Am I Being Selfish?
By Ted Kuntz
Those of us who question the prevailing COVID narrative and demand independent scientific and medical evidence are accused of “being selfish”. The argument put forward is that we are only concerned with ourselves.
I see it another way.
I see the complete dismantling of our rights and freedoms and our sovereignty, both individual and national. I see the destruction of our economy, our livelihoods and our communities of care. I see the opinions of the uninformed, the misinformed, and those with conflicted interests dictating personal lifestyle and healthcare choices for the rest of us. I see robust, evidence-based practices being discarded and the scientific facts considered irrelevant. I see the aggressive censoring of dialogue and debate if the information doesn’t conform to the government’s narrative.
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I see another agenda at play. An agenda to create a ‘new normal’ where human rights and freedom are discarded and replaced by mandates and dictates of autocratic and unelected leaders. Where pharmaceutical and technology corporations, free of legal liability, are at liberty to impose vaccines, digital chipping, contact tracing, and passports upon citizens, with or without our consent.
If I were truly selfish, the easiest course of action right now would be to line up for that injection, don a mask, ignore when my privacy is violated, and confine myself to my home.
But I can’t do these things and I won’t do these things.
I can’t allow this encroaching tyranny to capture my family, my community, and my fellow human beings. When I resist poorly tested vaccine products, microchipping, forced masking, the loss of privacy, and the forced use of documents to prove my compliance, I’m not doing it for my well-being. I resist these flagrant violations of our rights and freedoms, of science and democracy, for my children and grand-children’s children. I’ve lived my life with rights and freedoms, and I recognize when these freedoms are being unnecessarily constrained.
I know that governments, corporations and well-intended citizens can do evil while purporting to do good. I know tyranny exists and I know the characteristics of psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour. I have lived long enough to recognize the markings of an encroaching imprisonment. I resist these measures because I believe resistance is for the greater good. I know that strong and healthy individuals are the basis of a strong and healthy society. If the measures being imposed don’t take into consideration the health of our community, the health of our economy, and the health of our relationships; if the actions violate our rights and freedoms and our bodily sovereignty; and if the actions are not evidence-based, they are not the right actions.
I believe it’s time to stand up and defend our freedoms, our families, and our country. Taking orders from financially conflicted philanthropists and foreign entities does not serve us well. I will not stand by and allow this manipulation of our hearts and minds to destroy everything we hold precious.
I will not go along because it is easier.
Ted Kuntz | President of
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