdisivir and Midazolam.

To be awake now one must acknowledge that the governments of almost 200 countries are controlled by international agencies related to the United Nations and the World Economic Forum — what German class action lawyer Reiner Fuellmich calls the “Davos crowd” and what former American investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts calls “Mr. Global.” All the Rockefeller-originated institutions are enemies of humanity, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, and those secretive organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, among others. The UN and WEF need to be dismantled. Their leaders need to stand trial.

They’re coming for the children.

Being awake now means acknowledging that both the US and more recent Canadian elections were fraudulent. The legacy media won’t seriously investigate this, any more than they looked into PizzaGate, which later morphed into the Jeffrey Epstein affair.

Speaking of Epstein, being awake now requires that we acknowledge Epstein didn’t hang himself, which raises disturbing questions about who killed him (if he’s even dead and not living in Tel Aviv recovering from plastic surgery) and that he and his handler Ghislaine Maxwell operated their honey trap on behalf of Mossad/Israel, which appears to control much of the US federal government. And US imperialism played a massive role in laying the groundwork for the present situation. Nationalism is of limited value here.

We actually do need a new world order and a great reset — just not of the kind envisioned but Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. Perhaps the one described by John Lennon in his song Imagine.

Being aware now means knowing that every war of the past 100 years has been a banker’s war. A story arc traverses the eugenicist and sterilization movements of the early 20th century and the technocratic scheme being deployed now.

The Nazis weren’t defeated; they simply went underground until technology caught up with their dreams.

Being aware now means confronting the utter lie of global warming (rebranded “climate change”) as we enter an era of deep cooling in the Grand Solar Minimum. And knowing those “quarantine camps” aren’t for the sick: they’re for dissidents. Or they will be, eventually.

Life will include homesteading for many of us. Home gardens will become popular, along with chicken coops, beehives, thrift and inventiveness. Homemade clothes. Hand-made houses. Microenergy generators. Old silver coins (for barter). Home remedies.

We might return to the truly ancient ways — what Terence McKenna presciently called the Archaic Revival. Beyond a Mennonite lifestyle (or life on the Holodeck), an Earth Mother goddess-venerating culture that dances naked and ingests psychedelic plants could emerge. Why not?

Perhaps Burning Man was pointing to something important after all…

Being awake now requires that we understand the spiritual dimension of the current assault. This is the ultimate war now for the soul of humanity. We are being ruled, not governed. And the battlefield has shifted from the sands of the Middle East and the jungles of Southeast Asia to our bodies themselves. Even the definition of immunity has been changed! (Only vaccines confer immunity now, apparently.) The technocrats are injecting us with nanotech to sterilize, kill and control. And you thought those 5G towers were for faster download speeds! Instead, we’re nano-dustfilled antennae. We’re to be mined like crypto like the human batteries in The Matrix film trilogy.

Being awake now means we’re about to learn our true history. This will include disclosure that, based on our genes, it’s provably impossible that we descended from a common ape ancestor. (Hint: we escaped the lab; Sumerian texts are about to gain in popularity, along with credible analysis of UFOs and crop circles.)

These may be dark times — a Kali Yuga — but being awake now affords us an opportunity to burn off lifetimes of karma. Or, for Christians, to enjoy the “revelations” of The Revelation. We’re witnessing, in real time, living colour, people lining up to take the Mark of the Beast without which many of us, as of September, cannot buy or sell.

Being awake now requires that we recognize robots and automated systems are being installed, to enforce a Chinese-style social credit system that a recent Canadian document described in positive terms as the “access economy.” Taken together with the Policy Horizons Canada pamphlet Exploring Biodigital Convergence, it’s clear that Canada (along with most other countries) crashed its economy on purpose at the behest of central bankers and Silicon Valley plutocrats, to destroy the middle class and create dependency on a system of AI-controlled central bank digital currency and a transhumanist agenda that sees opportunity in “hackable human animals” and their surveillable metabolisms. We will rent, not own. And our participation in — er, “access” to — civil society will be determined by compliance with algorithms programmed by social scientists, enforced initially by Kevlar-suited security guards but in time by Boston Dynamics robots, automated doors and turnstiles, and (eventually) drones.

Better watch out for that dragon fly. Is it organic? Or was it sent to vaccinate you?

The Pretendent of the United States murders people every day by remote control drone. They’ve been working on these things…

Being awake now means knowing soul-denying, Godless oligarchs like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates hope to extend their (not your) lifespans long enough to one day upload their consciousness into synthetic bodies and live forever. (They really think this.)

Being awake now means prepping for food and equipment shortages, hyperinflation (or stagflation), a possible staged alien invasion, a possible cyber attack on the internet and/or energy systems, and increased violence from militarized police. As we do so, we must remind ourselves the universe is a synchronistic self-organizing system (ultimately a hologram of pure consciousness). A nondual teacher might point out that it’s all Brahma’s dream — but in any case, eventually the light prevails (or at least achieves homeostasis with) the dark.

How much suffering occurs before that balance is achieved is up to us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. It was always thus.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at