Public Health System


Absurdity Observer – May 2023

Published On: May 1, 2023Tags: , , , , , , ,

Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks

  • After months of denial, the FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is, in fact, found in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. This information comes from Pfizer Documents the FDA attempted to keep confidential and sealed for 75 years. The documents were ordered released by the US Federal Court after a group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA. The study, released by the FDA as “125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pd,” noted that Graphene Oxide is indeed used in the manufacturing process as it is the vital component needed to stabilize the vaccine’s lipid nanoparticles.

  • Canada gives Volkswagen over $13 billion. In the biggest corporate welfare payout in modern Canadian history, the federal government has pledged $13B in grants and subsidies for Volkswagen to build Canada’s Largest EV battery plant in St. Thomas, Ontario. The government claims that 3000 direct jobs and 30,000 indirect jobs will be created as a result.

  • CBC tweeted that they are “less than 70% government-funded” after social media giant, Twitter, labeled their account “government-funded media”. CBC reported a measly $1.24 billion dollars in government funding in its 2021-2022 annual report.

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  • France raises the age of retirement by 2 years, leading to hundreds of thousands of French citizens revolting in protest. Signs are showing that other countries are considering similar pension reforms.

  • According to the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA), the phrase “2+2=4” is a form of “covert white supremacy”. This comes from OMCA president Jason To who also serves as the coordinator of secondary mathematics at Toronto District School Board, the largest and most influential public education body in the country. To has publicly expressed a desire to transform kids into “Co-Conspirators” capable of fighting “White Supremacy” and “colonialism.”

  • A terminally-ill woman in Alberta has been denied a place on an organ transplant list because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19. As reported by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, Sheila Annette Lewis, who is terminally ill with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, has been denied the life-saving surgery even though she provided an independent medical report showing that she has natural immunity.

  • Despite the enormous amount of adverse effects associated with the vaccine, California bill AB659 aims to require public college students under 26 to receive the HPV vaccine in order to attend college. Besides the temporary requirement of COVID-19 vaccines, this would be the first time an adult would be required to take a vaccine in order to gain entry to a North American college.

  • A new facial biometrics payment system by Yahoo and e-payment firm PayPay makes its debut at a convenience store in Tokyo.

  • World’s first bee vaccine has been approved in the US to help tackle the problem of bees now being highly susceptible to the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae. A variety of chemical fungicides and pesticides being sprayed on crops have been discovered to be the trigger of the bee’s susceptibility, but instead of removing these toxic chemicals, why not make both the pesticide and the vaccine manufacturers rich, right?

  • Bud Light VP defends the brand’s decision in making trans influencer and feminization plastic surgery advocate, Dylan Mulvaney, a spokesperson for the brand by insulting their own customers. In an interview, VP of Marketing, Alissa Heinerscheid, stated that the brand is trying to pivot away from being “fratty” and “out of touch.”

  • Washington State’s senate passed a bill (SB5599) that gives the state the power to take children away from their parents if the parents do not consent to the child’s gender transition surgery.

  • It’s official: NIH did indeed fund “gain-of-function” coronavirus research at Wuhan Lab — officials no longer have plausible deniability. On April 26th, Judicial Watch announced it received 552 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through a FOIA request. The documents included the initial grant application and annual reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from EcoHealth Alliance, describing the aim of its work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to create mutant viruses “to better predict the capacity of our CoVs [coronaviruses] to infect people.”

  • The City of Toronto announces that as of April 1, 2023, “feeding wildlife will be prohibited across Toronto and on private properties” noting that “feeding wildlife can lead to public safety issues.” In addition, the city is also limiting the permitted number of guinea pig and rabbit ownership to four per household and is “allowing” dog owners 24 hours to remove dog waste from their personal property.

  • As reported by Dr William Makis, MD, on his substack, we’ve reached the milestone of 150 Canadian doctors jabbed and dead since COVID-19 vaccines first rolled out. Meanwhile, the Canadian Medical Association, which continues to push the toxic Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs on its own members and encourage the mandates for medical professionals, marked the occasion with a full-page Pfizer ad on the back cover of its April 2023 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

  • Oxfam erases “mother” and “father” in its new language guide. British charity Oxfam released its Inclusive Language Guide, which, among other things, discourages staff from using the words “mother” and “father” across websites, media, and other forms of content.

  • Members of the Ontario Legislative Assembly are pushing a bill titled “The Protecting 2SLGBTQI+ Communities Act” where “offensive remarks” would be prohibited within 100 meters of a drag show and could lead to a fine of up to $25,000 for “offenders”.

  • The US Department of Justice announced that the FBI have arrested two people on charges of operating a secret police station in New York City on behalf of China’s regime — not unlike the Chinese police stations that have operated across Canada, and still are in some cases.

  • Atlantic Council has announced that 114 countries, representing over 95 percent of global GDP, are now exploring a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). A new high of 60 countries are currently in an advanced phase of exploration (development, pilot, or launch) and 11 countries have fully launched a digital currency.

  • Two-thirds of occupations across America could be partially automated by artificial intelligence, Goldman Sachs economists have warned. In a report published on April 5, economists Joseph Briggs and Devesh Kodnani said that a new wave of AI systems, such as ChatGPT, could have a “major impact” on employment markets across the globe, while advances in such technology could trigger shifts in workflows that could “expose the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs to automation” across 900+ different occupations.

  • Home improvement products retailer Lowe’s has introduced surveillance robots that monitor license plates, mobile devices, to detect repeat offenders. The 5-foot-tall, 400 pound, eggshaped robots, that go by the name “K5”, have been released in a handful of stores throughout North America.

  • If you use the terms “red-pilled,” “based,” “looksmaxxing,” and even names like “Chad” and “Stacey,” you may be a violent extremist, according to the FBI. As revealed in documents obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, the FBI has a secret list of flagged terms that it uses internally to indicate an individual’s involvement in “violent extremism.”