Absurdity Observer – June 2022
Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks
- Billionaires added $5 trillion to their fortunes during the pandemic, according to Oxfam, exacerbating economic inequality as the pandemic pushed millions of people around the world into poverty. Oxfam says in a new report that the total wealth of billionaires jumped from $8.6 trillion in March 2020 to $13.8 trillion in November 2021, a bigger increase than in the previous 14 years combined. The world’s richest 10 men saw their collective wealth more than double, shooting up by $1.3 billion a day. Currently, the world’s 10 richest men own more wealth than the bottom 40% of humanity, or 3.1 billion people.
- Ontario Public Health’s data (covid-19.ontario.ca/data#casesByVaccinationStatus) shows an alarming trend of the “triple-vaccinated” getting COVID-19 at rates of more than double that of both the “fully vaccinated” and the “not fully vaccinated.” Additionally, the “fully vaccinated” are experiencing nearly identical case rates (per 100k with the same vaccination status) compared to the “not-fully vaccinated.”
- Tim Hortons Camps are requiring children, with a 99.9% survival rate from COVID-19, to get vaccinated in order to attend their camp.
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- While the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario (CPSO) suspends the licenses of ethical doctors prescribing safe, approved, Nobel-prize winning off-label medications like Ivermectin, a Toronto doctor, Dr. Sun, is being praised for injecting over 500 children between the ages of 6 months to 5 years with the unapproved mRNA shots. While Health Canada has not approved the shots for kids under 5, he is praised for putting “his neck on the line” for these children according to the Toronto Star. The CPSO interviewed him about his actions but dismissed any concerns.
- The Trudeau government has announced they are working with airlines to consider requiring “digital identity documents” and biometric data like facial recognition for pre-aircraft boarding requirements.
- A factory in Kingston, Ontario (Canada Royal Milk) received $225 million in taxpayer money and is sending all of the baby formula it produces to China while Canadian parents struggle to find it.
- Last year, Bill Gates funded a tabletop exercise at the NTI-Munich Security Conference in which a Monkeypox virus pandemic started on May 15, 2022. In a strange coincidence eerily similar to the infamous “Event 201” simulation (which appeared to predict the Covid-19 pandemic), the Monkeypox simulation appears to be going live.
- On May 20, Belgium became the first country to introduce 21-day mandatory quarantine for monkeypox patients. A few days later, the province of Quebec started vaccinating for moneypox…. I mean monkeypox.
- All 16 runners who collapsed and a 32-year-old runner who died “after suffering from possible cardiac arrest” at a Brooklyn half marathon said they were vaccinated. The sixteen vaccinated people who collapsed during the race were taken to hospital, according to the FDNY. Five suffered serious conditions. They blamed the death on the heat, despite it only being 70°F when the race ended at 9am.
- Unsettling footage has emerged from China where all the young children entering an elementary school in Shanghai can be seen in full head-to-toe Personal Protective Equipment. Shanghai’s 26 million residents have been coping with a Covid-induced lockdown for over five weeks.
- In a bizarre recommendation, Shanghai University is asking its students to appear for swimming tests “online.” Shanghai University cited the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown as the reason to conduct the “virtual swimming test.” The institution asked students who had yet to complete their 50-metre swimming test before graduating to do so from home, leading Chinese students to post videos of themselves diving into their beds wearing swimming goggles and a swim cap.
- Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla introduced ingestible “microchip pills” to Davos crowd — a pill with a tiny microchip that sends a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. “Imagine the compliance” he disturbingly said.
- Yet another study concludes masks to be ineffective. Study titled “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe” (Spira) finds “… the lack of negative correlation between mask usage and COVID-19 cases and deaths suggest that the widespread use of masks… was not able to reduce COVID-19 transmission. Moreover, the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences.”
- After viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle exposed vital flaws, there are calls to retract an article published in the CMAJ that encouraged vaccinated people to stay away from the unvaxxed. Among many, MANY other issues, a major issue was that the mathematical model used wrongly assumed (with absolutely no research to support their assumption) the percentage of the population that had naturally acquired immunity was only 20%. When the more correct number, 80%, was plugged into the mathematical formula, the study’s results were reversed, showing that being with unvaccinated people actually decreases COVID-19 risk for those who are vaccinated.
- Polio is making a comeback …but not the natural kind. Vaccine-derived polio (a form of polio caused by the polio vaccine) is on the rise and a new vaccine aims to stop the spread. The new vaccine, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization last year and aims to achieve full approval in the coming weeks.
- Stunning inaction from Uvalde cops during a school shooting was caught on camera in a now viral video. The cops reportedly waited outside the school for 45 minutes (while the shooter was active) until a specialist tactical unit arrived. During that time, parents begged the police to enter and police were caught on camera preventing parents of children from entering, even tackling some parents to the ground and handcuffing them.
- The new Digital Services Act gives the EU power to fine big tech a percentage of their yearly revenue (up to billions of dollars) in a crackdown on “hate” speech, disinformation, and harmful content. It will force companies including Facebook, Google, and Amazon to police themselves harder and make it easier for users to flag content. The new EU rule would also require chat apps (like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger) to scan private messages for child abuse.
- The WHO is building a global vaccine passport. The World Health Organization (WHO) has contracted German-based Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems to develop a global vaccine passport system, with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID.
- FDA limits use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine to those who are unable to receive other Covid vaccines due to blood clot risk.
- Preprint study titled “Inhaled CO2 concentration while wearing face masks” (Martellucci et al.) finds that CO2 concentration found in the inhaled air was above the EUs acceptable limit 40% of the time while wearing surgical masks and 99% of the time while wearing FFP2 respirators (i.e. European N95-type-mask).
- Taiwan abandons its “zero COVID strategy” after experiencing record numbers of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, despite Taiwan being 80.3% fully vaccinated, and 65% boosted.
- COVID vaccines may impair long-term immunity to the virus. MRNA vaccines against the coronavirus may impair the body’s ability to produce a key type of antibody, thus potentially limiting the immune system’s defenses against mutated strains of the virus, new study (Follmann et al.) suggests.
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