

Image by Ben Garrison,

Absurdity Observer – January 2022

Published On: January 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

A List Of Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks

  • No Vaccination, no sports. While young vaccinated athletes are suddenly dropping dead in record numbers, the Toronto District School Board is now banning unvaccinated children as young as 12 from playing sports. 
  • Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Theresa Tam announces that the government plans to vaccinate babies and toddlers sometime this year.
  • A hospital in the US has apologized for covering the heads of COVID-19 patients with plastic bags during transport. A few weeks ago, a photo surfaced on Facebook of a young woman in an emergency room in Odessa, Texas with a plastic bag over her head because she tested positive for COVID-19 and hospital staff did not want her spreading the virus. Following the viral photo, other similar horrific stories came out about this hospital’s dehumanizing practice.

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  • World record holder in breath-holding, Florian Dagoury, (who held his breath for an astonishing 10 minutes and 30 seconds) has lost his ability to hold his breath and lower his heart rate after receiving the COVID vaccine. Dagoury was diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis after taking the 2nd shot. Both recognized adverse effects linked to the shots increased heart rate and a reduction in his breath-holding capacity.
  • Toronto Health Services announces unvaccinated people are not eligible to receive organ transplants.
  • Newly released documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets to promote his global agenda, with $250 million (till the report ended in June) going to BBC, NBC, the Financial Times, and The Atlantic, the New York Times.
  • Value of 8 top Pfizer exes go up 10 billion dollars after the announcement of Omicron.
  • Pfizer is now testing 3-shot vaccines in 2 to 5-year-olds after 2 shot vaccines proved to be ineffective in trials.
  • Danish study (Hansen at al.) shows that after 3 months post 2nd vaccination, the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer & Moderna against Omicron is actually negative. Pfizer customers are 76.5% more likely, and Moderna customers are 39.3% more likely, to be infected than unvaxxed people.
  • New study from the Netherlands (Andeweg et al.) found that, between March and August 2021, vaccinated individuals were more likely to test positive for a variant than for the original strain of COVID (Alpha / B.1.1.7). In contrast, those with infection-induced immunity showed no increased risk of testing positive for a variant.
  • New study published in Nutrients (Borsche et al.), finds that having low vitamin D3 levels correlate strongly with severe SARS-CoV-2. The paper stated: “Regression suggested a theoretical point of zero mortality at approximately 50 by/ml D3…. We recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/ml to prevent or mitigate net outbreaks due to mutations or decreasing antibody activity.” Meaning, COVID death could be reduced dramatically -even to zero- by raising vitamin D3 levels (a vitamin most people in the western world are deficient in).
  • New study published in Circulation on Nov 8th titled “MRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning” finds that vaccinated individuals are showing an increase in multiple protein biomarkers associated with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The long-term study, that began 6 years prior to COVID, measured biomarkers in patients every 3-6 months and saw what researchers called “dramatic changes” in patients after their second mRNA shot. They found that the estimated risk of a patient experiencing a cardiac event post vaccination dramatically shot up 2.3 times compared to their pre-vaccination risk a few weeks prior. At the time the study concluded, the changes appeared to be persistent.
  • Public Health Ontario reported that as of August 7th (10 weeks following vaccine eligibility being expanded to youth ages 12 and up) there were more than 100 cases of youth going to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems. 
  • A pandemic of the vaccinated is here. As of late December, 76% of Ontario’s active cases are in the fully vaccinated (4.5x more cases than in the unvaccinated). Additionally, the rate of COVID is also highest in the vaccinated population when expressed as a ‘percentage per vaccinated population’ vs ‘percentage per unvaccinated.’ Down in the US, the CDC is reporting similar findings –with 79% Omicron cases being in fully vaccinated people, and a 33% of them had received a booster.
  • The US economy contracted 19.2% since the end of 2019 / beginning of COVID. Meanwhile, the US leads the world in COVID cases and deaths by wide margins, both cases being more than 20% of global total, and deaths making up about 20% of global total.
  • Ontario physician Dr. Patrick Brian Phillips, MD, is under investigation, and has had his practice restricted, by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for the crime of advocating for patient safety and for reporting serious adverse events to Health Canada. “I was seeing patients with stroke… massive heart attack within days of the vaccine… in people with no other health conditions.” “When I reported those… all of my adverse event reports were rejected.” “My Public Health officer actually took my reports and reported me to the CPSO, and so, I’m actually under investigation by the College of Physicians for reporting adverse events.”
  • BMJ editors call out Facebook fact checking as “inaccurate, incompetent & irresponsible.” Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the prestigious academic medical journal BMJ, and incoming editor in chief, Kamran Abbasi, published an open letter to Zuckerberg over Facebook’s misleading factchecking of a BMJ story published November 2, 2021. The BMJ article Facebook shadow banned and labeled as “partly false” was an externally peer-reviewed article that raised serious questions about Pfizer’s data integrity and regulatory oversight at one of its main US contracted Covid-19 vaccine trial research sites. A whistleblower for the company had even advised the FDA of the highly questionable practices, but was ignored and fired. Shortly after the open letter was published, in response to an unrelated case, Facebook admitted in court that their fact checks are just “opinion.” 
  • A well-structured German study (Sorg et al.) shows no deaths among healthy German kids aged 5-11. The study also found that kids aged 5-11 have a 2 in 100,000 chance of going to ICU while (perhaps coincidentally) testing positive for COVID.
  • “Biggest cancer catastrophe ever” hits NHS as up to 740,000 potential cancer cases were missed in the UK since the first lockdown according to a concerning report by the National Audit Office.
  • Despite a pandemic budget totaling $51 billion and promising Ontarian’s 500 new surge beds this year, Ontario has instead lost 1000 ICU beds since the start of data collection during the pandemic (May 1st, 2020). Ontario also recently terminated 10,000 unvaccinated healthcare workers.
  • The FDA is being sued by Public Health & Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), because the FDA is asking a federal judge to grant it 75 years (until 2096) to fully release the data Pfizer provided. Meanwhile, it only took the FDA 108 days to review and approve Pfizer’s vaccine data for emergency use authorization.
  • COVID restrictions are blamed for a 23% dive in young children’s development. A disturbing study by Brown University shows scores in three key cognitive tests slumped 23% between 2018 and 2021. The study also found similar dips in regards to developing children’s ability to communicate, both verbally and through subtle facial cues.
  • Austria and Greece to start fining the unvaccinated despite COVID cases reaching the highest point of all time after widespread vaccination. As of Jan 16, Greeks 60+ will be fined €100 per month and as of February 1, Austrians 14+ will be paying up to €3,600 every 3 months.