Are Public Health Policies Making Everyone Sick


Are Public Health Policies Making Everyone Sick?

By Patricia “Tish” Conlin

All over the world, a message of urgently needed health reform is being echoed. Robert Kennedy Jr., recently appointed as the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, is making it a top priority to tackle the growing chronic disease epidemic and serious corruption within Public Health agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In Canada, we hear of suicide, chronic illness, skyrocketing cancer rates and increases in all-cause mortality. Mental illness and drug addiction are rampant. Families are struggling to put healthy food on the table and are having fewer children due to the cost of living. Many feel overwhelmed and hopeless. We shake our heads and wonder what has happened to our beloved country. Was this a tragic result of the Covid “pandemic” or something more sinister?

As a concerned citizen, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and twice published author on improving health, I have a good understanding of some of the many health policies negatively impacting our communities and country.

I will briefly discuss several of the most significant. 

Let’s start by examining fluoridation policies. Canada is the fourth most fluoridated country in the world. Regions decided to fluoridate drinking water decades ago to prevent dental decay, based on public health authorities who claimed this treatment was “safe, effective and legal.” However, all three claims have been proven to be 100% false. The truth is clear that this incredibly harmful public health practice has been proven to reduce the IQ of children.1 Last fall, a US Federal Court ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where top experts there testified that fluoridation “poses an unreasonable risk of reducing IQ in children.” In fact, the effect of fluoride could be similar to that of lead poisoning, which can cause neurological damage.

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The claim that fluoridation reduces tooth decay has also been proven false. This medical treatment is being dumped into our municipal water without consideration of dosage, which makes it especially harmful for small children and infants. Regions all over Canada still adding fluoride to municipal water bear full legal responsibility for the harm. Canada urgently needs a moratorium on fluoridation to protect our children from this toxic chemical and determine a better path forward for clean and safe municipal water.

Another serious issue that farmers in my community have spoken to me about concerns “biosolids,” a toxic sewage sludge (think green bin contents and wastewater solids) being sold to unsuspecting farmers as an “eco-friendly” fertilizer. Public health officials claim that this sewage sludge is “safely and effectively” processed to remove contaminants using a method called anaerobic digestion. However, this is also completely false.2  One of many significant studies was published by the University of Guelph3 and has proven that anaerobic processes do not destroy harmful bacteria and other toxins, as claimed by our regions. Sadly, this sewage sludge created in anaerobic digestion processing facilitiesis being spread onto our farmlands. This is being done without proper testing, and many farmers don’t realize their land can never be zoned organic after putting this on their fields. These biosolids contain thousands of heavy metals, harmful bacteria and drug residues. They should not be spread on fields where food is grown due to E. coli contamination and soil damage. Other countries, including Switzerland, have banned the harmful practice of anaerobic digestion and instead use the safer incineration method for dealing with sewage sludge.

Another public health concern in our communities is the unregulated use of toxic chemicals. Recently, I gave a presentation on creating healthier communities in my region and highlighted toxic chemicals that are destroying our health and environment. One of the worst is Roundup (with the active ingredient glyphosate), which is still sold at local stores for residential use despite conclusive evidence that it kills bees and other pollinators and causes cancer.

The presentation before mine was focused on “carcinogenic” UV radiation protection strategies that were “equitable,” including, believe it or not, “shade and sunscreen equity” strategies to protect against climate change. Public health officials refuse to consider the possibility of real radiation damage from 5G towers being put in residential areas but want to demonize the sun, which provides life to all plants and healing Vitamin D to humans. Their solution to this “sun problem” is, of course, more toxic chemicals. Many sunscreens have been recalled as the products contained an undisclosed carcinogen, benzene, that increases their chances of developing the very cancer the product claims to prevent.5

Why don’t public health officials educate residents on the harm of spraying their grass with toxic herbicides? Why don’t they suggest protecting babies with cotton blankets instead of promoting “equitable sunscreen” usage? Planting more trees in urban settings and protecting green spaces is a good idea, but it only gets lip service. This focus on the environment as the enemy is a distraction from the real poisoning of our air, soil, water, food and medicine.

