Absurdity Observer – October 2022
Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks
- An Ottawa police officer accused of donating money to the Freedom Convoy has been charged with misconduct. Constable Kristina Neilson has been accused of acting in “a disorderly manner … bringing discredit upon the reputation of the Ottawa Police service” for donating to a fund where “the money was being raised for the illegal occupation known as the Freedom Convoy.”
- Ottawa police detective charged for seeking links between COVID vaccine and child deaths. Ottawa Police detective with the sexual assault and child abuse unit, Helen Grus, is facing a charge of Discreditable Conduct after investigating unexplained deaths of children with potential links to the Covid 19 vaccines.
- Saskatoon woman dies suddenly inside of a Shopper’s Drug Mart within minutes of receiving the new bivalent COVID-19 booster shot. A spokesperson from Saskatchewan Health announced that Carol Pearce died from “natural causes,” but the family disagrees. “I do not believe this was caused from natural causes,” Pearce’s daughter said. “My Mom had no health conditions. I believe had she not gotten that Covid shot then she would be here with us today!” Carol and her daughter were pro-vaccine, getting all of the required COVID-19 shots.
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- Health Canada approves Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for kids six months to four years old despite the company’s own data showing the vaccine increased the risk of COVID-19-related hospitalizations by 3 times. The vaccine also showed little to no efficacy after doses 1 and 2.
- COVID Vaccine destroys natural immunity, a large study published in The NEJM (Lin et al.) says. The study, conducted by public health researchers at the UNC and the North Carolina Department of HHS, found the efficacy of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in children age 5 to 11 was not only negative some 5 months after being vaccinated (meaning, the vaccinated are more likely to be infected) but that the vaccine also destroyed any protection a child had to COVID from naturally acquired immunity.
- City of Toronto ad campaign suggests kids must be vaccinated for Covid to enjoy a normal life. The manipulative campaign, aimed at parents and caregivers implied that children need Covid vaccines so they can get back to a normal life. One ad showed children being isolated from school and their friends because “there’s still something going around.”
- Study finds that today’s children are 30% less aerobically fit than their parents were at their age. Strangely, the study, published in Temperature (Morrison et al.) points to “climate change” and rising temperatures adversely affecting childhood obesity, as children spend less time exercising outdoors.
- Long-term scores for NAEP (“The Nation’s Report Card”) shows an unprecedented decline for kids in math and literacy. Two decades of growth for American students in reading and math were wiped out by just 2 years of plandemic-disrupted learning.
- Leaked Documents Reveal Serious Quality Issues in the mRNA Vaccines. Leaked emails from late 2020 revealed that European regulators had significant concerns over the lack of intact mRNA in the commercial batches sampled. Compared to the clinical batches (the shots used in the clinical trial,) 55% to 78% of the commercial shots had “a significant difference in % RNA integrity.” For an effective product, mRNA integrity needs to be 100%. Considering how ineffective the jabs are, it’s fair to question whether lack of mRNA integrity might be to blame.
- Study published in The Journal of Clinical Medicine (Fujio et al.) finds that vaccinated patients are rejecting cornea transplants at an exceptionally high rate. The study found that of all the patients experiencing corneal rejection, 95% of patients had a COVID vaccination within the last 3 weeks.
- Weeks after California announces a ban on the sale of gasoline cars in the name of climate change, California also tells its residents not to charge their electric cars to avoid “straining the grid.” Fuelling private jets and other activities and modes of transportation used by the elite are ok.
- FBI told Facebook, Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.” According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and several FBI whistleblowers, the FBI worked actively to deceive Facebook into censoring information about Hunter Biden and the 2020 election. In light of these allegations, the bureau responded, “the FBI routinely notifies U.S. private sector entities, including social media providers, of potential threat information, so that they can decide how to better defend against threats.”
- Chris Cox, the Chief Product Officer at Meta (Facebook) Platforms, testified at a Senate hearing that Meta held regular meetings with CDC, the HHS, and the World Health Organization to help shape their misinformation policies and censor user’s speech. A Freedom of Information Act Request by ICAN (the Informed Consent Action Network) found that the CDC even celebrated the removal of prominent anti-vaxers from social media platforms in group emails.
- The UK government introduces stringent anti-protest law where they can act on “noisy protests that have a significant impact on others” or disrupt an organization’s activities. This new law resulted in female protesters being arrested after the queen’s death. One for holding sign saying “abolish monarchy, Fuck imperialism”, another for holding a “not my king” sign, and another for yelling “you’re an old sick man” to Prince Charles.
- The World Economic Forum promotes brain implants to children. In a blog post posted to their website, The World Economic Forum (WEF) called on governments, health officials, and “humans” around the globe to consider their arguments for implanting chips in children’s brains, stating that they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent.
- New study published in Science Direct (Fraiman et al.) finds that the risk of serious adverse events from either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine greatly surpassed the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization relative to the placebo group. Meaning: the vaccine recipients’ risk of experiencing a serious vaccine injury was greater than the unvaccinated risk of being hospitalized for COVID (57% more likely for Moderna, 77% more likely for Pfizer).
- The average lifespan of Americans of all ethnicities has dropped nearly 3 years in the last 3 years, CDC study says. In 2019, the average American life expectancy was nearly 79 years. By the end of 2021, life expectancy had dropped to 76. Before the plandemic, global life expectancy was consistently getting higher by a few months every year.
- The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada is hiring “climate police” and building a new Climate Enforcement facility in Winnipeg. The Facility will be home to an armoury, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms,” and intelligence facilities. The Ministry is currently looking to recruit a battalion of Climate “Pollution” Officers, a unit within the coldly named “Environmental Enforcement Directorate.” The Impact Assessment Act, which was quietly passed in the final days of Trudeau’s majority government, grants sweeping power to Ministerial Climate Police, including the power to enter premises without a warrant to “verify compliance or prevent non-compliance with [the Act].”
- Mainstream media refuses to apologize for calling Ivermectin an ineffective horse paste. A study published in the medical journal Cureus (Kerr et al.), analyzed data from 223,128 people from Brazil and is the largest study of its kind. The peer-reviewed paper showed a 92% reduction in mortality in participants who took Ivermectin. Researchers wrote, “Non-use of Ivermectin was associated with a 12.5-fold increase in mortality rate and a seven-fold increased risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to the regular [prophylactic] use of Ivermectin. This dose-response efficacy reinforces the prophylactic effects of Ivermectin against COVID-19.”
- The FDA authorized Pfizer’s mRNA COVID bivalent boosters without any human testing. It was tested on a total of eight mice. The FDA did not allow members of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to meet, discuss or vote on the matter.
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