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Absurdity Observer – February 2023

Published On: February 1, 2023Tags: , , , , ,

Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks

  • Canada Girl Guides drops ‘Brownies’ name after it’s deemed racially offensive. According to their CEO, The Girl Guides of Canada has renamed the “Brownies” branch to “Embers” to prevent the “harm” it might inflict on some minority members.
  • Moderna clinical trial COVID vaccine participant, Olivia Teseniar, revealed on The Highwire a shocking fact about the Moderna trials: her serious vaccine injury was never reported to the FDA and did not appear in the pages of their study. Teseniar developed a painful, swollen shoulder shortly after receiving the 2nd shot with swollen lymph nodes in her injected arm. She was later diagnosed with Lymphoma followed by Leukaemia. Moderna failed to cover the costs of her treatments and failed to mention her injury in their report to the FDA when applying for Emergency Use Authorization. Equally as concerning, the doctor who submitted a report of her injury to VAERS (the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) later found that there was no report under her report number and VAERS has not responded as to why her report is no longer in the system.
  • Mucosal COVID-19 vaccines (mouth and nose sprays) have arrived in Canada. Officials are claiming this vaccine prevents transmission since, unlike mRNA injections, it claims to stimulate immunity in the respiratory tract.

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  • FOIA request finds that The American Dietetics Association’s Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics accepted over $300,000 in 2015 from baby formula producer Abbott Nutrition as part of a deal where the Academy influences dieticians and pediatricians to push its Pediasure infant formula. The academy also owned Abbott stock at the time of the deal. A similar deal was made with Kraft, where Kraft Singles cheese was given the academy’s “Kid’s Eat Healthy” seal of approval. The findings are a part of a recently published peer-reviewed study that examined a trove of financial documents and internal communications obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Documents also revealed that the academy received at least $15 million from corporate contributors from 2011-2017, and an additional $4.5 million more went to the academy’s foundation. Some of the highest contributions came from Nestle, PepsiCo, Hershey, and Kellogg’s. This is not the first study to reveal how corrupt the dietary world is. Last year, a study by Cambridge University titled Conflicts of interest for members of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (Mialon et al.) found that 95% of the committee members had conflicts of interest with food and/or pharmaceutical companies.
  • The Government of Canada website just announced that, since February 2022, Canada has given over $1 billion in military assistance to Ukraine.
  • Facebook and Instagram will now be allowing female users to show their bare breasts on the platforms — but only those who identify as trans women and non-binary, according to Meta’s advisory board. The board ordered Facebook and Instagram to lift a ban on images of breasts for anyone who identifies as transgender, or as non-binary — meaning they view themselves as neither male nor female.
  • BMJ study on new heart medication Evolocumab (Repatha) finds that the group that was taking the drug had double the number of deaths due to cardiac failure compared to those in the placebo group (31 vs 16 deaths). As previously reported by The New York Times, the FDA approved the drug before any clinical data results were in.
  • The FDA eliminates its requirement to use animal testing in drug trials to allow for speedier and more cost-effective drug development. The US Congress called the act that allows humans to be the first living beings to take an experimental drug, The FDA Modernization Act 2.0.
  • The Ontario College of Psychologists has proposed disciplinary action for Professor Jordan Peterson due to his “unprofessional” social media posts. The college is requiring Peterson to take a coaching plan that will cost him up to $225 per hour.
  • In what’s now being called the Facebook Files, a set of confidential emails that emerged thanks to a court case (Missouri v. Biden Administration) show that Facebook representatives and the CDC not only kept in touch at all times but the CDC also instructed the social network behemoth on what stories to mark as harmful misinformation and fact-check.
  • LeadStories, a so-called “fact-checking” website funded by Facebook and Google, “fact-checked” Druthers’ November front page story titled “80 Canadian Doctors Vaxxed and Dead” claiming it’s not true because not only have no doctors died from the vax, but no one in Canada has ever died from the COVID-19 vaccine. Since Dr. Makis’ research on the 80 dead doctors was published, The Canadian Medical Association has removed the vast majority of its reported obituary deaths from its memorial page. The removed pages are still available to view on The Wayback Machine.
  • Canada to spend the first $1.2 million of $31 million of taxpayer’s money to fight online “misinformation.” The Department of Canadian Heritage announced the support of 16 projects, justifying the spending because, as they put it, the “increase in harmful content online, including misinformation and disinformation, is a threat to freedom of expression and democratic values.” The $1.2 is part of the money earmarked for the Digital Citizen Contribution Program and a drop in the bucket as far as their funding goes. In total, it will be given $31 million over the next four years.
  • The College of Physicians of Ontario suspends the license of Dr. Chris Shoemaker for making public statements against the government policy regarding vaccination in Canada. The physician with 45 years of practice claims “No individual citizen of Ontario has placed a complaint against my activities and functionalities as a doctor.” Meanwhile, in Alberta, the province is now offering to “fast-track” international doctors (who will be instructed to follow the mRNA narrative) to help with the doctor shortage.
  • Australia’s most recent COVID data shows that 100% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients have received at least 1 dose of the vaccine with the overwhelming majority having received 4 doses. Just like what happened to Canadian COVID data, days after the document went viral on social media, the Australian government announced, “Vaccination status of cases admitted to hospital, admitted to ICU, and those who die will no longer be reported.” This final data report can be viewed at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/weekly-covid-overview-20221231.pdf
  • Despite months of Dutch farmers protesting policies that negatively impact the food supply of hundreds of millions of people throughout Europe, the Dutch government announced a plan to buy and close down up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU nature preservation rules and cut down on nitrogen pollution.
  • A new preprint study titled “Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine” by Shrestha et al. finds that a person’s risk of COVID-19 increases with the number of vaccine doses previously received.
  • The UK just experienced one of the worst years of excess deaths in 50 years, but the Chief Medical Officer for England doesn’t see it as being vaccine-related. Instead, he believes the excess deaths are caused by a lack of expensive prescription medication and other pharmaceuticals. In the report “Technical Report on the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK,” he explained his bizarre thoughts: “There is little doubt that delays in presentation, reductions in secondary prevention (such as statins and antihypertensives), postponement of elective and semi-elective care and screening will have led to later and more severe presentation of non-COVID illness both during and after the first 3 waves. The combined effect of this will likely lead to a prolonged period of non-COVID excess mortality and morbidity after the worst period of the pandemic is over.” According to Open Prescribing, which is based on monthly NHS prescribing data, statin prescribing has increased since the pandemic.