By far, the most destructive of all health policies proposed during the past few years are the policies around Covid and Climate. Most municipalities seek to achieve “Net Zero” by 2050. This policy of “Zero Carbon,” just like “Zero Covid,” is unachievable and will only result in further financial and mental stress and decline within our communities.

Carbon dioxide is a life-affirming molecule and makes up a minuscule portion of atmospheric gases. The same overpaid and incompetent bureaucrats that locked down your small business while keeping Walmart and Costco open want you to willingly give up travel and meat and pay more for everything while you slowly go bankrupt and starve to protect yourself from the air you breathe.

Unelected foreign entities like Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) and Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada) are dictating these harmful policies. Farmers have had enough of this public health nonsense and are protesting in large numbers across Europe. Without farmers, we have no food, and given the increase in food bank usage and chronic health conditions, this public health policy is achieving the opposite in a very profound and disturbing way.

Regarding Covid, it is overwhelmingly clear that health policies implemented at a regional level were dictated by unelected officials from foreign agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). We now know with certainty that lockdowns and mandates did far more harm than good. Our public health officials made us lock down our seniors and let them die of loneliness. They forced our young kids to stay home from school and wear unsafe masks. They divided our towns and families over vaccine status and made people carry a so-called passport to get into a restaurant. None of this was necessary, and all of it was extremely harmful.6

Many States in the US, other countries, and recently, the Province of Alberta,7 have called for the experimental vaccines to be withdrawn due to the shocking number of injuries and lack of effectiveness. Canadian Scientist Dr. David Speicher has also identified clear evidence of DNA contamination. These “vaccines” that never stopped transmission or provided immunity were definitely not the “safe and effective” solution that our public health officials pushed on us using fear, guilt, and other forms of manipulation, all while demonizing natural immunity and treatments!

And don’t get me started on Health Canada, which is shutting down natural health supplements under the guise of “protecting us” with Bill C-47 while allowing toxic chemicals, dyes and seed oils in our food with little to no regulation. And there is also Bill C-293, the Pandemic Treaty Bill, which seeks to completely remove Canadian health sovereignty under the guise of “protecting us” from the next plandemic… oops, “pandemic.”

Will there be accountability for the massive damage done, or will the same public health officials just sweep the carnage under the rug?

It is time for we, the people, to step up and stop following elected and unelected health officials who have no grounding in real health or real science and are damaging our communities. We need to seek alternative views on all health policies going forward and be loud and clear at the local, provincial, and national levels about stopping the harm immediately. We need to elect new leaders who have the courage to do the right thing for their communities.

I recommend that each community in Canada take the following action steps to address current harmful health policies and the further erosion of public trust:

  • Put a moratorium on municipal water fluoridation pending an in-depth review of potential long-term harm.
  • Stop applying biosolids to productive farmland. Study a return to incineration and promote regenerative farming methods.
  • Prohibit the residential use of Roundup, atrazine, and other toxic herbicides and teach people how to manage weeds using natural methods instead.
  • Withdraw from the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, from Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), and drop all Net Zero policies.
  • Never again allow lockdowns, passports or mandates. Never coerce citizens to take experimental products promoted without proper informed consent under threat of job loss.
  • Withdraw Covid vaccines from all pharmacies, drug stores, and doctor’s offices, and apologize to residents in a public forum.
  • Focus on improving physical health by supporting local farmers and protecting natural supplements. Repeal Bills C-47 and Bill C-293.
  • Promote healthy lifestyles and safe remedies during flu season, including Vitamin D with K2, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Quercetin, especially for our elderly in care homes.




4. is typically piped into,organic materials in the wastewater




Patricia “Tish” Conlin is an author, speaker and business owner. She is a resilience coach, black belt martial artist and federal political candidate. Her podcast TishTalk can be found on Bitchute, Rumble (ThrivewithTish), Spotify and Apple.